Simo - The Red Shoe Diaries (Part 1)

Good first half Aus 1 - Den 1. Good goal by Denmark and then they were a little unlucky (or Aussie a bit lucky) to give away a penalty for handball. Denmark deff look the better side but anything could happen in the second half.

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Don’t jinx it lol

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For maybe 20 minutes. You guys played well.

Those squats look interesting.

Overall probably a fair result, Denmark deff better for the first 20 mins and then Aus were better in the second half. Now we both need a result in the last match and see to see who qualifies.

Not sure if that is a good or a bad thing. But glad you liked them !!!

Woke up this morning and back is not very happy at all. Didn’t feel anything wrong yesterday so hoping I just slept funny. Sitting down is not fun today :frowning:


No need to panic yet Duke, I am starting to realise that part of being 40something is that every day a different part of the body is sore. My way to combat this is to just ignore it and get on with life!! (I’m not that smart) lol


Yep. I’m only 33 and I have those days. A couple weeks back when I thought I strained/injured my back, my left hip flexor started to hurt in the following days. My right patellar tendon also started to scream at me for no reason. It makes no sense. Some days things just hurt.


Well it looks like ignoring my sore back has done the trick. No stiffness today and even my angry shoulder / collar bone is feeling ok. What a difference a day makes !!


Shit sure changes as ya.get older hey, it’s good the backs feeling better mate. That’s something you don’t want to mess with and carry for longer than you have to.

Yer I am hearing you there. Got up and went to Auskick with my daughter this morning and had a good run around and a few kicks and no discomfort at all. Interestingly I also have little to no DOMS after Thursdays session even with the second squats of the week. Feeling good about the the next 10 weeks. Slowly slowly the KG are going up.




It was my second daughters 7th birthday today so we went out for dinner. Went to a local BBQ restaurant and filled up on pork. I had their special of the month which is a pork belly, with pulled pork, bacon and cheese burger. It weights about 1kg and was very yummy. Finished it and then polished off some bacon wrapped meatballs and some BBQ chicken. Topped it all off with a really good coffee milkshake. I think I blew my macros into space today !!


Eating over 1KG of meat requires a serious bathroom effort the next day. Wife will be very glad I did that at work!!


Monday 25th June Micro 1 week 2

Squat and bench

Bar x 12
65 x 8
90 x 8 x 3 sets
RPE 6, 7, 7
Kept rest a bit shorter, around 2 mins. Felt ok tonight still need to sort out my head position. Legs had plenty of power though.

Tempo Bench (3sec decent, 2 sec paused) - band pull aparts between sets
Bar x 10
65 x 5 slight pause
70 x 4 x 4 sets (tempo)
RPE 7, 7, 8, 8
These were harder than I thought they would be!! Coming down with a smooth slow tempo was tricky, as I was counting the 3 secs I tended to lower the bar in 3 steps!! The 2 second pause just touching the chest but not resting on it really make you stay tight. Got it by the end and really feel like it made me drive with my legs. Pecs on fire !!

Bent row
80 x max (leave 2 in the tank) x 3 sets
12, 10, 8

Barbel glute thrust
55 X 8 x 3 sets
RPE 7, 7, 7
Never done these before, probably could have gone a little heavier but form was sketchy as first time doing them.

Good solid session tonight #lovethegrind


Its a good thing, they look tough!

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They deff aren’t easy. The weight wasn’t too bad last week but as it increases I am sure it will be hell. Lol

What kind of program are you in at the moment?