Routine Eval Bloodwork, Low Free T. Typical Low T Symptoms. 23yo


The thyroid panel was in my test profile, i was momentarily freaked out by my TSH values, i realised soon after, that the IR will inflate TSH values beyond reasonably.

Why do you think E2=33 is very high and what do you think is causing it?

This is kind of off topic, but i read your thread on SERM and E2 issues. I was evaluating whether a SERM monotherapy would make sense to give a try before jumping on life long TRT. So, in that i found interesting the effects of SERMs on SHBG due to the E2 issues that you mentioned. Do you think effect of a high dose SERM(50mg Clomid) for 4-6 weeks could increase SHBG even further? Are the E2 and subsequent SHBG elevation transient and revert to normal after cessation of use, or could they be permanent. I have been interested in learning about AAS use and PCT for a long time, i often see people taking in high doses of Clomid AND Tamox for 6-7 weeks without AI and turn out okay? Why is this? Wouldn’t we be seeing more AAS users with similar blood work as mine after PCT? Could this use of SERM permanently raise your SHBG levels? If not, how long could it take for it do go down to normal? I would like to share this info with my AAS using friends.

Even though i was not expecting a SERM alone to resolve my issue, i thought i could give it a try, however with my SHBG level, could that permanently elevate

Also, is there anything else that i should have a look at to know the cause of high SHBG? like Pituitary gland ? Do i have any hope of solving this without TRT? I need your opinion once again to come to grips with TRT and start accepting my fate.

I also posted in another thread about another user not being able treat symptoms on TRT, Do you think it could apply to me, worried about totally shutting myself down and not even benefit from TRT. He was looking at links between GH and high SHBG. What do you think of that, do you think i should look more closely at GH status?

Sorry for a plethora of questions, but i am still new to this figuring out what to do.


I think you might have missed my posts, kindly share your knowledge on the questions when you have time.


Iodine has seemingly worsened my thyroid function. I was at 97.5 F at waking up when you said i needed IR. I have been feeling more anxious on and after Iodine. My temperatures have also dropped from 97.5 to 97.1-97.3 upon waking up whereas i was at 98.5-98.6 at 5pm consistently, i now fail to hit 98.4-98.5.

What is going on?

There are no easy answers.
But there are some technical possibilities if you are not getting selenium in your vitamins.

Are you feeling better?worse?unknown

I wasn’t using selenium when Iodine loading. I am using now 200-400 mcg daily. Should i increase it?

I am feeling very anxious lately, probably not related to Thyroid issues but mental anxiety with all this going on with my hormones.

Some times an adjustment for the good might be unsettling when the brain needs to accommodate. You don’t need more selenium. It is important for enzyme reactions that prevent toxic effects that can occur when that enzyme pathway is selenium deficient. Resulting inflammation can lead to thyroid autoimmune disease when the immune system misinterprets the inflammatory debris.

I don’t really understand. So what should i do? Am i fine?

Steer the right course and give things more time to settle. It appears that things might just be more difficult for you. Try to optimize your hormones and that is probably a better state than before. You may have some issues that are beyond hormones.

What do you mean by problems beyond hormones? If you say that due to the tone I used for asking about selenium sounded like I was panicking, that was me just accessing the forum from work in a hurry.

I haven’t feel significantly colder or in general, worse. My temperatures gave a different reading so I asked. I’m continuing supplementing selenium at 200mcg.

My anxiety has been up though since past week, I attribute that to going from completely healthy to anxious over the thought of lifetime of pinning myself and the healthcare costs which will be out of pocket. I’m hopeful TRT will be have me recovered. I don’t have any history of depression or anxiety.

I am suggesting that there are issues that hormone optimization may not solve.

Your stress and anxiety may stressing your adrenals and what I have written about stress and adrenal fatigue in the thyroid basics.

Interesting. My cortisol has been strong at 8am twice, that suggested to me that deeper adrenal problems are not present. Although a brief look at signs of adrenal fatigue, some of them match but then again it applies to a lot of people (90% or more) my age with the modern lifestyle. Thyroid didn’t look too bad fT3 ft4 are okay, temptatures was okay before so will continue to monitor with some gaps.

I’ve felt not too bad to suggest deep rooted problems but guess I’ll know after TRT and how i feel. I normally have avoided overtraining, diet has been moderate, sleep has been good , been away from continuous stress and unknowingly felt it was normal to feel lack of energy which suggests lack of numerous problems.


Body tempratures are decreasing somewhat, don’t feel cold though.

My TSH was good initially and so were temperatures. Could iodine decrease thyroid function even if I don’t have any family history of autoimmune disorders? As I said I wasn’t supplementing selenium with high dose iodine which I took for about 10 days. Worried about having broken something that was not broken.

Hard to say or know.

How is that going? I do not know, but wonder if anxiety might increase cortisol. Are you calm and relaxed when going for lab work?