Rebirth of the Juggernaut: Brute Force and Ignorance (Part 1)

Might have to steal switching between power cleans and log cleans, that’s a great idea!

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Steal away dude! I am chock full of ideas. Many often not good… speaking of!

While driving, I think I came up with my next training plan skeleton. Wanted to get it done before I forgot.

5s pro w/widomaker FSL. Occasionally PR sets for main work.

No bench 5/3/1. Supplemental or assistance only. Means it goes press-squat-press-dead, repeat

Rotate new implement each workout. Eg: axle for press on 5s week, log on 3s, trap bar on 1s.

Meeting in the middle of 5/3/1 and DC. Can make it 3 or 4 days of lifting. Can backfill assistance as needed. Planning on lots of DB incline work for pressing, belt squats and reverse hypers for lower. Wanna get lunges back in too.

I think this will carry me to the comp. From there, can replan.



48 minute weighted vest walk w/80lb vest

Notes: Thermometer said it was 107 out today, and it seemed like the perfect opportunity to experience some misery. Sun got blocked by some clouds, which sucked, but still got pretty toasty. My left knee is swollen like a grapefruit, which hasn’t happened since 2017 and leads me to believe we have a NASTY storm coming.

Met the wife for lunch at her work today and her boss commented that I must be getting ready for a comp because I look huge compared to the last time she saw me. Always good signs in a gaining phase.



Fasted 100kb swings w/40kg KB

AM WORKOUT (0505 wake up via dog, 0650 workout)

25 chins

Axle bench press 256

Close grip axle bench 226

(3) Incline DB bench 100s
1x7+2 rest pause+burn out set of dip

1xF+burnout set of push ups

Push ups
1xF+slingshot set+catapult set

SUPERSET (no rest) hyper-abs

Reverse hyper 230

Standing ab wheel

Notes: 2:20 between sets of benching, 2:00 between sets of bodyweight stuff. Was feeling a little off today, and had some issues on the second set of close grip where I set up weird and my plates kept bouncing off the plates on the plate holders. Gotta get in more nutrition as I close out the program.

Came up with my strategy for the deadlift day coming up: I’m going to open up with 7x12, and then use the 8th set for my set of 16, rather than opening big and trying to close. Will be judicious with rest periods, and absolutely willing to use dead stops as needed.

Gonna get in some keg carries later.



Bearhug Keg carries
10 rounds w/25lb plate in keg
6 rounds empty power keg
After odd rounds: 6 alternating KB snatches w/45lb bell
After even rounds: 10 KB swings w/40kg bell

Notes: No time. My phone overheated and shut off the timer. Testament to how warm it was out there. This was BRUTAL. Definitely pushed into the red. Remembered some things that worked before: lapping the keg after the initial pick to get a better grip, getting it sunk in deep into my torso, carrying it up high on my body, etc. It’s what all the practice is good for: remembering these things.

I really think this COVID training has unlocked something new in me. It’s been great to bring back this strongman stuff, but it’s not “bringing back”; it’s bringing FORWARD. Whereas before I’d do 4-6 rounds of carries and call it good, I’ve found a way to combine it with more of the WOD-y stuff I’ve been doing, get more explosive stuff into it, bring Deep Water things to the table, etc etc. It’s all forming into it’s own entity. It’s been a pretty awesome process to watch unfold.

More future programming spitballing: I’m thinking with 2 pressing days a week I can have one day where the emphasis is on clean once and press away and the other is clean each rep. More opportunities for variety that way too. Assistance is going to be primarily DC-eseque stuff. Rest pausing and intensity modifiers.



AM WORKOUT (0255 wake up via thunderstorm)

Tower of Babel (235lb front squat, 5 six count burpees between sets)

Time: 27:58

Transition immediately to EMOM daily work w/4 KB swings w/40kg bell buy-in for each round

12 rounds

Belt squat stripset (no rest/no lockout)
Various reps of 4-5 for 125,100,75,50,25,axle

Notes: Holy cow what a nutkick of a workout. I’m thinking ToB is more challenging than Juarez Valley, but it’s tough to say because it’s simply a LONGER workout. However, one of the reasons I’m led to believe it’s harder is the fact I actually have to rest BETWEEN BURPEES on the damn workout. With JV, the burpees ARE the rest, but once I hit about the 6 rep point for front squats I’m just hurting the whole time. We had thunderstorms this morning and I could hear the rain dumping, but inside my garage I was pouring enough sweat to make it look like the roof was leaking. My whole body was turning a lovely tomato red as well.

For those playing the “at home game”, I’ll say that I DO appreciate TOB for these super early morning wake ups because the first few rounds serve as a “warm up”. Jumping straight into the topset of JV always sucked first thing and, in turn, I’d have to limit myself, whereas today I actually went 10lbs heavier than last time. Good to have multiple tools in the toolbox.

The daily work EMOM is a nice finishing touch to keep the heart rate up and get in my work on these days that I work 12s. Hard to grip the bars for chins when my hands were pouring sweat.

Tomorrow, I have to ensure to keep my body unloaded, as the next day will be the deadlift day. I’m excited for the gameplan I came up with: suddenly it seems very surmountable. Get in the 12s, accumulate fatigue, let it dissipate with a long rest period and then blow my brains out on the hardest set of my life. Pretty standard for me really.

Just a comical aside, but yesterday, during my keg carries, my neighbor across the street informed me “You just gave me a hernia!” I would have said something witty, if my lungs were not competing with my soul to escape my body.


AM WORKOUT (0300 wake up via alarm)

BURPESS FOR THE MENTALLY DERANGED + (From Tactical Barbell 2 challenges)

10 minutes of burpees (112 total)
3 minute rest
10 minutes of burpees (121 total)
3 minute rest
5 minutes of burpees (65 total)
3 minute rest

15 minute circuit
First 10 rounds: 5 chins-2 standing ab wheel-5 dips-4 BW reverse hypers
Next 3 rounds: 5 chins-5 dips-5 push ups

Tabata rounds on the BAS

Notes:Proof you can be insane AND disciplined at the same time: the rule was NO external loading today because I have deadlifts tomorrow, so I went looking for something crazy and found it in Tatical Barbell 2. It’s negative split burpees, but you don’t hold back on the first round. 112 in 10 minutes is slow for me, but given these are first thing in the morning at 0-dark-stupid I wasn’t holding back. I gave it my all: it just wasn’t much. Took 3 minutes and then, having a goal to crush, got after it. Kinda similar to why I don’t like AMRAPS or “As Many Rounds As Possible” workouts: I’m a “rise to the challenge” kind of guy. You tell me to just do as much as I can, I’ll inevitably dog it. You tell me to do 100 as FAST as I can, and it’s on.

The original challenge is just the 2 sets of burpees, but honestly, I’m so “burpee conditioned” that I felt the need to push a little deeper, so I rested for 3 and then made it my goal to beat half as many reps in half as much time. THAT got me the training effect I was looking for. Were deadlifts not looming I MAY have kept up the craziness, but I accomplished the mission of the morning of getting in a workout.

After that, made the dailywork into a circuit. I cut out the core work once I hit required reps to, once again, spare myself for deadlifts. I like adding push ups into the circuit because of the getting down and getting back up element of it. Something Dan John wrote about. I then thought “Hey, I should get down and up for EVERY rep”, and then realize that those are called burpees…

Polished off with the BAS. I really need to play with that more, but lifting just calls to me more these days.

Gonna map out my program later today. Working another 12, so lots of free time.


Aha! I like this one—gonna have to steal that and give it a try at some point.

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Absolutely dude! Much like the Xeno squats: always liked the idea of keeping up traveling half distances.


The alternate reality similarities continue. Hearing this is like looking in a mirror for me.


@kdjohn It’s becoming uncanny, haha. If we ever meet, let’s NOT high five just in case it turns out Timecop rules apply.

Alright chums let’s do this.

I start the final week of Deep Water tomorrow with a monstrous deadlift workout and then it’s the beginning of the end. Here is the plan moving forward (plan always subject to change):

Structure: 2 press days, 1 deadlift day, 1 squat day


  • 5/3/1 5s pro Axle
  • FSL widowmaker: rotating implements weekly (axle, log and trap bar are ranking high right now, with trap bar possibly getting rotated out for keg or maybe I’ll spring for a viking press handle)
  • Clean once and press away on this day, strict
  • Assistance: DC-esque rest pause DB incline benching with other intensity modifiers ala dropsets thrown in. Most likely kitchen sink it. Chins, rows, pull aparts, lateral raises and Poundstone curls worked out between this and the other press day.


  • 5/3/1 5s pro squat with buffalo bar
  • FSL WM rotating bars (buffalo, SSB and axle)
  • Assistance of belt squats, lunges, reverse hyper, possibly box jumps


  • 5s pro deadlift w/Deadlift Bar
  • FSL WM rotating implements (TDB, Power Bar or axle OR low handle trap bar, high handle trap bar)
  • Assistance work shrugs, possibly some stone shouldering, reverse hyper


  • Repeat of day 1 BUT push presses for main and supplemental, clean each rep
  • Whatever assistance work missed gets covered here


  • Going to stick with JV or ToB until it proves non-viable. No widowmaker or front squat chaser.


  • Focus on bearhug keg carry. Going to keep improving that as my means of impoving huss carry.
  • Will allow for whatever other conditioning I feel the need for as I progress.

I think this will answer the mail. 5s pro is good for me to keep heavier weight in my hands and sticking with 1 implement there will keep me proficient, while rotating the WM is where the money is going to get made. Daily work is on the chopping block, as I’ll be losing weight. Lower volume in total should be good for my recovery. Options available to lift 3 or 4 days a week based on this structure, which I like. We’ll see how it all shakes out.



AM WORKOUT (0550 wake up via alarm, 0700 workout)

Texas deadlift bar deadlift 405lbs
1x11 (minor tweak of left lower lat/hip on the eccentric of the 11th rep_)

Box jumps (deadlift mats+45lb bumper)
5x10 w/60 seconds between sets

Reverse hyper

Standing ab wheel

Notes: Before I go much further, I am obligated to inform you that the state of California has determined I contain too much excellence and prolonged exposure could result in testosterone poisoning. Took 5 min between the first 7 sets of deads, then 8 minutes before the last one. Plan was 7x12, but feeling that slight tweak on the 6th set I knew the smarter move was to cut it a rep short, rest and see how I felt come the next set. I’ve had this tweak before: laterally I’m screwed, but linearly I’m still good, so I slowed the reps touch a touch and got the rest of it done. Had to take a dead stop break on the last two sets, but got the mission accomplished. And leading up to that, I was absolutely crushing sets of 12, whereas 2 weeks ago my 1 set of 12 was murder and I was drowning in the sets of 11. It’s just amazing how transformative this process is.

Box jumps keep getting better: I need to be smart about keeping them in.

Cut the ab wheel reps short because it was triggering pain. Might use them to stretch out later.

With that, the hardest workout is done. Just need to ride it out from here. If I have to cut it short because of the tweak, I’m not going to lose any sleep over it (not that I have any sleep to lose), because this was what it was all building to.


Hell yes dude. I wish I could reach through my phone and assist you with patting yourself on the back (I know you can’t reach because you’re way too jacked for that)

That’s incredible man. Legitimately inspiring.


At the base gym, they have a weekly challenge for most weight lifted in bench, squat, and deadlift throughout the week. Not 1rm, but total load lifted, so 10 reps of 100 is 1000lbs lifted. Do it twice, thats 2000lbs.

Couple weeks ago I saw the deadlift record for the week was at 4500lbs…. So basically one set for you. Jesus Christ, the amount of weight you are moving in this program is insane, crazy to see your reps just progressing week after week. Nice work

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I was gonna say - that’s pretty low, for a record, no? I’m not even a strong deadlifter and I pulled 405 for over 10, beating that in one set. Pwn did 405 for 100 reps in a workout, or 40,500 lbs. Even pulling 135 for 5x10 would beat that.

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^completely valid point. Navy gym, not common to see people doing anything other than machines at this place, most of the more serious lifters go to gyms out in town. Only was using it while waiting for my rogue package to be delivered. My point was more “at a regular non-meathead gym, people are impressed by a total volume that’s less than 1 of your many sets”

Edit: fun fact, the max load lifted in a week for bench was substantially higher than either deadlift or squat. Take that as you will haha


Say no more. I was in the Marines, and all the military gyms (which were 99% Navy obviously) featured people doing things like one arm DB rows with 160% of their 1RM for 8 reps by using full body English and humping the DBs.


@boilerman Thanks dude! The support has been very much appreciated, especially from someone that has “been there”.

@atlas13 Really appreciate it dude. I’ve been to gyms with records like that before, and even had dudes say “You should go break the records!”, and I remember something Mike Tuchscherer said back when he guest lifted at a NASA Meet I was competing in. “It would be like a professional football team stomping a pop warner team: let them have their competition”.


Sounds about right. Def not a fan of most navy gyms. The Coronado gym was pretty sick though. Camp lejeune had a decent weight room last time I was there. Biggest difference I saw between the two, is navy gyms get super upset about “dropping weights”. As in, any noise whatsoever while lifting. Great times


Buffalo bar squat 300lbs-chins-dips
15 time: 5:20

Notes: I can feel the hip on the walkout, but squatting is just fine, and clearly not slowed down. Still applying ice and moving around a bunch, but I know time is the ultimate healer. But I’m also going to apply quesadillas, due to their high concentration of amiño acids