Raven78's on the set of the Living Dead

W6 D4 (gym) Cutting Block ( 4 sets for main lift )
18.11.2021 (5.45am fasted session)
Mobility, warmup

Box Jumps

OHP (4 second negatives)
15 x 8
30 x 8 x 4 sets


SQUAT (4 second negatives)
Bar x 10
40 x 8
55 x 8 x 4 sets

30mins 60s on, 120s off (keeping HR below 140 in the minute on, 3.6ish km, 150 cal)

-standard goodness here
-slept solid, thankfully.


W6 D5 (gym) Cutting Block:
19.11.2021 (5.45am fasted session)
Mobility, warmup
Bandpullaparts 75+ amongst work below

Foam roll, mobility stuff - some tightness in mid trap zone

Lat pull down
35kg x 10
50 x 6
65 x 4, 4, 4


BW Dips
x5, 8, 8

HRI - Airdyne
15mins of 5sec at 100% emom then 55sec slow (153 cal)

30mins steady for HR target 130 (129ave, 148 cals)

-added in some dips today, been a while. at BW they were easy as leaving plenty of reps in the tank
-slept average/broken
-legs feeling it, in a good way
-3 more days of hard cut, then maintenance for a week prior to final ‘gym challenge’ scan


W6 D6 (gym) Cutting Block
20.11.2021 (6.45am fasted session)
Mobility, warmup

Maintenance Lift day
Hex DL
Bar x10
40kg x 8
60 x 8
80 x 5, 5

bar x 10
40kg x 8
50 x 6
60 x 5
65 x 5


Seated row
35kg x 10
50 x 8
65 x 5
70 x 5

Leg refresher 15mins 12sec at 70% emom (3.0km ish)

-standard semi deload session to end the week


W6 D7
21.11.2021 (mid morning)

Playground fun with jnr.

Pullups - 8 sets of 3x scattered amongst other movement, jogging, keeping up with a toddler


W7 D1 (gym) Cutting Block ( 5 sets for main lift )
22.11.2021 (5.45am fasted session)
Mobility, warmup

Band pullaparts various angles 90+

OHP (4 second negatives)
15 x 8
30 x 8 x 5 sets


SQUAT (4 second negatives)
Bar x 10
40 x 8
55 x 8 x 5 sets

30mins 90sec on, 120off (HR 130 ave, 4.8 km, 150 cal)

-borrowed jb’s HR monitor, elliptical machine reads a few beats higher. look into getting a fitbit for xmas. HR hit 150 during squats.
-good family weekend overall, more gardening, digging, moving dirt


W7 D2 (gym) Cutting Block:
23.11.2021 (5.45am fasted session)
Mobility, warmup

Lat pull down
35kg x 10
50 x 6
60 x 5
BW x 5, 5

HRI - Airdyne
15mins of 5sec at 100% emom then 55sec slow (150 cal)

30mins of 60s on, 120 off, for HR at 130ave (150 cals)

Squats to overhead KB press x 15, 10, 10, 10+5 rp (50 total)

-maintenance week food wise
-slept ok
-bit of extra conditioning at end
-add in another 5x3r pullups during lunch walk yest also


W7 D3 (gym) Cutting Block
24.11.2021 (6.45am fasted session)
Mobility, warmup

Vertical jumps
2 x 3

Maintenance Lift day
Hex DL
Bar x10
40kg x 8
60 x 8
80 x 5, 5

bar x 10
40kg x 8
50 x 6
60 x 5
65 x 5


Seated row
35kg x 10
50 x 8
65 x 5
70 x 5

Leg refresher 20mins 12sec at 70% emom (3.6km ish)


50+ burpees and a few navy seals, scattered between chasing a toddler in the backyard; a nod to the mad ginger.

Good way to break up a long work day.


Great consistent work in here mate, and now seeing a burpee infection too. Quality

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W7 D4 (gym) Cutting Block ( 5 sets for main lift )
25.11.2021 (5.45am fasted session)
Mobility, warmup

Box jumps
2 x 5

SQUAT (4 second negatives)
Bar x 10
40 x 8
55 x 8 x 5 sets


OHP (4 second negatives)
15 x 8
30 x 8 x 5 sets

30mins of 90sec on, 120off (HR 129 ave, 4.6 km, 140 ish cal)

-slept well, extra burpees after work might be the answer? @ChongLordUno
-no infection here @simo74 but looking to sneak in more conditioning stuff where feasible. burpees don’t really work with a nearly 4yr old clambering on ones shoulders though… (good for weighted pushups though!)


W7 D5 (gym) Cutting Block:
26.11.2021 (5.45am fasted session)
Mobility, warmup

Ball slams 8kh

Lat pull down
35kg x 10
50 x 6
60 x 6
BW x 5, 5

HRI - Airdyne
15mins of 5sec at 100% emom then 55sec slow (159 cal PR i reckon)

Elliptical SSC
30mins for target HR 130 (HR 136ave)

-BW 65kg < lowest I’ve been in many years… was 66kg in my opening post on this log in 2015. This cutting block has been a winner.
-slept solid but only 6hrs worth, woke early naturally.
-gym challenge scan/weigh in is actually this arvo… so enter a weekend with some carbs and refeed!
-breaky shake and lighter lunch given scan this arvo after work. Will get in some conditioning too pre scan just for good measure.


W7 D5 (gym)
Quick conditioning

5x rounds - thrusters x10 and KB Swings x 10


Happy cake day


it’s not my birthday though… that’s in july. Post cut I’ll take the cake though!

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You joined the forum 8 years ago today.

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W7 D6 (gym) Cutting Block
27.11.2021 (6.45am fasted session)
Mobility, warmup

Vertical jumps
2 x 5

Maintenance Lift day
Hex DL
Bar x10
40kg x 8
60 x 8
80 x 5
90 x 5, 5
40kg x 40 reps WM (high handles 30+10rp)

bar x 10
40kg x 8
50 x 6
60 x 5
65 x 5


Seated row
35kg x 10
50 x 9
65 x 5
70 x 5

Leg refresher 10mins 12sec at 70% emom

-scan completed last night. Start of this block > 21.2% bf down to 18.6% now.
-dropped 6.6kg BW (nearly 10% of my BW), minor muscle mass loss in there of 0.4kg (likely too much cardio but hit it hard in this cutting block)
-bio age went from 43 down to 41
-overall plenty learnt, but much more still to learn on this journey


Ah well that makes sense, cheers mate!

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Sounds like great progress, my friend. Congratulations!

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That’s some great progress. Good job! :+1:

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W8 D1 (gym) Cutting Block ( 5 sets + 6th set of 6 for main lifts )
29.11.2021 (5.45am fasted session)
Mobility, warmup
Band pullaparts various angles 90+

Box jumps

OHP (4 second negatives)
15 x 8
30 x 8 x 5 sets
30 x 4 (not 6)


SQUAT (4 second negatives)
Bar x 10
40 x 8
60 x 8 x 5 sets
60 x 4 (not 6)

Seated leg curls
3 sets of x 8 ish slow negatives then 5+ reps at normal pace

KB Swings x15 -ss- Sandbag front squats x10
10mins amrap

Dreadmill (edit forgot to log)
10mins highest incline

-great family weekend, gardening, street xmas party.
-welcomed back some carbs and a few quiets beers with a mate (first beer in 8 weeks)
-thanks for the kind words there @SvenG @throwawayfitness and @shaneinga
-closer review of the recent scans, leg size and muscle increased slightly, no doubt linked with these 4 second negative squats.
-went 60kg in lieu of 55kg of recent weeks for squats… ooops. managed to get thru that extra weight but a few less reps in the 6th set.
-intent now is to move into strength building, but eating at around maintenance levels. more conditioning, less cardio.