Per aspera ad astra (strongman Koestrizer)

Jeez man. Even though you got grazed, Bullet dodged. Could you imagine kids in that equation?


This doesn’t even scratch the surface of the insults she used on me and my parents. Not even only insults but also like trying to manipulate me by saying nobody loves me, my friends aren’t real friends and so on. I’m not going to put that stuff up on the internet, but believe me when I say there is some next level stuff that she has written and said. She took things way way too far and I am shocked and disgusted.
I do not engage in these kind of fights because it is pointless and I am not her. I don’t feel hate.
I just replied today that I actually feel sorry for her and wish for her to look back in some time and read those texts and feel ashamed and sorry.

But yes you are right. I changed my whole life for this relationship and ended up across the country but still it is good that it ends now, rather sooner than later.

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She sounds like a sad, deranged person. You’re better off without. Hope you can get healthy and go dominate that comp, just because.



1 log lift (clean each)
2 @ 90 kg

2 strict press (beltless)
5 x 10 @ 50 kg

3 band assisted chin ups (green, knee, neutral)
4 x 5
2 x 6

4 single arm rows (machine)
3 x 20

Time to sit down. I’d like to invite a few seasoned competitiors to the table but as always everyone’s opinion is welcome.

I have been out of consistent training for nearly 4 weeks now I think due to being sick. For everyone who hasn’t followed the log recently: I have been going through some life changing developments lately and have been under tremendous stress (which probably contributes to the duration of my illness). Antibiotics seem to have turned things around now eventually. Today was my first day back and I only got 2 reps on the 90 kg log. Comp is on the 7th of April.

The question is: should I go for it anyway and still compete? Should I train with it in mind and decide spontaneously? Or tap out? Is there a point that indicates if I should pull the plug?

@T3hPwnisher @MarkKO @flipcollar @strongmanvinny2 @TX_iron

Edit: Tim (guy who does my program) says I should compete if I am going anyway.

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Compete! First of all, training with a purpose is always better than just training to train. Second, you have a month and a half before the comp, which should be plenty of time to get you back to where you were before a month of spotty training. You might not get much stronger, but you should definitely get back to where you were. Finally, screw her! Everyone at strongman competitions is supportive and cheering you on. If she’s there talking you down, she’s just showing her own ass to everyone there and ruining her own credibility, which can only help you in the long run.


Great Work Kos, as Tim says you should just have a go at it. I just registered for the OPA to compete in May. Even though, I wont win anything it’s just to get back into the groove of things.


Competition experience is invaluable. Absolutely worth it.


I say go for it man! You’re going to be there anyway, and I think you’d feel dissatisfied if you knew that the comp was going on without you. On a personal level, giving it a go when the cards seem stacked against you are those person-defining moments we could all use a little more of.

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Thanks guys, I think that is the route I want to go down. Given I stay healthy from here on out.

I just need to let go of the thought “what if I hadn’t gotten sick…” and so on.

Compete. You’ve got six weeks to recover properly.

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Agree with all the guys. Just do it.

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Looks like you’re competing :slight_smile:


Probably hard pressed to find someone who says dont compete
6 weeks is plenty time, smash down your normal diet, plus foods higher in potassium like bananas, have a deload, then start back where you were

And fuck that slag, says more about the shitty person she is if rocks up as opposed about the person you are man


I love you big Jez you are fking poet mate.


Btw I offered a fair and pretty high payment (higher than it absolutely needs to be, I feel) to settle shit and get rid of her. She is still planning to go to court for the, relative to the total amount, small difference between what she feels I should pay (for furniture I don’t use because she kept it all) and what I am willing to pay. I don’t have any of that money and need to borrow it anyway.

My lawyer thinks that the law should be on my side here but you know what’s problematic about lawyer’s? They are fucking expensive.


Just move to a country that doesnt extradite to Germany💁‍♂️
Or befriend a butcher
As the old saying goes “there are plenty of ways to skin a cat, just depends on how fucked up you are”

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Probably not even a necessaty in a civil process, haha. Outside of EU might suffice. So kangaroo land here I come!



1 yoke walk
Up to
1 x 15m @ 195 kg
1 x 15m @ 220 kg
5 x 15m @ 240 kg (PR as I never needed to go higher than 200 kg so far)

2 would have been farmer’s with lighter weight for longer distance but I skipped that today because I am still weakened and I don’t want to take a risk of getting sick again.

3 axle deadlifts (doh)
3 x 1-2 @ 111 kg - I misloaded by 10 kg which explains my struggles


  • Today has been a mixed bag emotionally and especially during training
  • wow it has been ages since I have had a yoke on my back. Set number 4 was the best. Nose tork helped to get into it.
  • posterior was pretty sore from log lifting and my back might hate me tomorrow, haha. Hips were fine though as I took the time to warm them up properly
  • even though I skipped half the workout (which I think was a smart decision), I can’t be too unhappy with today.

Dust and darkness. Only had my cellphone’s flashlight to illuminate a bit of the room. Don’t get me wrong, I am certainly not complaining.


Nice work man. Few more weeks of this and lots if food and you will be killing it.

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