NY Staley Bootcamp/Seminar

So how did it go?

shaw-you probably won’t get much of a response from charles because as of the last that I heard, he was still trapped in new york due to the inclement weather. I was there, so if you have any questions, maybe I can answer them.
I will say that RIT jared has some freaky muscle balance.

Thanks Mike. I had a TBT workout to do right after the seminar so I didn’t let Staley beat me up too much.

The seminar was a big success. We had 761 people registered when Charles started talking, and I think at any given moment there were 300+ people in the stands. Charles really hit a homerun with the administration and student body-- he covered everything from EDT to nutrition to hormonal diffrenences between men and women. I particularly remember when he mentioned that “the same exercises that make men bigger make women smaller and leaner” about half the audience gasped and dropped their waterbottles.

A big thanks to Charles and his wife Rebecca, TeamStaley, T-Nation, Iron Woody, and Smartfuel, for all the support and free swag.

We’ll do it again sometime.

RIT Jared

RIT was a blast. Thanks Jared and crew, you guys did an awesome job, please extend my thanks to everyone. The audience was appreciative and the number of great questions was impressive. All in all, a great time. GREAT training facility too…

[quote]RIT Jared wrote:
Thanks Mike. I had a TBT workout to do right after the seminar so I didn’t let Staley beat me up too much.

The seminar was a big success. We had 761 people registered when Charles started talking, and I think at any given moment there were 300+ people in the stands. Charles really hit a homerun with the administration and student body – he covered everything from EDT to nutrition to hormonal diffrenences between men and women. I particularly remember when he mentioned that “the same exercises that make men bigger make women smaller and leaner” about half the audience gasped and dropped their waterbottles.

A big thanks to Charles and his wife Rebecca, TeamStaley, T-Nation, Iron Woody, and Smartfuel, for all the support and free swag.

We’ll do it again sometime.

RIT Jared[/quote]

Thanks for the info. I asked a question about mixing in HIIT and Fat to Fire and you suggested grouping them together so instead of 6 times a week, do 2 x 3 days a week. Implementing that at the moment, and my recovery is a lot better. Thanks :slight_smile: Also, was interesting to think of Fat to Fire and EDT. Will most likely do a EDT hybrid or soemthing along those lines. I also enjoyed the trainers in the stands who just couldn’t fathom EDT. “But its complicated…” oh well. I guess simple ideas can seem complex, such as electronically opening doors…

If you have a group or facility and would love to have Charles “show up” for the day contact me at 1-800-519-2492 or you can email me at julianne@edtsecrets.com. It is really not that difficult to make it happen. My thanks to Jared, Lou and Michelle-Julianne

Wow! Too compicated? Thank God, I have more books to write! That is pretty amazing, and I appreciate the feedback!

[quote]Lotus wrote:
Thanks for the info. I asked a question about mixing in HIIT and Fat to Fire and you suggested grouping them together so instead of 6 times a week, do 2 x 3 days a week. Implementing that at the moment, and my recovery is a lot better. Thanks :slight_smile: Also, was interesting to think of Fat to Fire and EDT. Will most likely do a EDT hybrid or soemthing along those lines. I also enjoyed the trainers in the stands who just couldn’t fathom EDT. “But its complicated…” oh well. I guess simple ideas can seem complex, such as electronically opening doors…[/quote]