Natty on Pennies

That sounds good, just wait until the end of the deload before you drop the calories.

Don’t go into a deficit on a deload week, as you’re trying to recover and there is no training stimulus to help keep the muscle mass. Drop the calories as you begin to train hard again. When you do drop there is no need to taper them, that would actually be counterproductive as you metabolism starts to adapt to the lower calories immediately

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Training log:

Volume deload;
Back&Rear delts

  1. Bent over BB row zigzagdropset
    ~2 minutes rest

  2. DB Row

  3. Weighted pull ups w/fat grips
    cluster set, 10s rests
    +6(+4 negatives)

Rear delts; no rest between the following:

  1. Rear delt burns
  2. Bent over rear laterals
    10+10+10x12.5kgs (10s rests)

Back stretch


Surprising, I must say.

On bent over rows I used some cheat on the sets of 160 and 140kgs, but apart from that all sets were pretty clean.

DB rows were a bit off as I haven’t done them in a long while, but I’ll take it.

On pull ups I picked a bit too heavy weight, it was supposed to be a 2+3+5+10 cluster, got buried with that last one so got the reps in with negatives.

The rear delt complex was great, got an insane pump there.

Volume deload is done, now onto the actual deload, after which a mini cut will take place.

It’s amazing to me that you row more than I deadlift. Kudos.

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I’ve always been pretty strong with rows. Out of all movements I’d quess single arm rows are amongst my strongest ones (talking in proportion to other lifts here, not absolutes)


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Training log:

Actual deload; lower body

MR=Muscle round: 6x4 with 10s rests and 12RM load

  1. Single leg leg curl

  2. Front squat

  3. RFESS

  4. Good morning

  5. Standing calf raise


Kept it really light. On muscle rounds I left one rep in the tank on the last set. I’m actually feeling pretty good and rested at the moment.

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The deload is over soon, yeah?

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Yeah, I’m gonna hit light upper body tomorrow, after that it’ll be two days completely off while eating only protein and fat, and then I’ll begin the mini cut.

The “two rest days with no carbs before a mini cut” - idea I borrowed from Ben Pakulski’s Incredible bulk - book. Supposedly helps with becoming more fat-adapted

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Cool, keep us posted!

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Hi danteism, I read that you used to drink lots of green tea, both when cutting and when growing, and I know lots of people endorse it for its effects. So I bought some and started making it lol

I’d like to store it in the fridge and drink it cold tomorrow, so every day I can make like a liter for the next day. To your knowledge, does it keep all of its properties even when drunk a day or two later or is it best drunk right away?

Thank you

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Yeah, in fact me and the squat dude had an electric kettle and teabags in our locker at school. We would make green tea two or three times a day. Good times, good times.

I haven’t heard of green tea losing it’s properties, in fact I do know (in sense of I’ve heard/seen) two very experienced natural bodybuilders that store green tea in the fridge and drink it later, so I don’t think there are downsides to storing it.

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Maybe don’t store it in a plastic container


Training log:

Actual deload;
upper body (done yesterday)

MR: Muscle round

Myo: Myo-reps = 1 set of about 20, then sets with 25% of the reps from initial set. 10s rest

  1. High incline smith bench
  2. Weighted pull ups
  3. High to low cable flies
  4. Cable row
  5. Rope tricep extension
  6. Cable curl
  7. Side laterals

Nothing hard. Didn’t take notes about my myo-reps weights and limited the amount of mini sets to three (so four total).

Weight was 87.5kgs today morning, so I’ve gained about 2-2.5kgs during this deload. I feel that’s a pretty good rate.


General update;

Back to heavy training, I’m trying some new stuff.

For the first time in a long time I’m going to do just regular straight sets without alternating with the antagonistic muscle group. I’ll also be doing supersets for the same muscle, it’ll be fun.

For example, today I did chest and back

Incline bench for sets of six
Semi-wide grip bench for sets of 8
Incline flies paired with low to high cable flies for sets of 10-15

After that I did supersets for back and one long ass set for side delts

Also I managed to pop my shoulder joint out and back in as I was picking up a dumbbell, it hurt for a while butbi just carried on with the session. It’s feeling all good now (about two hours later)

Tomorrow it’ll be heavy hamstrings and supersets for quads, after which I’ll do calves and abs.

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Training log (yesterday)

Did hamstrings and quads.

For hamstrings I did heavy straight sets (apart from first two exercises which I paired), for quads I did “pump work”

It went as follows;

1a Seated leg curl
1b Razor curl
2 Good morning with a pause on pins
3x10 130-150kgs
3 Smith machine RFESS
2x12/side x35kgs
4a Leg extension
4b Smith machine quad squat
5a Spanish leg press
5b Sissy squat
6a Standing calf raise
6b Seated calf rause
7a Hanging leg raise
7b Sideways ab crawl

Didn’t write up the weights for pump work, as I feel that is not neccessary.

RFESS is bloody hard.

A lot of odd movements were done.

A good session, pretty sore today.


What now?

Rear foot elevated split squat, also known as Bulgarian split squat

It’s a great glute exercise

I’ve been meaning to try those later on after I saw Ben Bruno’s hockey kids killing that exercise: Is Your Leg Strength Up to Snuff?

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