Life of a Teenager

First warm day in a while
(attempted) One arm pullup work - 2 arms up on rings, extend one and put the weight to the other. felt a sharp burning sensation in between spine and right shoulder blade so dropped and called it. *subsided in a few hours, still there but very dull
Curls- 60 reps
Weighted pullups 5x5@ bw+15. No this didn’t aggravate whatever caused the burning sensation

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Is one arm pull up something you’ve been working towards or did it pop in randomly lel?

I reckon it’s a good time to go for it (intelligently lel) and acquire some neat party tricks cos you are a tiny concentration camp looking motherfucker right now. Another couple of years and you’ll be much bigger and the movement will be much harder.

I enjoy weighted pull ups myself cos I got into lifting via bodyweight / bar stuff but I never really did go for the 1 arm pull up

one could say this

one could also say this



backflip? (seems fucking scary )

Maybe push pressing bishes or something.

Conditioning (first time in a while)
[5-8 Cleans @75 lbs, resisted sprint down the hall, 4/hand one arm kettlebell deadlifts, resisted sprint back] devolved into [Kneel there gasping for breath, 2 Cleans, resisted sprint, kneel there gasping for breath, resisted sprint back]
[8 shrugs @125 lbs, 5 front squats @ 95 lbs, 10 sec battle ropes, bench 55 lb plate 10 times]

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when you first realize that you have procrastinated way way way too much
Image result for when you procrastinate way too much gif

Fuck sleep. who needs sleep

r u ok dude

no. I’m still sick- although can confirm it’s not pneumonia , and it’s 43 minutes past midnight and I still have stuff to do… the later is entirely my fault but still a problem
*Edit- it’s 2 in the morning
*Edit- it’s 3 in the morning
*Edit- it’s 4 in the morning. I may be pulling an all nighter… also thanks for asking

Shouldn’t ur parents be beating your arse for staying up late?

they don’t know that…

Btm w3d3 pt 3 (I think…)
Felt like picking up 300 lbs. But got called inside
Did a few clean & push presses (c&pp) during DL warmup, PR 1x115 lbs
PR Clean 1x125, couldn’t get it over my head :frowning:
Squat- 1x20 @ 80 lbs
Press- PR 1x90 lbs

Warmup: 4x5 squats with empty bar (clean first rep)
[8 Deads @ 105 lbs, 4 clap pushups, jog up a floor and back down]
8x5 push press with empty bar, ~45 sec rest
4x5 CGHP, power clean @65 lbs, ~45 sec rest

Traps dead

What I’m working on, if anyone’s wondering

[bench 85 lbs 8 times (This got hard) , 10 Plate squats to a plyo box @25 lbs (my pecs started to get tired from this too), shoulder circles w 10 lb plate]
[Abs, curls, cleans @65 lbs, curls/tri extensions, squat @95 lbs for 8 reps, pullovers] (I might’ve forgot something)
Snatch 5x4 @ 65 lbs, Clean & Press (for future reference, strict press=strict press. press=strongman press) @105 for 4 reps

Pecs dead

BtM w4 d1 pt 1
Squats 5x5@ 140 lbs
Chins inbetween

[8 front squats @ 95 lbs, bench 95 lbs 8 times, shrugs @ 185 lbs, leg raises]
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 cleans @ 65 lbs. This sucked

Traps dead

Warm up
Ramp deadlifts (in sets of 10) 175 top set
Cycle inbetween

Clean and press 95 lbs ~10 singles

Slammed my shoulder into a metal hook off a wall (fuck that hurt) and bruised it

Btm w4 d1pt2
Press- 80x5 topset, (forgot the amrap)
(In between)
[5 ring chins
8 lateral raises @ 10 lbs (try to cramp the delt before doing them)
5 guillotine pushups]
Low incline guillotine press 5x5 (I think) @ 75 lbs

Btm w4 d2pt1
Deficit deads 2x5 @195
Deads 3x5 @ 235 lbs (was supposed to be 230 but couldn’t be bothered to do maths)
Meh. Didn’t move as well as I liked. Probably a combo of over-loading, having a cold, and lifting for the first time in a weak
*Edit- grip was weak. bar nearly slipped out of left hand 3 times