Keeping My Head Down, Doing My Thing


90,3 kg

Morning: Easy conditioning


As many cycles as possible in 20 minutes with no rest:

10 alternating back lunges
8 Let-me-ins (towel rows)
6 Push-ups

Did 10 rounds.

5 minutes of thoracic stretching.

Afternoon: PLP

For P & P always explosive up, 1-2-sec pause, 6-sec eccentric; for L always 6-sec pause at bottom each side

Day 23: Supinated grip: 8 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 (34)

5 minutes of thoracic stretching.

Again, a terrible night’s sleep — what’s new? — but today went relatively well nevertheless.

Got my COVID booster shot this afternoon and did the PLP as quickly afterwards as possible, so as to get it done before any soreness or ill effects from the jab set in. So far, so good.


Happy holidays, friends!

The COVID booster gave me a sore arm for a couple of days, which has made pressing movements impossible, but absolutely no ill effects otherwise. So I’ve been taking beach walks (in the snow) for the past couple of days, just to keep up at least some minimal level of activity through the celebrations.

I’m also going on holiday for a week or so starting tomorrow, so I’ll be back on the third of January, or thereabouts.

Here’s wishing everyone very happy holidays, and all the best for the new year!



92,0 kg — yep, that’s holiday fat that I’ll be stripping off gradually over the next few weeks.

Morning — Strength Block Week 1 Day 1: Push


3-minute timer per set

Push-ups with feet elevated on chair
3 x 6

Military Press with hands raised on first step
3 x 6

Close-grip push-ups
3 x 6

Assisted dips (legs bent behind and feet on chair to help push up)
3 x 4-ish — the elbows definitely don’t like this one; I’m going to have to experiment a bit to find a more comfortable way of doing these

Forgot the 5 minutes of thoracic stretching this morning

To mitigate DOMS after the long break, and to gauge joint stress (elbows and wrists today), I’m keeping things easy this first week.

Afternoon: PLP

For P & P always explosive up, 1-2-sec pause, 6-sec eccentric; for L always 6-sec pause at bottom each side

Day 7: Pronated grip: 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 (20)

5 minutes of thoracic stretching.

To put a positive spin on things, there’s clearly much room for improvement here. Strength was abysmal today — you’d almost think I’ve never done a pull-up in my life. But the only way is up, right?

When using pronated grip for pull-ups, I’ve always used a thumb-over grip because it always felt stronger and more stable to me. However, I’m trying out the more conventional thumb-under grip because I think the former might be contributing to my elbow pain because of torque on either the shoulder or elbow joint (or both). Time will tell whether this makes a difference. Certainly, it should improve my grip strength over time.

Because of the specific symptoms, I’m beginning to suspect that my elbow pain might really be a pinched ulnar nerve, rather than tennis or golfer’s elbow. The pain is on the outside (rear) of the elbow, right between the humeroradial joint and the humero-ulnar joint, rather than to one side or the other, and there’s no pain or heat to the touch, but often when moving the shoulder into certain positions with the arm fully extended or fully contracted. With the arm fully extended, there’s also some pain when applying lateral pressure from the outside to the humeroradial joint. And there’s pain when applying pressure to the hand with the elbow at a 90º angle, such as when kneeling and pressing on a table to your side, to assist with standing up.

I definitely needed the long break to help the elbows and shoulders recover, and so I’m now keeping a very careful eye on all of this and doing everything I can think of to prevent it from getting worse.



90,7 kg

Morning — Strength Block Week 1 Day 2: Legs


3-minute timer per set

Bulgarian split squats with 1- to 3-second pause at bottom; all reps one side and then all reps the other side
3 x 12.6

Side lunges with 4- to 6-second pause at bottom; all reps one side and then all reps the other side
1 x 6.8
2 x 8.8

Toyotas with 4- to 6-second pause at bottom
1 x 8.8
2 x 10.8 quad burn!

1-legged RDLs while balancing on a pillow; all reps one side and then all reps the other side
3 x 12

5 minutes of thoracic stretching

I took it relatively easy again today, to gauge joint stress on the knees. So far, so good.

Afternoon: PLP

For P & P always explosive up, 1-2-sec pause, 6-sec eccentric; for L always 6-sec pause at bottom each side

Day 8: Supinated grip: 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 3 (21)

5 minutes of thoracic stretching.

Things went much better today, although I have DOMS in the triceps, which made the push-ups “interesting”.

I had previously been using a fairly narrow supinated grip for chin-ups, mostly because it felt more comfortable on the hands and wrists. But I think that was doing my elbows no favours either, so today I tried using a roughly shoulder-width grip, which seemed to fare better and I found a position that was tolerable for hands and wrists too.



90,2 kg


Programmed rest day

Afternoon: PLP

For P & P always explosive up, 1-2-sec pause, 6-sec eccentric; for L always 6-sec pause at bottom each side

Day 9: Supinated grip: 6 + 5 + 4 + 4 + 3 (22)

5 minutes of thoracic stretching.

EDIT: Removed the “humour”.



91,2 kg


Thwarted by a couple of weather-related work crises (snow storm followed by freezing rain followed by ice which led to two electricity blackouts). Called into work early and lost the whole morning to crisis management.

Afternoon: PLP

For P & P always explosive up, 1-2-sec pause, 6-sec eccentric; for L always 6-sec pause at bottom each side

Day 10: Neutral grip: 6 + 5 + 5 + 4 + 3 (23)

5 minutes of thoracic stretching.

On the plus side: elbows seem to be recovering, and by this afternoon, DOMS is beginning to subside again slowly, which is nice.

EDIT: Fixed typo so I don’t confuse myself.


My evil twin says stuff like “Come on Nancy. Those plates might as well have Christmas paintings on them. Put a couple on the bar, where they’re supposed to be.”.

Then my other evil twin is like “:laughing: He called you Nancy! Haha! What are you gonna do about it!?!”.

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LOL! I’m not sure whose evil twin is better, but yours might explain why you’re twice my size. :wink:

Still, I suppose there’s a reason we each think of that twin as evil . . .

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90,7 kg

Morning — Strength Block Week 1 Day 3: Pull


3-minute timer per set

Pull-ups, normal tempo, various grips
3 x 6

Let-me-ups (inverted bodyweight rows)
3 x 6

Let-me-ins (towel rows)
3 x 12

Towel curls
3 x 4.6 (l – m)

5 minutes of thoracic stretching

I took it relatively easy again today, to gauge stress on the elbows. So far, so good.

Afternoon: PLP

For P & P always explosive up, 1-2-sec pause, 6-sec eccentric; for L always 6-sec pause at bottom each side

Day 11: Neutral grip: 6 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 (24)

5 minutes of thoracic stretching.

Good strength and energy.



91,2 kg

Morning — Strength Block Week 1 Day 4: Core


3-minute timer per set

Leg lifts with hands on chest
3 x 10.8

3 x 8.6

6-ish.6, 5-ish.6, 5-ish.6 each side — incomplete ROM. For me, these are tough

Hyperextensions with hands under chin
3 x 12.6

5 minutes of thoracic stretching

Again, a relatively easy day to mitigate DOMS. I’ll begin challenging myself on the next round.

Afternoon: PLP

Day 12: Programmed rest day



91,8 kg

Morning: Easy conditioning


As many cycles as possible in 20 minutes with no rest:

10 alternating back lunges
8 Let-me-ins (towel rows)
6 Push-ups

Did 10 rounds.

This went surprisingly well. Good pace.

5 minutes of thoracic stretching.


Because of some uncharacteristically beautiful winter weather today, I decided to forego the usual PLP in favour of going outside for a 90-minute beach walk.

I say walk, but it was really a non-stop series of jumps and lunges because the beach was so wet after a series of very high spring tides. Knackering, but I was rewarded with a very beautiful sunset.



90,9 kg

Morning — Strength Block Week 2 Day 1: Push


3-minute timer per set

Push-ups with feet elevated on chair
12, 10(f), 7f

(3 x 6)

Military Press with hands raised on first step
3 x 6(f)

(3 x 6)

Close-grip push-ups
7f, 8(f), 6f

(3 x 6)

Assisted dips (legs bent behind and feet on chair to help push up)
7(f), 6(f), 7f — still figuring out the kinetics of this one

(3 x 4-ish)

5 minutes of thoracic stretching

Challenged myself more today. Good strength and energy this morning.

Afternoon: PLP

For P & P always explosive up, 1-2-sec pause, 6-sec eccentric; for L always 6-sec pause at bottom each side

Day 13: Pronated grip: 7 + 6 + 4* + 5* + 3 (25)

5 minutes of thoracic stretching.

Strength and energy both flagging this afternoon. My shoulders were already sore from this morning’s work. The final rep of the first two sets was grindy. Lost concentration and my place in the sequence, but got all the prescribed reps in after all.

Elbows were annoyed; I realised only on the final set that I’d reverted to habit and had been doing the pull-ups with thumb-over grip instead of thumb-under grip. Fixed this on the last set, which was much more comfortable.



91,2 kg

Morning — Strength Block Week 2 Day 2: Legs


3-minute timer per set

Bulgarian split squats with 1- to 3-second pause at bottom; all reps one side and then all reps the other side
3 x 12.6

(3 x 12.6)

Side lunges with 4- to 6-second pause at bottom; all reps one side and then all reps the other side
12.6, 2 x 10.8 — for the first set, forgot that this one needs a longer pause at bottom

(1 x 6.8, 2 x 8.8)

Toyotas with 4- to 6-second pause at bottom
3 x 10.8 quads burning!

(1 x 8.8, 2 x 10.8)

1-legged RDLs while balancing on a pillow; all reps one side and then all reps the other side
3 x 12

(3 x 12)

5 minutes of thoracic stretching

Pushed a bit harder today.

Afternoon: PLP

For P & P always explosive up, 1-2-sec pause, 6-sec eccentric; for L always 6-sec pause at bottom each side

Day 14: Pronated grip: 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 4 (26)

5 minutes of thoracic stretching.

Strength and energy both flagging again this afternoon. Grrrr!

I remembered to use thumb-under grip today but right elbow, which had almost completely recovered, was annoyed after the first two sets, so I tried a slightly narrower grip by two finger-widths (now about shoulder-width apart rather than slightly wider). This seemed to do the trick.



91,0 kg

Morning — Strength Block Week 2 Day 3: Pull


3-minute timer per set

Pull-ups, normal tempo, various grips
8p (first rep slow), 8s, 8n(f) — reverted to habit and started out with slow negatives; rest of the reps at normal speed

(3 x 6)

Let-me-ups (inverted bodyweight rows)
8, 7(f) + 1*, 8(f) — rest-pause on last rep of second set for some reason I now can’t remember

(3 x 6)

Let-me-ins (towel rows)
12, 12, 12(f) — second and third sets with longer lever = harder

(3 x 12)

Towel curls
5 (l-m), 4 (m-h), 3 (l-m)

(3 x 4.6 (l – m))

5 minutes of thoracic stretching

This morning went okay. Not terrible, but not fantastic either.

Afternoon: PLP

For P & P always explosive up, 1-2-sec pause, 6-sec eccentric; for L always 6-sec pause at bottom each side

Day 15: Supinated grip: 7 + 6 + 5 + 5 + 4 (27)

5 minutes of thoracic stretching.

Went into this afternoon’s work rather knackered after a longer than usual work day that was also more physical than usual for me. Fared astonishingly well, all things considered. Good strength and energy. This is the first time I’ve felt like my strength and energy match my pre-holiday levels.



90,6 kg

Morning — Strength Block Week 2 Day 4: Core


3-minute timer per set

Leg lifts with hands on chest
10.8, 12.8, 12.8 — it’s been too long since I did these: I felt punched in the stomach afterwards

(3 x 10.8)

3 x 12.6 — stiff, so-so

(3 x 8.6)

8-ish, 8-ish, 6f-ish — can’t quite get the knee to touch the opposite elbow; keep trying

(6-ish.6, 5-ish.6, 5-ish.6 each side — incomplete ROM. For me, these are tough)

Hyperextensions with hands under chin
3 x 12.6 — good!

(3 x 12.6)

5 minutes of thoracic stretching

Not too bad this morning, if a little sleepy.

Afternoon: PLP

For P & P always explosive up, 1-2-sec pause, 6-sec eccentric; for L always 6-sec pause at bottom each side

Day 16: Supinated grip: 7 + 6 + 6 + 5 + 4 (28)

5 minutes of thoracic stretching.

Tired going in again today but strength and energy good nevertheless.



89,9 kg

Morning: Easy conditioning


As many cycles as possible in 20 minutes with no rest:

10 alternating back lunges
8 Let-me-ins (towel rows)
6 Push-ups

Did 10 rounds.

Reasonably good.

5 minutes of thoracic stretching.

Afternoon: PLP

For P & P always explosive up, 1-2-sec pause, 6-sec eccentric; for L always 6-sec pause at bottom each side

Day 17: Neutral grip: 7 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 (29)

5 minutes of thoracic stretching.

Slightly grindy on some sets, but overall okay.

Programmed rest day tomorrow (for both morning and afternoon workouts), so back on Sunday.



90,9 kg

Morning — Strength Block Week 3 Day 1: Push


3-minute timer per set

Push-ups with feet elevated on chair
10f, 8f, 6f

(12, 10(f), 7f)
(3 x 6)

Military Press with hands raised on first step
7(f), 6(f), 6(f)

(3 x 6(f))
(3 x 6)

Close-grip push-ups
6f, 7f, 5f

(7f, 8(f), 6f)
(3 x 6)

Assisted dips (legs bent behind and feet on chair to help push up)
8(f), 8f, 8f — good!

(7(f), 6(f), 7f)
(3 x 4-ish)

5 minutes of thoracic stretching

Weak as a kitten this morning, and lacking in energy. But got it done.

Afternoon: PLP

For P & P always explosive up, 1-2-sec pause, 6-sec eccentric; for L always 6-sec pause at bottom each side

Day 19: Neutral grip: 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 (30)

5 minutes of thoracic stretching.

Better this afternoon.

Did some dead hangs yesterday, just for fun. I think I’m going to try to squeeze them in somewhere informally about 3 times per week.



90,7 kg

Morning — Strength Block Week 3 Day 2: Legs


3-minute timer per set

Bulgarian split squats with 1- to 3-second pause at bottom; all reps one side and then all reps the other side
3 x 12.6

(3 x 12.6)
(3 x 12.6)

Side lunges with 4- to 6-second pause at bottom; all reps one side and then all reps the other side
3 x 10.8 — good

(12.6, 2 x 10.8)
(1 x 6.8, 2 x 8.8)

Toyotas with 4- to 6-second pause at bottom
3 x 10.8 — slightly better ROM today

(3 x 10.8)
(1 x 8.8, 2 x 10.8)

1-legged RDLs while balancing on a pillow; all reps one side and then all reps the other side
3 x 12

(3 x 12)
(3 x 12)

5 minutes of thoracic stretching

Afternoon: PLP

For P & P always explosive up, 1-2-sec pause, 6-sec eccentric; for L always 6-sec pause at bottom each side

Day 20: Pronated grip: 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 5 (31)

5 minutes of thoracic stretching.

Energy & strength better than expected today.


A mad man’s choice!


They burn like hell at the beginning, but you quickly get used to them.

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