Just. Don't. Suck (Part 1)

Now that I’m catching up I also wanted to tell you all about a conversation I had with my wife last night.

She asked if I was still planning to join a CrossFit gym. I had just showered and was mostly naked. I said yes and asked why and she just kind of grinned. It’s because I’m fat! She danced around saying it but she finally said I’m chubby. I told her I weighed this much in college and she said I’m not carrying it the same :unamused:.

Apparently it’s going to my stomach more than I thought. I also put on some jeans I haven’t worn for awhile and I fill them out way more than I used to. I guess she’s right. :anguished:

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Old houses are so much fun, you can pull layers upon layers of floor, wall. My crazy one was stick on tiles on linoleum, on hardwood on more hardwood on top of the original pin boards. That must be why old houses have such high ceilings, room for extra flooring :laughing:

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Was going to comment on the wife conversation post but I think I’ll just play it safe and stick to saying… OUCH! Sometimes I have no filter on my thoughts so just OUCH works :roll_eyes:

hahahaha Big J “you’re not carrying it the same” hahaha

Sorry but unlike @countrygirl2016 I will :slight_smile:

But I know the feeling…Whenever I gain yeah I get stronger and gets a bit of muscles but, there goes a lot to the stomach area :slight_smile:

What to you do: keep gaining or lose weight and strength :slight_smile: ??

I’m vain so I keep up ending sacrificing any gains and just staying the same.


Lmao, I had the same issue this weekend. I tried on a bunch of pants and jeans that fit me when I was a runner. Needless to say they didn’t look so good now !! When the wife said “if you wear those I am not going out in public with you !!” I knew it was bad


It doesn’t matter what you could achieve in the college days, that is the past my friend. What matters is what you can do now. Its either

And make progress.

Or you can

And sacrifice progress for having abs.

I’ve seen it a fair amount of times in your log now, you hate how you gain fat so you cut back to your abs, but when you’re lean hate that you’re not bigger.

You can do this man!!! just stick with the gaining. You’re not even looking bad.


@duketheslaya called it. I’ve done this for far too long. I just looked at my weight gain and I’ve gained 5 lbs each of the last two months for 10 total. That’s more than I’d like. I’m hoping to gain 4 in the next month.

:laughing: thanks for the moral support and shared misery! I can at least say that my ass and legs didn’t look bad but I was spilling over the waist a bit.

Thanks for the support! Four more weeks of getting stronger and then I’ll change my focus to conditioning for a bit. For now I plan to eat the same but I might switch to a slight deficit. I think 230 lbs is the cutoff. I don’t want to drop below that mark.



Woke at 239 lbs.

I’m dumb but I think I’m going to try to force my leg workout today. 48 hours isn’t much rest for leg day but I’ll give it a shot. I’m stuck at home with the kids today while my wife is at training. Summer break is upon us so she’ll be home to watch the kids for awhile.

I’ll go work on my rental’s kitchen floor tomorrow and hopefully finish it. I don’t have much time. I can take the kids to the Y today and spend all my time working tomorrow.

I think you got this.

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You know those days where you feel great? Big weights feel light, form is crisp and smooth; you’re on top of the world!

Well, today was not one of those days.

Everything was heavy and I had to take extra rest to finish. There was lots of sitting and panting and sweating. I rarely feel like I have to grind in the gym but today I definitely did. Oh well, I got the work done and survived.


135 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
275 x 1
315 x 1
305 x 3 x 5 sets (RPE 9, 9, 10, 10, 11 FML)

225 x 3
275 x 3 x 3

315 x 3
405 x 3 x 5 sets (RPE 8.5, 10, 9, 8.5, 9.5)

145 x 3 ea x 5 sets

And spent.



Woke at 238.6 lbs.

I’m hurting from yesterday’s session. My back and hamstrings are sore and I was feeling it this morning while I laid flooring.

I’m home for lunch. All the flooring is down. I’m headed back to install the quarter round and thresholds. Hopefully that goes well. I spent $50+ for a damn threshold and stair nose! What the hell?


You are very hard working, I am inspired!

No, I’m not! Thanks for the compliment but I’m really quite lazy most of the time. About once a year I’ll back myself into a corner and have to do a project on a tight schedule. I’d prefer to pay someone else but I’m running out of money!

I have a second rental that we bought in August. It’s STILL being renovated. It’s costing me $1000 a month while it’s unoccupied.


Dude, you’re getting bigger and stronger. Visual appearances can fluctuate greatly over the course of a single day, much less several, and especially at night. I’ve woken up shredded and went to bed bloated as shit. That being said, I saw the workout videos you posted recently, and you look pretty fuckin big. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with getting to your goal and then eating at maintenance and recomping, it’ll be easier with all the extra muscle you got.


Thanks! I’ve been kind of slacking in the nutrition department the past few days. The kitchen floor project keeps me busy and I haven’t been eating much. I’m actually on the dream diet:

Breakfast - oatmeal
Lunch - pizza
Dinner - two homemade cheeseburgers
After Dinner - 4 beers

And I’ve lost weight :smile: :smile: :smile:

After this week I’ll get back on track. I need to knock out my upper body workout of 5 sets of 3 tomorrow or Thursday and then I move on to the final phase - Realization Phase.

I’ll be doing 5/4/3/2/1 on everything and I do it every workout. I’m supposed to decrease my rest intervals on the second workout of the week since the volume doesn’t change.

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Woke at 238.8 lbs.

I got up early to go finish the floor but my wife wanted to go run. I want to get over there to give myself as much time as possible because things rarely go smoothly for me. I think I only have an hour of work to do but I’m telling myself it’ll take two hours. Hopefully I’ll be able to get it done without rushing.

My body is hurting. My lower back / SI joint is stiff and it aches. I’m pretty lethargic today. I’m supposed to do my upper body workout but I’m not sure if I will. I kind of want to sit around and rest once I finish with the floor and other oddball projects at the rental house.

Due to the busy week I think I’ll be starting week 10 of the program on Monday instead of Friday. It won’t matter which days I do each workout because the volume is the same now.

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Ever just do a bunch of body weight stuff at wake up - pushups - one legged squats - pull-ups just to get some volume in? I used to do this when I traveled and was time crunches. Now I don’t because of the epilepsy and wanting the extra sleep - but it used to work well, even after late nights and with early mornings.

Nope lol! I’m focusing on improving my strength on the specific lifts in my program. I’m sure I can do some good with the things you suggested but I’m focused on getting the specific workouts completed. It’s not about reaching fatigue or inducing stress; it’s about doing what the program says and making sure I don’t miss any reps. So far it’s been working well.

I was behind because of leg day but I actually caught up. Now I’ll be behind from taking today off instead of doing my upper body session. I’m tired and I’ve been physically active the past few days so I’m going to relax. I’ll try to squeeze in my workout tomorrow and then I’ll work at least 15 hours on Friday and Saturday so there won’t be any training on those days. I imagine I’m going to feel like ass on Sunday so I doubt I will lift after work.

Monday will mark the start of my next training week and it will only be half a week behind.


Well I think you are hard working…you obviously push yourself when you don’t have to/want too. Good luck getting the rentals done. Home renos suck! I could not imagine going through that work for someone else to enjoy!

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Success! I finished the floor including the annoying finishes like quarter round and thresholds.

I figured out the air conditioning was broke while I was there. I called my HVAC guy and he stopped by this morning. The compressor fan had a broken blade and it lodged into the side! The motor burned up too.

Parts cost a bit over $250 but he let me but them and he’s installing them for free!