Just. Don't. Suck (Part 1)


Woke at 247.4 lbs again. I must admit I was happy to see that. I know I need to gain weight but I don’t like seeing 2+ pounds gains from day to day.

I intended to go lift during my lunch break (again) but I’ve been on the same call since 0815 (it’s 1500 now). An intoxicated individual thought it’d be a good idea to go 80-90 mph in a 35 mph zone. He hit a pickup, took out the traffic light pole, hit a cable utility box, and rolled his car. He was completely uninjured even though he wasn’t wearing his seat belt. He’s very lucky.

I took him to jail for DUI and I’ve been on the scene of the wreck doing paperwork waiting for them to install a new traffic light. It’s rainy and cold today.

I will probably head to the liquor store after work. There will be no training because I just don’t really care. It was supposed to be a light upper body day. I’m already looking forward to starting my next program and it’s tempting to start tomorrow. I’m not going to test any upper body lifts this time around. I’m only concerned with deadlift. I could run my regularly scheduled day of SGSS W12 D1 on Wednesday and start my new shoulder program tomorrow… it’s soooo tempting.


You just finish that program mr Maier :slight_smile:
You’ve done almost all of it, if you bail now. You’ll end up bailing all your programs when they should shine.
But I understand, I almost bailed SGSS to join Hog on his group sessions.


This round of SGSS just isn’t very exciting since I’m still battling some pain in my shoulder and hip. I was excited to hit max weights last time on squat and bench but I’m not feeling the same about box squats and DB Incline. My OHP also seems to be stuck.

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Woke at 245.6 lbs.

Last heavy leg day today. If I finish in decent time then I’ll play some basketball afterwards.



45 x 5
95 x 5
145 x 5
155 x 4
165 x 3
175 x 2
185 x 1
205 x 1
225 x 1
I had more than 225 in me but that was the goal so I stopped.

225 x 3
275 x3
325 x 5
345 x 4
365 x 3
385 x 2
405 x 1

185 x 3
205 x 3
225 x 2
245 x 1
265 x 1
275 x 1
I’m not where I used to be but 275 isn’t terrible.

315 x 3
375 x 5
405 x 4
435 x 3
465 x 2 RPE 10 (or so I thought) on the first rep so I tried another…And got it.
495 x 1
Video shows 495 moving faster than it felt at the time.

One game and I got a knee to the face diving for a loose ball on game point. And we lost. I’m too competitive.

I hit PRs on box squat and RFESS because I’ve never made them a staple in my routine. I’m 40 lbs off my PR for power cleans but I hit close to my current max. I pulled about 90% of my deadlift max with a stiff power bar. I’d say my CNS is fried for the day.

I also had hip pain on almost every rep of the day. It even hurt to play defense during basketball. Hell, it hurt when I loaded my son into his car seat to leave the house.

I’ve been waiting to hear back from the doctor for too long. I called on the 5th and left a message with the nurse. I called again on the 8th and did the same. I finally got a call back and I told her I was still in pain and wanted to know what to do next. She said she’d talk to the doctor and call back. That was the 11th…


The fact that you can hit all those big ass numbers with your hip pain is very impressive. I’m really hopeful that the doctors can figure something out and get you better. You’re younger than hog and I can definitely see you putting up identical numbers to him very soon if you’re able to get healthy


Well done Big J.
Impressive RFESS well done.
DL is still awesome.


Congrats on hitting that RFESS goal man!

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Soon after I posted my workout I got a call from the nurse. I’m going to try the injection next week. It’s more potent and will go straight to the problem area.

I’m not in a hurry to have another surgery so it’s worth a shot. I’d like to see if I can pull 565 with the deadlift bar next week. Hopefully I can have a good session Friday to help me recover and facilitate a good session next Wednesday.

My work softball tournament was rescheduled for Sunday. I’ve failed to drink any less than a 12 pack the last three times we’ve had it. I really need to pace myself but the beer starts going down easy and it’s a long day. If I over indulge again then it will likely have a negative effect on the Deadlift attempt.

This will be my last heavy work for awhile. I’m going to keep it light on my legs for awhile. It can’t be helping my hip.

And on that note I’ll need to redo my leg training on my next program…


@lava2007, I’ll be running that Waterbury Method that you sent me for legs. 10 x 3 for deadlift and 4 x 6 on RFESS, box squats, and RDLs. I’m only doing leg training once a week while I (hopefully) add some mass to my shoulders.


You gotta live life, though. This isn’t a problem. I’m hopeful that the more direct and potent injection will carry you to 565 and beyond. That would be ideal.

Sounds solid. So you’re going to test if CT’s muscle migration theory is legit or not?

Sorry for late response. If you need help, I’m available.

Well of course if one de-emphasizes some muscles and specializes on others there can be more growth in the muscles specialized and some atrophy in the muscles that are de-emphasized. If one wants to call this muscle migration, fine.

I don’t know if I have experienced it, but it seemed when I trained with upper-lower splits and when I was a wannabe powerlifter using a Westside program and later 5/3/1 I was bottom heavy, with not much detail in the upper pecs, side delts, and lower lats. My upper back and traps were well developed though, so i did not have much of a V-taper. I never did, even when some things were corrected for my one show. However my legs never atrophied and I would up gaining more size in my hamstrings for the show with proper training.

As long as I train legs, even a tad, they’re not shrinking.


Yep. My ass and legs have grown this year. My legs aren’t defined and it’s not like I show them off. I’m pretty much going into maintenance for legs and hammering my shoulders.

My legs won’t get neglected because I’ll be playing basketball, running, etc. Having sore legs always makes those activities tougher.

I haven’t really ever emphasized one thing while slacking on another. I generally try to emphasize something while continuing to hit everything else the same. I just add and add until I get tired of doing too much lol

I think it’s a good time to try something different. My hip will thank me for the reduced volume in the weight room.



Woke at 250.0 lbs which was a surprise. I don’t think I ate too much yesterday. I’m guessing it’s related to my stomach feeling like garbage last night. It felt like I needed to go to the bathroom but I didn’t. I think I was backed up a bit.

More basketball today. I keep forgetting that the Dr told me to avoid high impact loading activities to ensure I don’t have any more hip problems. I’m going to have to be careful with basketball. I can’t start playing every day of the week. I’m doing better at not going all out all the time though. I didn’t jump anywhere near max yesterday.

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It’s hard to go easy in a game :slight_smile:


I managed to play four games today and felt pretty good doing it. There were less than five people waiting to play after the first two games. My team won so we got to stay on.

I had to sit for 30 minutes before the fourth game though. The youngsters took over and they play by 1s & 2s to 15 the first game (it’s only to 12 after that). They. Were. Terrible. It took forever for them to fumble through the game.

More good: I dunked two handed from a flat footed approach. That’s always a good sign. My vertical has improved a bit in the last few weeks.

During that dunk my right shoulder popped as I was hanging on the rim. I don’t hang long. It was a dunk, grab, and release. During that brief moment where I was coming down and grabbing the rim is when the shoulder popped. It popped again in the last game while shooting in the post. No pain. Just a pop.

I thought I had no pain…until I picked up my 35+ lb 2 year old. Certain movements (especially under load) feel like my arm is slightly out of the socket. It’s quite painful—like, I’m worried about being able to throw a ball and swing a bat for this weekend’s softball tournament. Also, in worried I actually messed something up.

My shoulder has been hurting for quite a while and it seems to be getting looser over time (I had surgery in 04 to tighten it up).

This sucks. Why is it that the things I enjoy doing beat the hell out of me? I can’t be having more surgeries and missing more work so regardless how this plays out you can bet it’s going to be awhile before I get patched up. I’m still fighting my hip.

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Damn Big J.
Sorry to hear that, I really really hope it isn’t as serious as it sounds.

I found a video made by a couple physical therapists where they showed some simple tests you can do on your own. I think I’ve ruled out most common problems. I think it’s my biceps tendon. The pain is worse when my thumb is up. It instantly decreases if I pronate my hand (palm down). It’s strange.

I’ll have to wait til tomorrow to see how it really feels. Day 1 is always too early to tell how bad it is. It might be better or I might not be able to raise my arm…

Well I won’t like that post Big J.
I’ll cross my fingers and hope for the best for you.


I have the exact same pain right now no joke
It was from jumping up to a 2nd story balcony 2 days ago and doing some pull ups
Now my left shoulder is achey with exactly the same pain points as you
I used the tennis ball on my trap and then did standing single arm rows using the door architrave now it feels marginally better

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