Just. Don't. Suck (Part 1)

That’s a strong power clean. That’s awesome.

Also, I’m surprised those are all rep maxes for you. How many RIR do you think you had on each of those sets? I pulled 425x3 last October and my max wasn’t any more than maybe 445 at the time. I feel like you and @losthog could pull 425x10 if you wanted to.

Here’s the 10x3:

I’m sure you could rest 3-5 minutes and get similar results as resting 1 minute. It’s been proven that less rest between sets is not significantly superior to more rest for strength (duh) or hypertrophy.


You are one big strong boy supercop


I’ve decided if I get into SAPOL we should swap police tshirts like opposite sports teams do


I’m not sure - not a lot. The main reason they’re PRs is that I’ve never tried doing those weights more than once. I was using 5/3/1 Training Maximally once I finally started deadlifting regularly so I was only doing singles at these weights to build up to my TM or to do Jokers. My max was 455 prior to June of last year. I hit 455 one week, then 465 and 495 the next week. 495 was my goal so after that I didn’t push it for awhile plus my hip was getting worse.

I wasn’t deadlifting prior to December of '16. I was inspired by the 600 lb Deadlift thread. Prior to that I only did power cleans and heavy clean pulls. I hit an ugly 315 power clean and was doing 350 on the pulls. I felt like my strength was pretty good since I could jump off the ground with 350.

I’m in! This sounds like a good idea to me, but I’ll actually have to get some :laughing: I’m still not sure if I trust the public enough to wear a police shirt off duty. I’m getting closer though. I have some workout shorts with a spartan helmet that has the thin blue line on it.



Woke at 248.6 lbs. I guess I’m slowly recovering from the weekend. I’m not lifting today - just basketball. My ankle will be fine with a brace. It’s a little swollen but it doesn’t hurt much today.

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Pick up basketball. I managed to get in three games today and did about an hour of actual moving around. I was there for a bit over an hour and a half.

No new injuries. Good exercise. Fun. I’d call that a win.


How’d the ankle hold up to the pick up games?

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Hey Big J good stuff with the basketball.
Suppose the ankle didn’t bother too much.
EDIT: btw how hard do you think the sets of SGSS should be.
I’m on the last week of 8’s this week… I good do another rep or two on the last set of most lifts.

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I barely noticed it and that was only during my warm up. I didn’t try to test it much. I jumped off one leg to dunk once and I held back to protect it and missed.

That’s about where I was. During my test day I did 3 x 8 with 95 for RFESS and I hit that weight in week three. It was also easier. I still have more in the tank on some exercises, but not all.

If you feel like you started too light then make a bigger jump in weights from week three to four.

That’s pretty badass. Did you get that from your PD or did you buy it somewhere else? That’s definitely something I’d wear.

I would too. Being able to move around on that ankle is a great sign by itself, let alone playing ball for an hour. Good stuff man

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Woke at 247.6 lbs. I finally recovered!

My wife bought them for me. They’re CrossFit shorts and they’re pretty comfortable.

I bounce back from ankle sprains pretty fast normally. It’s a double edged sword - I sprain my ankle easily because the ligaments are stretched out and the stability sucks, but it doesn’t affect the function of my ankle much because it’s not causing much new damage.

I’ll be surprised if I don’t have surgery on my left ankle someday. It’s just too beat up. It still aches from when I cracked the talus in 2013. Here’s a picture of that injury. This was taken a few hours after it happened. It got worse but I deleted those pics.

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Hey, @BrickHead, random question. How do physique competitors get big and wide delts while having a 28" waist? It blows my mind.

Here’s a guy I know in town. He’s super nice. He competes and has started coaching so he’s always posting on Instagram.

Is it a height thing? He’s much shorter than me so maybe his width is smaller than mine but it looks huge compared to his waist? I’m pretty sure there’s no training I can do to shrink my waist (except lose fat).

I’m afraid part of that is genetics. My pelvis is wide, so I’ll never have that much of a taper no matter how much fat I lose. It does make my squat strong, though.


Just like with our other discussion someone will disagree with you. I agree. I think my genetics and build drastically impact my potential in the iron game but there’s always someone telling me to just work harder. Of course, that person has already achieved my goals and it was somewhat easy for them.

It’s like me telling someone that a 500+ deadlift is easy with a little dedication. I first did a conventional Deadlift in 2014 and pulled 365. I later jacked up my back warming up for a 1RM and 365 is where I stopped. I was going for 405. I stopped deadlifting and only did clean work until December of 2016. I was inspired to see where I was and I pulled 450. June of '17 I hit 495. June of this year I hit 545.

I didn’t spend months or years grinding away to hit those numbers. I think my years of training helped me build a base and my body just happens to be good at deads. It’d be silly for me to tell someone to suck it up because it’s not hard, but that’s what I get when I talk about struggling with squats or body comp.



10, 8, 8, 5, 5, 5, 5
superset with
115 x 5 x 2 sets
140 x 5
150 x 4
160 x 2
170 x 2
180 x 1

That’s two workouts in a row that I’ve failed to get my reps on OHP. I hate OHP. I feel like I’ve made zero progress here. Perhaps it’s not the best stand alone shoulder builder for me.

75 x 5
85 x 5
90 x 4
95 x 3
100 x 2
105 x 5
superset with
185 x 3
200 x 5
210 x 4
220 x 3
230 x 2
240 x 1

DB Incline is a low incline. I read an article where CT said the 30 deg incline was the best fit hitting the upper pecs so that’s what I’m doing.

Skipped my shoulder complex so I could raise my arms for basketball.

2 games (26 minutes of actual activity)


I really think it’s the lats that give the illusion of a tiny waist… If that makes sense? Obviously big shoulders and lean midsection helps, but the lats give that shape that kind of points inward?
I’m such a God with my descriptive talent :joy:


I would like to know that too.

And that ankle picture Big J, ouch that must have hurt.

Just so you know, the mobile preview of that picture looks like this;

At first glance I thought you had started to upload some very questionable pictures


I posted it from my phone and it looks perfectly normal!

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Natural structure and having a shoulder session with isolation exercises. Not much more to it.