Jed's Log


Oh husband, I think we need to talk…

Kali Muscle uses it all the time!
It’s the only way nattys can get huge!

No more than 1,200 on fasting days! :frowning: I would be a sad panda not being able to eat more food than that. I use to do the fasting thing following the lean gains protocol mostly. I’m somewhat doing carb cycling now the way Shelby Starnes writes about it here.

It takes some getting used to but it works!

[quote]The_Jed wrote:
Kali Muscle uses it all the time!
It’s the only way nattys can get huge![/quote]

[quote]The_Jed wrote:
Kali Muscle uses it all the time!
It’s the only way nattys can get huge![/quote]

Well, then you’re doin’ it wrong, because you don’t subsist on Top Ramen and tuna.

[quote]RozS wrote:

[quote]The_Jed wrote:
Kali Muscle uses it all the time!
It’s the only way nattys can get huge![/quote]

Well, then you’re doin’ it wrong, because you don’t subsist on Top Ramen and tuna. [/quote]
Any woman who knows this is a keeper

Definitely a keeper!

This Morning’s workout:

Inflate and pummel speedbag for 15 minutes.

Move on to heavy bag work. I dig in a few good body hooks followed by an overhand right or two then there’s a loud POP and the bag drops to the floor. Lovely…
The nut that held it in the wall mount has stripped so I run home, grab some wrenches and a few nuts then come back to the gym and re-hang the bag, double nutting the fucker.
4 rounds at about 5 minutes per round.

Leg press SS with leg press calf raises:
5 sets of 20 for both, 410 lbs on the top set

More Speedbag:
3 rounds @ 3 minutes per round

186.4 when I woke up this afternoon.
3 days of 3rd shift this week…

Just woke up. 186.0 lbs.

Yesterday’s workout:
Neck bridges stretching and abs

Medicine ball slams sprawls

Dips SS bent laterals:
3 sets of 20 on both, 45 lbs on dips and 20’s for the bent laterals

Incline bench lateral raises:
3 sets of 10 on incline then 1 set of 7 @ 225
20’s for the lateral raises

Shrugs front raises:
5 sets of 10 for both then a big drop set on shrugs.

Time for a re-feed!

Misread the scale, I’m 185.0.

[quote]chobbs wrote:

[quote]RozS wrote:

[quote]The_Jed wrote:
Kali Muscle uses it all the time!
It’s the only way nattys can get huge![/quote]

Well, then you’re doin’ it wrong, because you don’t subsist on Top Ramen and tuna. [/quote]
Any woman who knows this is a keeper[/quote]

Thanks :slight_smile:

Today’s Workout:
Crunches and stretching

5 rounds @ 3 minutes each

95 x 10
135 x 10
185 x 10
225 x 10
225 x 10 (sumo)

Heavy Bag:
4 rounds @ 3 minutes each

T bar rows:
3 sets of 10 @ 90 lbs

Pull ups (just goofing around):
2 sets of 10

Today’s workout (very pressed for time):
crunches, pull ups and lateral raises as a warm up

Military press SS pulldowns:
empty smith machine----- 180 lbs, 10 reps
90 lbs----- 180 lbs, 10 reps
140 lbs----- 180 lbs, 10 reps
180 lbs----- 180 lbs, 10 reps

machine shrugs:
2 sets to failure

Today’s Workout:

Crunches and bent laterals as a warm up.

Flat Bench SS bent laterals:
bar-----15’s, 10 reps
135-----15’s, 10 reps
185-----15’s, 10 reps
225-----15’s, 10 reps
275 for 7-----15’s for 30 reps

leg press:
5 sets of 20, 410 lbs on the top set

Front raises SS pressdowns:
45 (empty bar)-----150 (according to the stack) 4 sets of 10

Empty bar curls, 1 set to failure

If I remember, I’m going to substitute dips for flat bench for the next few weeks and see what happens.

I’ve worked out a few times but didn’t log it.

Bodyweight hasn’t dropped below 185.

Today’s Workout:

Dips Upright Rows:
4 sets of 10

Rack Pulls Incline Bench:
405 x 10 and 225 x 9 on the top sets for each one.

Calf raises rear delt machine… thingy:
3 sets of 20

Workout From two days ago:

5 rounds on the speed bag

5 rounds on the heavy bags

calf raises:
5 sets of 20

Leg curls:
5 sets of 20

leg extensions:
5 sets of 20

Today’s workout:

Smith Machine Military press SS narrow grip pulldowns:
5 sets ending at 180 x 10 military and 190 x 10 pulldowns

Leg extension SS knuckle pushups:
4 sets of 20 and 40, respectively

Today’s Workout:
Early in the afternoon:
took the kids to a park and rode the bicycles around with them. A bit later, while everyone was sleeping I did lots of pushups and lateral raises.

An hour ago:
4 rounds with the speedbag.

Deadlifts SS with ab rollouts:
bar x 10, 10 rollouts
135 x 10, 10 rollouts
185 x 10, 10 rollouts
225 x 10, 10 rollouts
275 x 5, 10 rollouts
315 x 5, 10 rollouts
365 x 5, 10 rollouts

I was tempted to go to 405 but I haven’t pulled from the floor for a while so I called it there.