HustlingHat93's Road to 123lb and Weak to Strong

Read that on your log and it was the best way to describe it :sweat_smile: :joy:

I honestly think if it was not for that breath I could have gotten a few more reps

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Lower body day
SSB Squats: 4x10 + 1x11 with 95kg/209lbs

Sumo Deads: 4x10 +1x11 with 105kg/231lbs

SSB Alternating Lunges: 4x6 each leg with 55kg/121lbs
RDL: 3x5 with 85kg/187lbs

And that’s all. Was pressed for time and the hip thrust set up was in use. May go back later if I have time and do extra work


Do you have any periodization to how long you’ll be running tens?

Nothing set in stone time wise. The plan was until end of January-2nd week of Feb depending when I start stalling and being unable to complete all 5 sets.

With me currently nearing the 75% mark on all lifts (slightly above on some lifts and slightly lower on others) I should in theory be stalling once I get closer to the 80% mark and un able to complete the later sets.

Light Boxing workout + Bench sets

So decided to get into the gym to do my 5x8 bench sets today and also hit the bag and test out if my AC joint gives me issues hitting things at high velocity

Bench: 5x8 with 60kg/132lbs + 1x18 with 45kg/99lbs
Inc bench: 1x20 with 30kg/66lbs, 2x8 with 40kg/88lbs and 1x5 with 55kg/110lbs

4x3 minute rounds on the bag (45 seconds rest)
1x3minute punching conditioning drill consisting of: 30 seconds fast straight shots/ 30 seconds hard shots x 3


And did it? You don’t say, and enquiring minds want to know! :grin:

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It did occasionally. The first few shots felt weird but after that the issues disappeared except for throwing hard hooks with the left.

On another note it’s 4am here and I’ve woken up to go to the gym, checked my schedule for the day and realised I can get in to train later (all be it at a more busy time) so back to bed I go. My want to be better recovered and perform better trumps my want to avoid people!


Full Body Day (which went off plan AGAIN)

Deadlifts: 5x10 with 115kg/253lbs

Squats: 1x10 and 1x5 with 105kg/231lbs :flushed:. And this was the point I knew 5x10 with this weight would either not be happening or would require extreme long rest periods

Additional squats: 1x5 with 105kg/231lbs, 1x3 with 110kg/242lbs, 1x3 with 115kg/253lbs, 1x2 with 120kg/264lbs, 1x1 with 125kg/275lbs. 1x1 with 130kg/287lbs and 1x1 with 132.5kg/292lbs (PR)

Rows: 5x10 with 60kg/ 132lbs
CGBP: 50kg/110lbs x9, 60kg/132lbs x5 and 65kg/143lbs x3
DB shoulder press: 1x10 with 17.5kg/38kbs and 2x10 with 15kg/33lbs
Weighted pull ups with 10kg/22lbs: 5,4,4


Mixed feelings on today. On one end I hit a single at PB weight so that’s nice, on the other end I did not complete the 5x10 as required. Now I’m left doubting myself on whether I physically could not do the 5x10 or did my mind/ mental toughness let me down because you know… Not a fan of high rep squats. Perhaps I should have just sucked it up and rested 3 minutes + and risk missing a rep. But Saturday or perhaps Thursday is a chance at redemption so we go on

But I will take the win and use the negative emotions to fuel me next session when I have to hit 5x10 with that weight again.

I will either write up a little summary today or tomorrow regarding how the 5x10 is going so far, where the numbers put my projected max and how close I feel I am to stalling (which I did today!) on the main lifts.



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Mini review of 5x10 programming

Just going to start this mini review by saying I might have to change things up in the first week of Feb due to the new gym that I will be working at opening. I may not be able to train 5/6 times a week depending on the new work schedule and if the free time I have when not working (this job and the PTing at other studios) would conflict with MMA sessions.

Duration (this far): 10 Weeks (Including deload + end of year testing)
Initial weights used
Squats: 80kg/ 176lbs (60% of 1RM)
Deadlifts: 90kg/ 198lbs (58% of 1RM)
Bench: 47.5kg/ 105lbs (60% of 1RM)
Incline Bench: 37.5kg/87lbs (60% of 1RM)
SSB Squats: 75kg/ 165lbs (62.5% of 1RM)
Sumo Deads: 85kg/ 187lbs (60% of 1RM)

Current weights being used
Squats:105kg/231lbs (80% of 1RM) ( Based on today feel like I am close to stalling but before that I would have said I have a few weight increases)
Deadlifts: 115kg/253lbs (73% of 1RM) ( Feel like I have a few weight increases in me before stalling on one of the lifts)
Bench: 60kg/ 132lbs (75% of 1RM) ( Feel like I have 2.5-5kg/ 5-10lbs until I stall)
Incline Bench: 47.5kg/105lbs (73% of 1RM) (Close to stall/ will stall either now or next weight up)
SSB Squats: 95kg/209lbs(76% of 1RM) (Not sure when I feel I would stall)
Sumo Deads: 105kg/231lbs (70% of 1RM) (Have a decent amount of weight increases before I feel I would stall)

As you can see I am close to stalling on some lifts and somewhat far on others (which correlates to the %s set out above) so I am at a place where, if the work schedule change did not exist, I would be looking to either make changes or grind through and try and squeeze out the last few weight increases I could.

I also want to add that while strength gains was no the main goal, I am not counting the little increases in Squat and Deadlift as notable gains, I do feel that If I had to go for 1 top set of 10 reps I would be able to set a PR for a 10RM

All in all these last 10 weeks have been exactly what they were suppose to be with me accumulating a lot of volume with progressively heavier weight. If you look at the squat for example and compare the 1st week of 5x10 with last week then the difference in total weight lifted in those weeks is 2,250kg/4,960lbs which is decent to say the least.

Now for the rest of the week I will continue exactly as planned and then just look at what I will do in Feb once I know how many days I have to work with. I know already that the next program I run after this will either be 5/3/1 (2 books down and reading the 3rd) or Juggernaut again (which surprise surprise was inspired by 5/3/1).

Apologies for the long post. This was probably me getting my own thoughts down in writing and if you made it this far. Thanks!


Mini Conditioning workout (moderate intensity)

Pwn’s New Year’s Challenge (Inspiration via @SvenG )

Squat: 80kg/176lbs x20 drop the bar after the 20th as if I was bailing on a failed rep and straight into
Deadlift: 80kg/176lbs x20

Squat (60kg/132lbs)/ Power Cleans (30kg/61lbs) ladder: 2-4-6-8-10 reps

5 rounds EMOM consisting of:
10 KB swings with 20kg/44lbs
10 Box jumps onto a 20" Box
Prowler sprint with 60kg/132lbs added weight for half the length of room


  • The new year challenge was harder than expected when it came to the deadlifts. My lower back was not happy so made sure to do the reps cleanly and not go for speed. Squatting before deadlifting was a nice change
  • The ladder of cleans/ squats was brutal. I had both barbells loaded and ready so was literally Squats-Step back to rack- Step forward-Cleans-Fall Back-Squat-Repeat.
  • The EMOM was a decent finisher

Nice work! I’m pretty sure dropping the bar is how it’s meant to go. Or two bars, that would make a difference too—I wasted so much time unracking from squats and reloading before getting started on the deadlifts.

Be sure to post that work in Pwn’s Challenge thread—get the credit you deserve, haha!

I will try and locate it!

Yeah my initial plan was to have 2 bars like I did for the squats and cleans (alas there was no free bar at this point) and do multiple rounds of this. Something like

5x20/20 for time

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Pwn’s Challenge thread is here: link.

Now that’s just silly right there. :slight_smile:

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It’s such a difficult to foresee variable! You think “now comes the easy part”, and then everything shuts down. You can see in my first video attempt how I pull the first rep and just suddenly become lost, haha.


Thanks for the link. I’ll take a video and post it there next attempt

For today 100% My lower back would have veto’d that if it was an option. But I actually think I’m going to use that as a conditioning challenge over this bulk maybe once a month. Just put my bodyweight on the bar and go for time and try to beat it over the months :man_shrugging:t3:

Yeah that look is a perfect representation of how I felt. I feel like the fact that the squats were light enough for me to just do them fast with minimal breaths during the whole set that the big breaths of air I had between dropping the bar and grabbing probably screwed me over by sending too much blood in the lower body but it was fun!


Upper body day

Incline bench: 2x9 and 3x8 with 47.5kg/105lbs

Would love to say today was a surprise but I knew going in that 5x10 was not happening (based on the MR set last week) so focused on getting more reps overall than last week.

Additional incline bench: 1x2 with 50kg/110lbs, 1x2 with 52.5kg/116lbs, 1x1 with 60kg/132lbs, 1x1 with 62.5kg/138lbs, 1x10 with 40kg/ 88lbs and 1x20 with 35kg/77lbs

Incline DB Press: 4x9 with 17.5kg/38lbs
Rows: 5x10 with 62.5kg/138lbs
DB Shoulder press: 5x10 with 12.5kg/27lbs
5x10-12 Lat pull down
4x10 Low Cable Row
3x3 scoop throws with 9kg/ 20lbs
3x6 Lying chest throw with 9kg/ 20lbs
And finally 4 sets of Biceps and 4 sets of Triceps work

… So yeah incline benching has officially stalled, as expected, and I am not to bothered. The writing has been on the wall for the last few weeks with the not getting many extra reps on the MR sets and just the difficulty of the sets. I could easily “cheat” my way out of this and do the incline benching with an amendable bench at a better angle in a rack instead of using the preset incline station but that would be feeding my ego and not making me stronger.

Like I mentioned previously the next program I will be doing will either be 5/3/1 or Juggernaut again which I will replace OHP with Incline benching so having the station at a higher angle will be a benefit due to being more of a vertical press.

On a better note… I have been feeling “bigger” noticing my thigh area and arms/ shoulder girdle area being thicker but considering I have not gained a lot of weight (sitting around 135-137lbs) I played it as being in my head. Well my GF returned from a week abroad and apparently she’s noticed that I look more muscular and she actually does not understand how my ass got “that big” in a week. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


Lower body day #1 (Fueled by anger)
So today has been a stressful day (More on that in the notes) and the SSB bar was in use so today was basically a lower body #2 with the sumo switched in for conventional.

Sumo deadlifts: 5x10 with 110kg/243lbs + 1x1 with 140kg/309lbs and 1x1 with 150kg/331lbs (2.5kg/5lbs PB)
Squats: 3x10 with 105kg/231lbs. I made a deal with myself here I could either do 2 more sets or do 1 more set but set a 10RM PB. I chose the latter. 1x10 with 112.5kg/248lbs (10RM PB) + 1x20 with 90kg/198lbs

Good mornings: 4x6 with 50kg/110lbs

Hack Squat: 1x12 with 60kg/132lbs, 1x8 with 100kg/220lbs, 1x5 with 120kg/264lbs and 1x3 with 140kg/309lbs


So today started off very weird. Someone has been targeting my business IG account and slandering me across the web, made a fake profile of, spammed my online consultation booking form and also used my PT Email to subscribe to a dozen Gay forums :triumph:

Now this is all bullshit but I am prone to overthink/ get anxiety and considering this was targeting my business profile I got super worried (less worried now because friends have talked me down) and when I get super stressed… My stomach is a mess which is not ideal for lower body. Anyhow I was either going to be a victim of this bullshit or be pissed about it… Now considering this is online and I can’t tear the idiot limb from limb I used the anger in the gym.

Anyhow Sumo deadlifts went well added more weight than planned and was not an issue also set a (small) 1rm PB which was good but then this followed by the squats. And god damn was I relieved at how easy the first 3x10 sets were. With having two sets left I decided either I just stick to the 5x10 or I can go for a small (2.5kg/5lb) PB in both a 10 rep set and a widowmaker. I chose the latter and so happy about it. I guess Monday was more of a mindset failure than a physical one


Rough day, to be sure, but I’m not seeing any failure here at all, my dude—mental or physical. Just keep killing it!

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I’m sorry this is happening to you and the day started off weird.

The good news is you only have to live this day once. It’ll be better tomorrow.