How often should carb up

well im 18 so i dont think im getting into that…I was always led to belive i didn’t need that yet.
this is just for ur training though, not ur diet?

You’d be best going with a keto diet and a moderate calorie restriction. Use the carb overfeeding protocols outlined earlier in this thread; be sure to conduct about 30 mins of moderate cardio the morning following the overfeed. Adding Methoxy-7 would also be a good idea. You can still use the weight training program I outline in the article, just cut back on the cardio; 2 moderate sessions and 2 HIIT sessions weekly should do it.


Really Joel you grow up. Your articles suck. You won the stupid EAS contest but you are no expert. Most people get fat when “cheating” during diets. Your pictures shoe you are a skinny twerp.

Can someone help point me to John Berardi’s article on how to come off a strict diet? I, for the life of me cannot find it.

Thanks, J; your kind words are appreciated. Just so you know, I’m actually more of an endo than anything else; coming down from ~20%bf before I started paying attention to my diet. And yes, I agree with you- most people get fat when cheating, simply because they dont how to do so properly. It has and can be very beneficial to many when an educated approach is used. Feel free to email me and I will forward you the many success stories in my inbox.


I believe it was in a an appetite for construction column.

Would this diet be good with renegade training for football? My goal is to get to a bodyfat level below 9%. I also want to preserve as much lean mass as possible. If this diet is suitable for the kind of training that I want should I add another supp. besides mag-10 and md-6? Like methoxy or something?

I’m confused on cycling the androgens and the changes I must make to this diet. Should I use the 2 weeks on and 2 off with the M-10 or a different cycle? Also when I’m off the M-10 what sort of diet should I then follow. T-Dawg, maintnence, etc.? What do you do Mr. Marion?

joel, how much of a restriciton would be good? 500cals?

Eric, thank you much. I was looking for that article for days. Thanks again

Jason- Yes, the diet should be fine; I do like 10 cardio sessions, 4 of which are HIIT, and strength training on my cycles, so I dont foresee any major problems. No need to throw in Methoxy on the on weeks, save it for the off weeks. 1.5 doses of Mag10 daily, with a 3 dose frontload on the first day should have you holding on to all the LBM. What is your bf% right now?

PrettyRicky- Again, just call me Joel. 2 and 1/2 weeks on w/ 2 and 1/2 weeks off is what I do. This would mean that you go off the androgen 3 days after your last cheat; this way, you reap the benefits of that cheat by losing additional fat over the following 3 days. It is fine to continue to diet on the off weeks. A moderate diet w/ Meltdown and some moderate cardio should keep the fat coming off- it's all in the article.

One thing that you can do is go w/ a keto diet at ~300-500 calories below maintenance and have some carb refeeds to restore glycogen even on the off weeks. Try the lower end of the protocol I mentioned earlier on this thread.

Ryan- 500 calories below maintenance w/ a keto diet should work nicely.

Ryan, I believe that if you’re going on a moderately restricted diet, a caloric deficit of between 500-750 calories below maintenance will be work, but you’ll have to find the right number for you specifically.

You could start at about a 500-600 calorie deficit and then judge from there. Keep in mind, adding any compound that will allow you to preserve lean mass will allow you drop calories further; the net result being fast fat loss.

That in mind I just wanted to address your comment about age and Mag-10. Generally speaking, when we say "you don't need Mag-10" because you're 18, it is basically a way of saying that your hormonal levels are such that supplmenting with an androgen is not at all necessary for you to see a significant amount of muscle gain.

However, in terms of retention of lean mass while dieting, your body will react much the same way as anyone else's. Yes, because of you age you will likely be able to cut calories and not lose as much LBM, but you are not impervious to that loss.

Essentially my point is that, in terms of severe dieting, Mag-10 or any other androgen can be as useful to you as anyone else. So, although you may be avoiding Mag-10 for other reasons, it should just be known that severe dieting is an option at 18.

Hope this helps.

How about an idea of what everyone’s day looks like on the “CHEATERs DIET” on the days when not cheating? the 1500 calorie day!!! Include supplements, and let us know how it’s working! thanks

Good idea Dirk D.!!! Please do this for the fellow t-man

Anyhow, here is my first day on the diet(stats are 5’7" 170lbs. 6.2%BF 7spot)

Meal 1: Oats and natural protein powder 3 fish oil caps P-20,C-30,fat-3

Meal 2: Post Hiit Maltodextrin, Protein powder P-25,C-55,

Meal 3: Myoplex lite bar, 8 fish oil caps P-15 C-27, F-13

Meal 4: Fish salad, extra virgin caesar
P-33, C-6, Fat-12

Meal 5:Post-workout: MRP shake, 3 fish oil caps
P-50, C-25, F-7

Total- P-139, C-146, F-35 cal-1455

Trying to get below 5%, tommorrow will add more protein and reduce carbs. Will switch Myoplex lite bar with low carb bar, will reduce carbs post Hiit as well!

Yes, up the protein and drop the carbs. Other than that, looks pretty good.

i was always under the impression that i was to young for mag-10, much for the same reason i would be to young for steriods. I did loose allot of LBM last spring and summer when cutting. What are your oppinions on mag-10 for someone my age. I will be turning 19 in febuary. I was under the impression that mag-10 could have steriod like side effects for someone my age. I would be looking to use it around april or may, where it is reccomended in the T-mag forum program. I would also like to stack methoxy,md6,T2, and whatever else. Im planning on using the t-mag program to work into my peak.

2nd day:

Meal 1: Low carb bar p-20, c-3,f-8 alc.-18
Meal 2: Protein shake p-34,c-20,f-2
Meal 3: Chicken and veggies p-20, c-7,f-1
Meal 4:Post w-out P-30, C-40, F-17 (oops)
Meal 5: Can of Tuna & veggies P-45, C-7
Meal 6: Natural Protein shake P-40, C-10, F-18

Totals: P-191, C-80, F-46, Sugar alc.-18
Calories- 1575

One question Joel: I Plan on cheating on thursday and sunday, now on thursday I will start cheating at 1pm at a chinese buffet and end the cheating sessions at 8pm, And on Sunday I plan to start early for a brunch I have to attend at 12pm and end that days cheating at 7pm. Is this ok or am I starting the cheating too early and ending too early? Im not sure if it’s only supposed to start at dinner time and end right before bed time? Thanks for all the help Joel hope to hear some more interesting points from you! Dirk

It sounds fine that way; an 8 hour cheat is fine; what approach will u be using? All out cheats or carb refeeds like described in this thread? I think allowing yourself to eat some higher fat foods that you have been craving (like a few slices of pizza, or krispy creams) and sticking w/ mainly carbs, protein and little fat thereafter is the best way to go for a psychological break and a nice physiological effect.