Home Shed Gym 5/3/1 - Focusing on the Iron

5s Pro, FSL 5x5 1s week, workout 4

Viking Press 5s Pro
57kg x5
65kg x5
72kg x5

FSL 57kg 5x5

DB 1 arm Row 42.5kg - 10,12,12,12,15
Zercher Rear Lunge 10kg a side - 12,11,11
DB Side Lateral Raise 9kg - 4x15 + 1x10 banded lateral raise as dropset
Pallof Press/HKR - 3x15

Daily Work
Pullaparts x75
Pushdowns x100
Curls x50
Neck x30

End of 1st cycle, dropped around 4lbs in 3 weeks which isn’t earth shattering. For the next cycle I’m going to be a bit more aggressive on the deficit. Don’t really feel I can commit to a 12 week gaining programme at the moment as I’m still feeling a bit puffy. TM’s for next cycle will remain where they are, there’s no rush.


5s Pro, FSL 5x5 3s week, workout 1

SSB Squats
5s pro
101kg x5
115kg x5
129kg x5
FSL 101kg 5x5


Swiss bar row:
70kg - 2x12
75kg - 10, 11
65kg x15

Close grip bench:
70kg x14
80kg - 11, 11
85kg x7
65kg x16

SSB Good Mornings: 0

Daily work
Pullaparts x60
Neck x25

Hopefully get some time in later to get GMs and daily work, shouldn’t have hit snooze on my alarm!


Remainder of daily work + GM’s

SSB Good Mornings:
50kg - 12, 12
55kg - 10, 10
60kg x10

Pushdowns x25
Unbroken BB curls x46
Core x35


Yesterday x8 hill sprints followed by 1 mile recovery walk

5s Pro, FSL 5x5 3s week, workout 2

Swiss Bar Bench 5s Pro
70kg x5
80kg x5
90kg x5
FSL 70kg 5x5

Weighted Chins:
BW x14
5kg - 2x11
10kg - 9,8
15kg - 6,5
BW x14
Total =78, -2 from last week

RFE Hatfield Squat
10kg - 12,13
15kg x8
20kg x8

Landmine Press
25kg x12
30kg x10

Pushdowns - 25,16,19

Daily Work
Pullaparts x75
Neck x50
Curls x30
Core x35

Elbows feeling a bit cranky this morning so was happy to end up with chins only at -2 from last week. Ran out of time a bit on the push accessory so threw some pushdowns in with higher volume over low rest periods


Hard Conditioning
x8 hill sprints, 20 min walk

Legs felt tired I was tired, it was -2 outside literally wanted to be anywhere else but got it done anyway.


5s Pro, FSL 5x5 3s week, workout 3

Trap Bar Deadlift
157kg x5
168kg x5
189kg x5

FSL 147kg - 2x5

Unilateral DB Bench Press:
26.5kg x15
29kg x15
34kg x12
36.5kg x8

BW Pullups - 10,10,8
HLR x15

Daily Work
Pullaparts x50
Pushdowns x30
Neck x0
Curls x0

Got the %'s for this session wrong on the first set hence why the FSL was 10kg’s lighter. Did all of this in just over 50 mins, don’t know how it took me so long and yet got so little done. Ran out of steam on the deads and bar speed was piss poor, can only assume it’s an effect of decreasing the calorie intake again this week. Also felt like my flooring solution for the deads was affecting my performance. In order to protect my wooden floor I lift off blocks but use some matting to put myself level with the blocks to negate the height. Could probably use a more substantial material as I felt like I couldn’t get a good grip from my feet.


5s Pro, FSL 5x5 3s week, workout 4

Viking Press 5s Pro
53kg x5
61kg x5
68kg x5

FSL 53kg 5x5

DB 1 arm Row 42.5kg - 14,14,15,14,14
Swiss Bar Hip Thrust:
95kg - 12,15
105kg x14
DB Side Lateral Raise 11.5kg - 14,12,14

Daily Work
Pullaparts x65

Felt much better training this morning but was constrained with time due to my kids, youngest was up before 4am and had to contain her and make sure she was settled before I could do my thing. My other daughter starts her medication this morning to hopefully help delay the progression with her condition, this needs to be given every morning before 6am.

Press moved really well and the DB row numbers keep going up, only had about 40 minutes to train so did well to get as much in as I did. Weighed myself this morning and my weight is pretty static, having said that I feel and think I look leaner but I do want my scale weight to come down before I start gaining, 223lbs is not a good starting weight prior to a gaining phase for me so may end up deficit dieting a while longer than I’d planned.


5s Pro, FSL 5x5 5s week, workout 1

SSB Squat 5s Pro
93kg x5
108kg x5
122kg x5
FSL 93kg 5x5

Chest supported Swiss bar row:
75kg - 12,11
85kg - 8, 7
65kg x15

Close grip Bench Press:
70kg x14
80kg - 2x10
85kg x8
65kg x17

SSB Good Morning’s 60kg - 3, 8, 10, 10, 10
Core (HLR/Pallof Press superset) - 2x15

Daily work
Pullaparts x80
Unbroken empty BB curls x51
Pushdowns x50
Neck x35

Followed by 20 min weighted vest walk

Had a proper rest day yesterday and a bit of a carbs reload, felt the benefits of this today. The first good morning set I realised after the 2nd rep I needed to go, if you know you know.


Hard Conditioning

24kg KB swing

Done in 21:40

Truly, disgustingly hideous. Wanted to quit so many times.

Daily work:
Pullaparts x50
Pushdowns x30
Curls x30


5s Pro, FSL 5x5 5s week, workout 2

Swiss Bar Bench 5s Pro:
65kg x5
75kg x5
85kg x5

FSL 65kg 5x5

BW x15
5kg - 11,12
10kg - 9,10
15kg - 5,6
BW x10
Total = 78, same as last week but higher numbers on the weighted ones, was spent by the last BW set

Unilateral Landmine Press:
25kg - 10,12
30kg x12
35kg x8
25kg (focus on power/speed) - 2x5

Band Crunches ss with Pallof Press - 4x20

Daily Work
Pullaparts x65
Neck x45
Pushdowns x40
Curls x30

Swapping core for single leg on the Tuesday session to see if this helps deadlift performance. Also feeling a bit sore after yesterday’s WOD



Humane Burpee x10 rounds in 10:15
Followed by EMOM:
x2 Clean and Press
x2 Row
x2 Snatch
Single KB, both sides in each round x10 rounds
All above with 24kg KB


No training since Wednesday, came down the flu a fucking gain. Bit better this morning, felt like I needed to get some work in, not eat much or properly since Wednesday afternoon.

5s Pro, FSL 5x5 5s week, workout 4

Viking press 5s Pro

49kg x5
57kg x5
65kg x5

FSL 49kg 3x5

Meadows row
20kg x15
25kg - 3x12

Banded side Lateral raise - 4x15
Back ext BW 2x10
HLR - 3x10

Daily work
Pullaparts x80
Pushdowns x50
Curls x30

Nothing too strenuous but it was still hard going especially as I made the decision to just get up and go within 5 mins of a protein flapjack and bottle of lucosade


5s Pro, FSL 5x5, 1s week workout 1

SSB Squat
108kg x5
122kg x5
137kg x5

FSL 108kg 2x5


Swiss bar row:
75kg - 10, 11
85kg - 7, 7
65kg x16

Close grip bench:
70kg x12
80kg - 10, 8
60kg x15

Banded crunches 2x25

Daily work
Face pull x60
Neck x20
Pushdowns x15
Curls x35

Todays objective was just don’t die. Spent the rest of yesterday paying for the mornings workout despite managing to eat more food than I’d done in the past 3 days. Really doubted I’d got it in me today for the top set squat particularly when a warmup set of 85kg felt ridiculously heavy. Accessory and supplemental work dropped some sets and reps. Glutes, hips and hammy felt really tight and the second FSL set felt like dog shit. I achieved the objective however much I’m already paying for it now


Hard Conditioning
x7 hill sprints
Followed by 20 minute walk

Went better than anticipated.


5s Pro, FSL 5x5, 1s week workout 2

Swiss Bar Bench 5s pro
75kg x5
85kg x5
95kg x5

FSL 75kg 5x5

BW x15
5kg - 11,12
10kg - 9,8
15kg - 2x5
BW x13
Total =78

Landmine Press:
25kg - 12,14
30kg x10
35kg x8
25kg - 2x5 (focus on power)

SSB Good Mornings
40kg x15
50kg x12
60kg x10

Palloff Press/HLR - 2x12

Daily Work
Pullaparts x70
Unbroken Curls x42
Neck x40
Pushdowns x45

Chins numbers staying static, this is my last week of 5s Pro. Moving into 6 weeks of Fat Loss and Prep after next weeks 7WP so accessory work will look very different, it’s probably time for a change anyway.


Yesterday - easy conditioning. 1hr weighted vest walk, around 3.7 miles.

5s Pro, FSL 5x5, 1s week workout 3

Trap bar deadlift 5s pro
157kg x5
178kg x5
199kg x3

FSL 157kg 1x5


Pull-ups - 5x10

Unilateral DB bench
34kg x8, 10
36.5kg x8
39kg x5

Single leg suitcase deadlift
20kg x12
24kg - 10, 10
Hanging knee raises - 3x15

Daily work
Pullaparts x50
Pushdowns x0
Curls x0
Neck x0

3rd rep into topset got a shooting pain up my left glute/hip which put the lift to shit for the remaining reps. Tried to shift the FSL but after the first set it was clear I’ve injured something.



Hope it’s nothing serious dude. If it’s not too painful maybe you’ll get away with just a deload on your squat day and back to PRing next Deadlift day depending on how you feel. I see you mentioned you felt tightness there when doing Squats so maybe it’s a case of the flu fatigue but like all of us, we’d much rather keep pushing hard than work back up slowly. I’ve definitely felt like i’m on the brink of little injuries like this a few times.

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Rest, stretching and beer cure all muscle injuries apparently. Hope it feels better soon.

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5s Pro, FSL 5x5, 1s week workout 4

Viking Press 5s Pro
57kg x5
65kg x5
72kg x5
FSL 57kg 5x5

DB Side Lateral Raise 11.5kg - 14,15,14,14
Swiss Bar Curls 5kg a side - 3x10
Plank 1 arm row - 3x12
Med Ball V-ups - 12,9,10

Daily Work
Pullaparts x80
Neck x35
Pushdowns x45

Back stiff AF expectedly. Next week planning 7WP anyway, was going to be a TM x5 week but going for a deload instead. Not going to put my TM’s up in any case until I’ve finished dieting at the end of the next 6 week cycle.