Help With Deadlift & Bloody Shins

My shins are f’ing cut up bad from deadlifts,mainly because the bar at my gym is made from broken glass, but I finally found away to protect my shins a bit better.

I take two ACE banages and wrap it tightly around the bar where it will rub my shins.

This should help.

Stop rubbing the bar on your shins, it’s slowing down your lift! Are you getting this? How are you suppose to get the bar up with more weight on it if you’re creating EXTRA friction by rubbing the bar on your shins?!

am I making any sense?

My advice for anyone deadlifting is roll the bar as close to your shins as possible as long as you’re keeping your shoulders in line with the bar.

[quote]Lift4Life wrote:
Stop rubbing the bar on your shins, it’s slowing down your lift! Are you getting this? How are you suppose to get the bar up with more weight on it if you’re creating EXTRA friction by rubbing the bar on your shins?!

am I making any sense?


Most times when I clip my shins it’s on the way down.

Getting straps actually helped me. Also on a posotive note bloody shins = good form. :wink:

The high socks is a good idea - try straps though if you don’t use em already - they helped me keep the bar just a inch or so away from my shins.

[quote]Alex-P wrote:
Also on a posotive note bloody shins = good form. ;)[/quote]

Boy I sure hope so, because I keep getting some terrified looks from the guys curling in the squat racks as I sope up the pool of blood around my feet. I though my form was off.

lol, its no that bad, but damn that bar is sharp.

[quote]SashaG wrote:
Hey all,

Just a quick deadlifting question.

I’ve recently started incorporating deadlifts into my routine and I’m having a problem with my shins getting bloody in the gym. I don’t mind but I think there are some people in my gym that do.

Because I’m on full body workouts the scabs don’t really heal over very well.

Aside from pants, any tips?


Stop rubbing the bar on your fucking shins, smartass. Take a step back from the bar, bend a little more at the back, and pull with your back. Most people who hit their shins are standing too close and using too much of their glutes/hammies in the lift.

It’s just that simple.

Once I started dead-lifting as described by Tate, my dead-lift went up about 60lbs and I no longer scrap my shins… maybe it’s the way I am built, but I think I have good form and lift more without bloodying myself.

Trap bar is the way to go, one of the best purchases I’ve made so far. Works nice for shrugs too.

The bar at my gym is smooth where your legs are, and I also wear some pretty slippery sweats. Goes up really nicely. Never had bloody shins.

[quote]Stop rubbing the bar on your fucking shins, smartass. Take a step back from the bar, bend a little more at the back, and pull with your back. Most people who hit their shins are standing too close and using too much of their glutes/hammies in the lift.

It’s just that simple.[/quote]

So the whole, lift with your legs not with your back rule does’n apply here?