GarageRocker's Balancing Act

11/9/2021 - BBB L2 W3 D2

Agile 8
2 x 5 plyo push ups

45 x 5
115 x 5
140 x 5
165 x 3
190 x 5
215 x 5
240 x 5
190 - 5 x 10 - lifetime PR

TRX rows - 1 x 30
Banded oblique chops - band on chin up bar - 25 reps/side
Banded triceps pressdowns - 50

Awesome session today, bench fucking flew. Assistance was good, worked out before work so rushed it a bit. Enjoyed the intensity though.


Had an InBody assessment and am up 2.5 pounds of muscle in under 2 months. Up 0.3% bodyfat, which is much better than I expected. I try to be really consistent in what I eat and drink on my InBody days so I take them to be accurate measurements relative to each other.

Edit to add:

  1. I was only strict about protein and fiber/veggies - averaged 250g protein and 4 servings of fiber/fruits/veggies a day

  2. I was only OK about cardio. Ran 5 times and did some walks. Obviously some yard work and some play too.

  3. I was sick for 2.5 weeks that killed my appetite and ability to move around as much.

  4. I still had alcohol pretty much at will. Really enjoy bourbon over ice and some craft beer, and love catching a little buzz on the weekends playing video games or hanging with my wife.

  5. I missed zero social events due to diet/training, and didn’t restrict myself at said events.


11/11/2021 - BBB L2 W3 D3 and Veteran’s Day

Agile 8
2 x 5 box jumps

225 x 5
245 x 5
290 x 3
335 x 5
380 x 5
425 x 5
335 - 5 x 10 - lifetime volume PR

Hanging leg lifts - 1 x 25
Upright rows - 55 lbs - 1 x 25
Push ups - 1 x 25

I didn’t have it today, everything felt slow, weak, and fragile. But I gritted through. Braced so hard I was afraid I was gonna pink sock my sphincter and I think that’s the only reason I got through it. Right thigh is bloody from dragging the bar on it but hey, it happens. Assistance, I just got it done quick because I was burned out. One. More. Day.


11/12/2021 - BBB L2 W3 D4

Agile 8
2 x 5 plyo push ups

45 x 5
70 x 5
85 x 5
100 x 3
115 x 5
130 x 5
145 x 5
115 - 5 x 10 - lifetime volume PR

SS w/ press
Chin/Pull ups - 10 x 5

Oblique chops - 3 x 15 reps/side
Dips - 16, 10

I fucking made it. I did the challenge and got 5 x 10 FSL the whole way through. It was a grinder for rep 10 on set 5 today, but I wasn’t gonna miss that. Shoulders are pumped and exhausted, I’m super burned out, but I’m really, really proud that I finished this challenge. Ready for rest and food.


I think this kinda stuff is really good for long term progress.

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I’d agree. Usually I’d cop out and just do it at 50% TM but I felt like I really needed to push it. It’s nice pushing submax weight almost to the limit - my body’s structural elements feel better but my muscles get absolutely torched. The 50 extra reps of form/CNS practice definitely don’t hurt either.


Plus you had 50 chins in there too. I do think these type of things make a difference in physique and strength long term. I think a lot of guys chasing strength don’t do these things, and stall out easier. 50 reps of press and chins is going to do a lot for your upper body long term. It’s harder to stall when you keep building muscle.

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Awesome, my man! Truly awesome…

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11/15/2021 - Off-the-cuff deload

Agile 8

Seated DB Press - 65lbs/hand x 3; 35 lbs/hand x 23
Seated DB side lateral raise - 12 lbs x 10

Chin ups - 45 lbs x 3
TRX row x 20
DB hammer curl - 15 lbs x 10

Pistols - 3 really shaky ones per leg
Sissy squats - 20 real slow reps

Hanging leg lifts w/slow negative and full relax at bottom x 15

Went by feel, did this in 25 minutes counting warmup, only rested between muscle groupse - i.e. only rested to change weight or exercise. This was fun but tough.


11/17/2021 - De-load

Push ups - 30, 10, 10
Band pull apart - 50, 30, 20

DB lateral raises - 20 lbs - 20, 10, 10
Rhomboid shrugs - 25, 20, 20

DB concentration curl - 20 lbs - 15, 15, 10
Banded triceps pressdowns - 25, 25, 25

Pistols - 1 x 10 per leg
Immediately into
Bodyweight lunges - 50 reps/leg

Good pump, good burn, feel good.


11/19/2021 - Deload week run

2.61 miles in 21:15.

Not my fastest, but it’s my first run after being sick and was the hilliest route I can take from my house. 8:08 pace is something I’m definitely cool with for this distance for now. Eventually want to hold a 7:00 pace for a 5k.



11/29/2021 - 5/3/1 Anchor W1 D1

Agile 8
4 x 5 plyo push ups

Prescribed sets up to 335 x 5 - cut at 5 because back was killing me
Joker - 375 x 1 - back is better

BB Good mornings - 45 lbs - 3 x 20
SS w/
Hanging leg lifts - 2 x 20

Band pull aparts - 1 x 50
DB concentration curl - 20 lbs - 25, 10, 10, 5

DB lateral raises - 12 lbs - 2 x 25

OK session today, back wasn’t stable and I was getting into the swing of things. Gonna eat a lot and eat well today and get back to it again tomorrow.


11/30/2021 - 5/3/1 Anchor

Agile 8
2 x 5 plyo push ups

45 x 5
95 x 5
120 x 5
145 x 3
170 x 5
195 x 5
220 x 12
245 x 1

TRX rows - 25, 15, 10
Banded ab chops - 2 x 25 reps/side
Banded triceps extensions - 50

Decent session today. Definitely don’t have my aggression back yet but could muscle through the bench reps pretty well. Assistance was good.


Nice benching, my man!

Thanks! I always feel really clunky when I come back from an off week or two, so was real happy with this. Needed something to feel good about after that lackluster-ass squat session!


Got my booster Tuesday and have felt like hot, canned ass since. Just real tired and achy. Not as extreme awful as the 2nd dose but this feeling is lasting a lot longer. 750mg caffeine a day isn’t even making me shaky. Probably gonna try and do some walking today and this weekend and will restart 5/3/1 anchor Monday.


12/5/2021 - Run Day

My mentality was fucked so I took a run. 2.2 miles in 17:30.

Set my balls on fire with rubbage though and have since bled and scabbed…need to figure out a powder protocol that will stop that.

I feel wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy better now though, especially my lower back.


12/6/2021 - 5/3/1 Anchor restart W1D1

Up and moving, way more energy and focus today.

Agile 8
4 x 5 box jumps

45 x 5
135 x 5
175 x 5
215 x 3
255 x 5
295 x 5
335 x 9
375 x 1
415 x 1

Hanging Leg Lifts - 25, 15, 15, 15, 10
BB curl - 45 lbs - 15, 15, 15, 10, 10

DB “plate” raise - 25 lbs - 35, 15

This was a night and day better workout than last week. I had my usual energy and aggression back and took advantage. Back was strong and stable and my legs did a lot of the work here, even though they were sore from my run yesterday. Assistance was good as well, and I finished the workout feeling better than when I started.


12/7/2021 - 5/3/1 Anchor Restart W1 D2

Agile 8
4 x 5 plyo pushups

45 5
95 x 5
120 x 5
145 x 3
170 x 5
195 x 5
220 x 12
245 x 1
270 x 1

Lunge - 25 lbs/hand - 2 x 25 reps/side
TRX rows - 20, 20, 15

TRX triceps extensions - 20, 15, 10

Another good session today. Bench was stable but my left wrist gave me a very sharp, painful reminder when I didn’t absolutely squeeze the bar into oblivion. It’s been tender lately. Assistance was good, really liked the triceps work.