GarageRocker's Balancing Act

The presses looked smooth. 140x8 is a PR?

I think it ties my previous cycle rep max at that weight, so no PR, but I think it does tie one. Happy nonetheless!

That’s some smooth pressing, after I convert it to real money.

Nearly had a heart attack before I did the conversion though.

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I feel like that would put me in world record territory. haha

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I don’t think there’s anyone on this site who strict presses 3 plates for 8, for sure.

I’d likely shit my pants if I hit 2 plates before I’m 30. But that’s the goal anyway.


Also my long term goal.


Had an awesome vacation with my wife hiking in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Lot of good food, good beers, and some ridiculous views. Had a pretty rough weekend - HOA meeting (essentially being thrown to the wolves), band audition that went terribly, and a lot of choring to get ready for the week.

I wasn’t totally feeling 100% today, so I shifted the weight work to tomorrow and did the assistance circuit today after Agile 8 and 10 jumps.

5 Rounds - 17 minutes 13 seconds (w/32 lb weighted vest)
5 chin-ups
10 dips
10 bulgarian split squats per leg

This kicked my ass but I got it done. I missed 2 reps on each of my final 2 dips sets, so I’ll drop additional weight out of the vest for the next time I do this circuit.


I grew up in Michigan. I’m glad I left many years ago, but we had a condo in the northern part of the lower peninsula for awhile and also frequented the upper peninsula. It’s quite nice. I’ve never hiked up there though, where did you go? That’s one of the few reasons I would visit Michigan again…

For fuck’s sake I hope you drive better than most michiganders. 95 is the bare minimum speed and you get honked at and cut off if you leave more than 10 feet between you and the car in front of you.

But yes it was incredible. We did 3 days in Ironwood to hike the Porkies and then 4 in Marquette to hike Pictured Rocks. Everyone in the UP was incredibly nice, which was refreshing. Still can’t drive, but at least they’re good people. Haha

Haha, sounds about right. I appreciated Michigan’s high speed limits when I moved away and didn’t realize it was different in nearly every state. I think the 60-65 mph speed limits on most other “expressways” ridiculous. I haven’t owned a car in ages though, so I don’t drive anymore.

I envy you! Something I need to go back and do someday. You should post photos if you have any. Also agree that the people up north are different but in a good way.

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10/13/2020 - Bench/Squat Day

Up and feeling like absolute shit. My heart has been beating out of my chest and out of rhythm for a few days now - not a totally new experience for me but I sure as shit don’t enjoy it. Anxiety and stress are extremely high for several reasons, doing my best to cope and make do, but it’s a struggle. Normal PWO routine.

45 x 5
95 x 5
120 x 5
145 x 3
170 x 5
200 x 5
225 x 9
180 x 15 (can’t add…)

45 x 5
140 x 5
180 x 5
220 x 3
260 x 5
300 x 5
340 x 5
260 x 5

Kroc rows
105 lbs - 20 reps per arm

I just had no fight in me today. I didn’t want to be there, but knew I would feel worse if I skipped. So trudged on. My body didn’t totally work for me or listen to me, coordination was not there. Most likely due to an off week last week (vacation), but still discouraging nonetheless. I guess moreso I’m disappointed by my inability to get my mindset right, it’s something I’ve gotten good at with a lot of practice but didn’t have today.


10/15/2020 - Press/Deadlift Day

Up and moving, slowly again. Feeling much better mentally but not so much physically - going to try and get a chiro appointment tomorrow. Normal PWO routine.

45 x 5
55 x 5
70 x 5
85 x 3
100 x 5
115 x 5
130 x 8
100 x 15

135 x 5
150 x 5
195 x 5
240 x 3
285 x 5
330 x 5
375 x 5
285 x 6 - RDL

Kroc rows - 105 lbs - 30 reps/arm

Very happy to be mentally better - screaming along to Black Stone Cherry goes a long way toward a healthy psyche, apparently. Physically, my back is banged up again, likely from spending 30-ish hours in a car over the course of a week. Press felt heavy (expected) and deadlift felt light until the 375 set (odd). I’m having a much easier time catching my breath which is good. Gonna try and get a chiro appointment today or tomorrow, do hill sprints tomorrow, then circuits Saturday before a rest/slow cardio day Sunday.


10/16/2020 - Sprint Day

Sprinted on my lunch. 100m hill x 6 repeats, only rest is walking down the hill.

There’s something wrong with my body. Several things hurt - hips, ribs, mid-back, low-back, left knee, both ankles. It’s a decent level of discomfort. I have no fucking idea why it would be happening, though, and am getting really aggravated by it. Eating very well, rested for a week (yes, spent too much time in a car, but that doesn’t account for this). If I’m not better by next week I’m scrapping my 5/3/1 cycle and may just do a month of bodyweight-only stuff.


Purely anecdotal, but when I had terrible sciatica a few years back, I kept my lifting confined to maintenance on the big lifts (5’s pro type stuff), and aside from rehab work I did nothing but copious yoga and light BW stuff after my main lifts.

I felt so, SO good after I returned to normal work. Sometimes your body just needs a hard reset. You spent a lot of time on some intense 5/3/1 programs. Might be time to dial it way back?

I thought I was dialing it back with the 5’s pro FSL, but my body seems to have different plans. Maybe I’m on my manperiod because I’m kinda bitchy in general and don’t feel good. Even my eyesight has taken a (hopefully) temporary dive. Maybe I just drop my TM’s 10% on lower body lifts and see how that works out. I can do a TM test with those weights next week and do nothing but mobility and cardio otherwise. Motivation has been suffering lately as well.

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Garage, have you seen a doctor yet?

Not yet man, I’ve had stuff like this pop up from time to time. Sometimes I forget things that happened that can cause issues for me. I talked to my wife about it and she reminded me that I had crippling anxiety for almost a whole week on my vacation thanks to a shitty cat sitter that had a friend over to smoke pot on my deck and almost let my cats outta my house. I guess that could have contributed to this. It went on for about a week and a half and I wasn’t totally feeling like myself until Wednesday. So that could be why I’m all messed up. Gonna give it until next week and if it’s not better I’ll do something about it then. Thanks for checking in man!

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Sorry to hear about what you’re experiencing dude. But what exactly does this mean? did you not lift at all?

Correct, no lifting at all. Did some mild hiking but that was about it. There’s something going on hormonally because my moods are all over the place. Plus, my wife put the moves on me and I actually took a second to think about it before getting busy. That never happens.

So the plan: relax this weekend - boys night tonight with friends and then nothing Sunday. Epsom salt bath and Agile 8 5 times tomorrow. Dropping TM on lower body lifts by 5-10% and restarting cycle fresh Monday.