For All the Whiners

[quote]MuscleMachine17 wrote:
these people are simply amazing

Great pic. I remember being out for dinner in a “sports bar” one night and they had a special on ESPN about a track athlete with a prosthetic limb. They showed him working out and squatting and he trained like a maniac.

Show that to those folks who have a million reasons for not squatting.

Well sometimes you don’t get motivated until something happens and you are told you can’t do certain things anymore. That’s when your instincts of desire kick in and all of a sudden you have a REAL goal and will do anything to overcome that adversity. It is then you realize that you are lucky to still be here and you will not waste any more time complaining, but will trudge forward because you are truly compelled.

This is an epiphany for the physical being, and when it hits, that individual has more clarity of his purpose than most people who never experienced real tradgedy.

Gojira, great thread…

I teach Adapted PE and have a lot of OI kids. I’m going to use these pictures to help motivate them. Where are you getting them from originally? They are amazing.


Good for you gojira!! This is one damn fine thread!!!

We all take plenty of time to bitch about “things” but we never take time to give thanks for the “things” we truly should be thankful for. Sometimes it takes something a little brutal and hard to look at to wake us up.

In some ways I feel lucky in a weird sort of way. I have a younger brother with MS. It’s the real shit-hole kind that will probably kill him before he reaches 60. He’s been fighting it for 25 years and is slowly melting. He cant walk. He’s so damn exhausted sometimes he cant even speak. His bodily functions are shutting down. He’s so pumped full of 'roids (common treatment) that he’s bald. He’s too weak to spin the wheels on his wheelchair so now he uses a motorized version.

The one thing that is not affected is his brain so he gets to watch all this happen knowing there is almost nothing he can do about it no matter how hard he tries.I guess the thing that gets me most is that even with all the near-death episodes and collapses and drugs and trips to the hospital and weird physical problems and the total destruction of his own life and health, I’ve NEVER heard him complain…never.

I dont need any other inspiration in my life. He’s all I need. Half of every workout I do is for me and half is for him 'cause I KNOW he’d be there if he could.

Sore knees, elbows, achy joints, too tired, too old, too tall, too fat, too this, too that…bullshit. We all (me included) need to cut the crap, stop giving ourselves excuses, be damn thankful for what we can do and get on with it. Some people who really, really want to get on with it, can’t.

See ya,


Great post Gojira. Very motivating!

REALLY puts things into perspective and makes you greatful for your own health and abilities.

[quote]Ronrigo wrote:
Gojira, great thread…

I teach Adapted PE and have a lot of OI kids. I’m going to use these pictures to help motivate them. Where are you getting them from originally? They are amazing.


Many of them are from various paralympics websites. Others are from websites of organizations for disabled athletes.
Good for you in your work with these kids. It’s got to be a real challenge at times and really heartbreaking at others. But then I’ll bet there are those little moments of triumph that shine so brightly they make the kids forget all about the tough times…if only for a moment.

[quote]Tizzah wrote:
I’m probably going to Hell for this one, but… sweet mullet.[/quote]

Yes you are, but I’ll see you there because I laughed too.

Kyle Maynard again. This may have been at the Arnold Classic.
Pressing 350 pounds.

Great f-in post.

I used to see blind guys walking around NYC and thought to myself what frickin balls they have. It’s scary enough to walk in traffic with the cars and taxi’s but Jesus what kind of will. It’s admirable.


Really great kick ass thread Gojira. It does put things in perspective when you let the little stuff get you whining.

[quote]Elkhntr1 wrote:
Really great kick ass thread Gojira. It does put things in perspective when you let the little stuff get you whining.[/quote]

And ya know these folks are amazing athletes and intensely competitive. Look at the guys upper body developement in the above picture. Holy crap! It would be interesting to know how they train. For example, for the practical bench press (no leg use), how do these athletes compensate for having no leg drive. How does their training differ? We might be able to learn a thing or two.

Jesus Fuckin’ Christ.

And here I am complaining about my love handles…

Jesus Fucking Christ…

(Yeah… I meant the capital F…)

[quote]Vinkomorf wrote:
Jesus Fuckin’ Christ.

And here I am complaining about my love handles…

Jesus Fucking Christ…

(Yeah… I meant the capital F…)


There was a woman at my gym that the owner would wheel around on a handtruck from machine to machine (I’m not sure what her disease was). But she would try really hard. Even though she had very little strength or control over her body, she was really trying. That’s more than I can say for about 50% of the other women there.

Incredible thread. There is a man who is missing both hands who works out at my gym. He makes some interesting improvisations with towels. Never asks anyone for help and he really busts his ass when he’s there.

[quote]SicTorn wrote:
Incredible thread. There is a man who is missing both hands who works out at my gym. He makes some interesting improvisations with towels. Never asks anyone for help and he really busts his ass when he’s there.[/quote]

I’ve posted a couple of pics in this thread of Kyle Maynard who was born without any hands or feet. He has become quite an icon for the disabled athlete. The guy is incredible and just can’t be stopped.

I grew up with this guy. We were great friends. He slept on the top bunk of a bunk bed. No real arms or legs and NEVER wanted prostetics (sp). He is pretty amazing.

Really great thread - thanks for helping keep it all in perspective. These athletes are amazing!

the two in the pool, where the guy is missing a leg and the girl is missing part of one, have very impressive physiques. the guy looks like a pile of muscles and the girl is downright hot.