Fair Share?

SONNY S: Never said anything about willpower, so you`re fucked. ;0)

I wont go on about the bell-curve distribution of talents and capabilities, but Im pretty sure youll agree that a retard will never get a Ph.D and a 42" won`t ever make NBA.

Neither will willpower help.

As for the Pinspotter theory, here goes:

Life is like a giant pinspotter in a goliaths bowling alley, with billions of humans relegated to the status of bowling pins. In the final analysis, the Pinspotter shakes us down in our proper slots and we end up exactly where we belong. If youre presently in a slot that displeases you, I suggest you begin doing whatever is necessary to work your way into a more favorable position before the Pinspotter clamps you firmly into place.

Work hard to ignore the dirt that people carelessly kick up. They`ll find their proper spots in the Pinspotter, and you yours. In the meantime, keep concentrating on looking out for Number One.

Robert J. Ringer, Looking Out for #1.

And the other quote dates back to over 200 years back, when a Spaniard (or some other race) saw the true nature of people when time gets tough: they`re all chickenshit.

One reason poor people are fat might be because shitty food is cheaper.

Compare the price of a loaf of Wonder Bread, to a loaf of organic whole wheat with no trans fats.

Compare the price of a pork shoulder to the price of boneless skinless chicken breasts, or fresh fish filet.

It is more expensive to eat healthy, usually.

Good point, Lumpy Dude, I was just at the supermarket yesterday, where I rarely go shopping. I usually get most of my fruits and veggies at a huge fruit and veggie stand/store. THe prices on most F&V at the supermarket was easily 3-5x higher, easily!

This F&V store specializes in getting fruit a couple of days before it goes bad, so you have to eat it quickly. BUt other than that…the veggies are fine.

I realize, if this store doesn’t take food stamps, poor people can’t shop there. And if poor people are like most and they only shop in 1 place, they prob. wouldn’t bother going. Heck, they may not even know about it.

And you’re right about prices of ch. breast (and fish, and lean meat) vs. price of pork, ch. thighs, etc.

But I don’t think the meat is a valid excuse. Hell, everybody used to eat fatty cuts of meat up until the low fat craze started in the 70s.

My grandparents used to own a butcher shop in the 30s and 40s and NOBODY went in and asked for a lean steak or just chicken breast. WHo the f would want to eat tasteless meat? You either got a whole chicken or you didn’t. You either got a steak or you didn’t.

So I don’t hink fatty meats are really responsible.

Also, I read an article talking about why it seems that obesity is present in poor people more than in other classes.

One was the higher price of F&V.

Another, some supermarkets in some states don’t allow food stamps to be used on F&V, though this may not be the case in most of the US.

Also, sometimes large, well-stocked super market chains don’t accept food stamps, at least not in all locations. Leaving shittier, undersupplied markets as the alternative.

But one of the main reasons was simple: poorer people, for some reason, don’t cook as much, and rely on prepared food for a lot of their meals. Everything comes in boxes, a lot of soda, etc.

As people interested in fitness and bbing, we all know that the less food you eat out of a box, the better! And stay the f away from soda and tang, etc

Poor people in America can’t afford real food because they’re paying for all this every month:

-$40/month for cable
-$50/month for a cell phone
-$200/month for new clothes and “bling bling”
-$40/month for high speed internet

After all that, of course all they can afford is a loaf of white bread, a box of cereal, and some frozen dinners.