Exertion Headaches

I suffered from these as well in 2006. They are called “tension headaches” , “coital headaches” or “exertion headaches”.
The pain is nearly unbearable and was worst after squats and, sadly, at sexual climax.
I saw a neurologist for this, and he prescribed indomethacin; a kind of super aspirin to be taken ~30 minutes prior to workout with two antacids. No more pain.
When I returned from my honeymoon, never had another headache.
(And had no problems with sex during the honeymoon- what I mean is, the problem just flat out stopped).
I don’t know the physiological basis for these, but stress may be a factor as well, although I certainly did NOT feel stressed during that time, but in hindsight perhaps I was.
Good luck.

[quote]jbenich wrote:
I suffered from these as well in 2006. They are called “tension headaches” , “coital headaches” or “exertion headaches”.
The pain is nearly unbearable and was worst after squats and, sadly, at sexual climax.
I saw a neurologist for this, and he prescribed indomethacin; a kind of super aspirin to be taken ~30 minutes prior to workout with two antacids. No more pain.
When I returned from my honeymoon, never had another headache.
(And had no problems with sex during the honeymoon- what I mean is, the problem just flat out stopped).
I don’t know the physiological basis for these, but stress may be a factor as well, although I certainly did NOT feel stressed during that time, but in hindsight perhaps I was.
Good luck.[/quote]

As I mentioned in one of my posts above, painkillers worked for me (preworkout) pretty well too. The aspirin simply reduces swelling, which in turn reduces/removes the problem. In this case, aspirin works better than something like paracetamol because it reduces inflammation. I wouldn’t take more than 900mg a time though (for the sake of my stomach and possible ulcers) - although, one CAN take up to 3-4000mg’s per day total…but not frequently.

I just started getting these, I have one right now, it is so fucking awful.

Since I started the I bodybuilder (heavy shoulder/trap work), I have developed chronic occipital headaches which are with me the whole day, every day for the last two weeks. The funny thing is, except for the first episode getting worse at the gym, after this day the pain actually goes away during the workout. The remedy I am using now is Ibuprofen 800’s which reduce the pulsating. However, I still will get it worse when I bend my head over during day, or twist my neck. The symptoms are classic “occipital neuralgia.”

I have not officially been diagnosed, but I went to my chiropractor and he released it (found my joints around c3 on left side very tender to touch). This lasted for about 2 hours, and now I hope it fades. If it does not, then I will have to offically diagnose it, and either stop working out (which I will not do) or get recommended injection which numbs the area and causes relief. Anyone else with similar symptoms should weigh in here so we can get a common consensus of what we should do!

These things are the worst. Like alot of you guys, I got it at the end of a set of high rep deads. I thought my head exploded at first. Fortunately, it didn’t, but I found that any kind of strenuous anything set me up for another round of agony. After about a month, it went away completely… good riddance.

For what it’s worth, in my case anyway, isometric work didn’t trigger the headache. Using the bench as an example, pushing against a heavy, immovable load - no pain. But the moment I tried to unrack it and bring it down, headache came back.

[quote]Kregore wrote:
These things are the worst. Like alot of you guys, I got it at the end of a set of high rep deads. I thought my head exploded at first. Fortunately, it didn’t, but I found that any kind of strenuous anything set me up for another round of agony. After about a month, it went away completely… good riddance.

For what it’s worth, in my case anyway, isometric work didn’t trigger the headache. Using the bench as an example, pushing against a heavy, immovable load - no pain. But the moment I tried to unrack it and bring it down, headache came back. [/quote]

Dude, UT99? Are you serious? Do you still play? That is my all time favorite game…

Just got my first headache since starting since last November. Was trying for 20 rep squats and on the 16th rep head felt it was going to explode. Ended up taking 2 Advil, 3 fast acting Tylenol, and 2 baby aspirin. It was THE worst headache of my life, last almost 3 hours. What helped the most was taking a shower which actually took the pain away. My mom ended up calling a nurse hot line but there wasn’t much they could do other then ask the symptoms and tell me to see a doctor.

Oh well guess I gotta go back to taking it easy for a while, will prob have to cut out deadlifts and squats for a while FML.

I used to get these lifting weights and playing football in HS.

Apparently I would hold my breath before I made contact.

Breathing in the gym eliminated them, if I hold my breath now I can feel one start coming on and if I resume breathing properly it’ll go away.

When i got a headache like this during squats (probably the word pain I’ve ever felt), I tried to work out ‘light’ just after a day off, and tried that for a couple of days before I realized that I needed complete rest. I took 2 weeks off from training, and after that it was all gone :slight_smile:

I think I got it from ‘pinching’ a blood vessel or something in my upper back, since I had the bar unintentinally to high up on my back… I’ve found that it is very important for me to place the bar correctly on the back, and sometimes when I lift explosively the bar moves longer up on the back, so I need to stay really thight and keep the bar on the correct spot during the entire lift to avoid headaches.