Every Day Carry - Aiming for 2:3:4:5 Plates

Ya welcome hopefully it works

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Pretty strong bro, cant wait to see how your comp goes!

The solution to no Pull down machine is that bar you attached the band to :smiley:

Far from an expert but I would give it a white.

Thought the top of my deads looked a bit hitched but was probably me over-analysing

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Squat Day
Orange + Homemade Pre-workout
Agile 8
70 x 3
80 x 3
90 x 3
100 x 1
100 x 1 (1st, Side Video)
100 x 1 with Commands (2nd Video)
70 x 3
70 x 3

1st video bad angle bad commands

2nd video from front better commands

50 5 x 10

Ab Wheel
1 x 12

1 X 35

Focused on :
-Back tightness
-Air into stomach against belt
-Knees out
This resulted in more a upright squat compared to my normal shit.

Kept accessory volume low/ low intensity as well

Plan for this week =
Tuesday Agile 8/ Mobility/ Light Press/3 x 12 Biceps (only because I don’t want it untrained and hurting at the meet)
Wednesday Agile 8/ Mobility
Thursday Agile 8/ Mobility
Friday Agile 8/ Mobility Light Squats and Deads for practice
Saturday Agile 8/ Mobility Light Bench for Practice

Sunday Meet
Take all stuff I need = Wrist Wraps, Sleeves, Shoes, Bands, Roller, Ball thing, Singlet, Spare Shirt and Briefs, Food, Drinks, Pre workout, Mat, Spare clothes,
Prepare food for it

Weigh in, don’t care if I’m over but should I eat before I weigh in? I’m leaning on eat a lot afterwards
Warm-up get meet information for me

? = likely to change on day



This should be fun at least and don’t mind not going 9/9

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Step 1 get super psyched step2 get immensely mad (think of things that make you super angry) do some fast breathing for a second step 3 imagine yourself as the hulk and you can crush the weight easily if that makes sense.
A helpful thing i use if something feels suoer heavy and i can barely manage reps on the next set i breath really fast, swear/be angry/ then just think the weight is super light and then i smoke out alot more reps. Or lift heavier weight.
Try this but dont swear of course in your meet lol . Or i imagine myself as a super saiyan.

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Lower Practice Day
20 x 3
20 x 3
40 x 3
40 x 3

60 x 3
60 x 3
60 x 3

Strained my neck on Monday so this is my first day in the Gym since and all felt good.
I will go prepare my bag for my meet tomorrow and buy food etc.

Didn’t train or anything today but spent a bit of money on food and drink for tomorrow as well packing everything imaginable I could possibly need into 2 carrier bags.
Will force myself to sleep at 9 today and eat a big diner.
Tomorrow the weigh in starts at 8:30 so I will eat a lot after then and warm up.
Hopefully all goes well and I PR on my squat as well as Bench that would be nice.


Hope all goes well man! Goodluck.
Remember embrace the super saiyan inside you​:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::wink:

Competition Day
This was a development competition and we got 4 attempts at everything so everyone could PR. Everything else was the same.

100 x 1
120 x 1 PR bit of a grind
125 x 0 failed halfway
125 x 0 failed at bottom

70 x 1 good lift dropped opener down to be safe
80 x 1 good lift
85 x 1 good lift bit slow comp PR
90 x 0 failed halfway

140 x 1
150 x 1 Comp PR
162.5 x 0 tried to get a PR and locked out but one Judged said I hitched sort of but not fully so it didn’t count and there was only 2 judges
162.5 x 0 failed below knees as was very tired

355 kg

Overall quite pleased but would have liked a bit more on Bench and the Deadlift to get white lights.


Nice man you did good!

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Nice job, did you enjoy it and will you be competing again anytime soon?


There is another competition in May which I might do. Competing was great fun and everyone was really friendly.


First Post-Comp Training
General Shoulder Warm-up
37 x 5
43 x 5
49+ x 6 meh
37 5 x 5

Neutral Grip DB Press
20 x 10, 10, 10
25 x 10,10
Got left side elbow pain outer on 4th set

Supersetted with
Underhand Rows
60 5 x 10

Biceps 3 x 10 light curls after
Triceps Tried one exercise and hurt like hell
Rear Delts 50 ish

For my Elbow pain I will be doing the following

1)avoiding full rom ( stopping short of full extension ). Making sure I wasn’t locking out my elbows, or anything that might hyper-extend the elbow. Staying away from anything that would make it worse.

2)high rep curls, light weight—talking 25-50+ reps, done controlled manner. Not super-slow or anything, just not fast, to eliminate the “jerking” component on the tendons. Also high rep tricep work (band pushdowns/ rope pushdowns) done in the same manner.

  1. Upping healthy dietary fat intake. Certain lipids help lubricate joints, etc.

  2. Vitamins. This sounds odd, but I think it helped quite a bit. I think I was lacking a lot of essential nutrients and antioxidants. I helped the problem with regular multi-vitamins, but no that Superfood is out I’ll be taking that religiously because it has a crap-ton more antioxidant power.

  3. neural flossing movements (to relieve my nerve impingement, useful just in case that is a contributing factor), stretches and mobility exercises for all forearm and upper arm muscles, done religiously.

  4. forearm and upper arm warmup movements prior to any upper body work.

Stole this from some tendinitis thread and should help.
If anyone has any suggestions or anything related to Tendinitis please feel free to say.

Also the next competition I can do isn’t in May but on Sunday the 11th of June. Quite interested in doing this.
Its a Novice and Junior Competition so should get a lot of similar lifters to me.

Then there is a Push and Pull on Sunday 2nd July. Also quite interested.

Then there is a open on the 12th of November. Quite interested in doing.

If I do all these Comps I’d have 3 months training then 1 month training then 4 months training.
Also the 1 month of training would be for just push and pull.

I presume you’re in the UK if you’re doing an EPQ, where do you find all these competitions? Only place I’ve seen is the British powerlifting website but I can’t find the ones you mentioned. I’m kinda interested in doing some myself in future.

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For the UK comps you have to be a member of British Powerlifting then go to the website of wherever your area is. Mine is the South East, then you go to the South east British Powerlifting website.
Then you have a list of competitions in your area. If you are in the North East just google North East Powerlifting and make sure its linked to British Powerlifting which is linked to the IPF.

My area has a Facebook page where they announce when the competition entry forms are released and link the entry forms so you can enter.

The British Powerlifting website doesn’t list all the mini area competitions so find your areas Facebook page which should lead you to the website.

Would recommend doing a competition it only takes about 3ish weeks to do a mini prep for it and people are very friendly.

Thanks a lot for that info mate. I was playing with the idea a while back and couldn’t find many competitions. I’ll check out my area and see what I can find.

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Squat Day
68 x 5
79 x 5
89 x 8
69 5 x 5

50 x 10,10

Ab Wheel

Ran out of time today so just did basics.
Played around with foot stance on squat a bit wider and toes out more.

In other “news” the photos from my competition came through.

  • Strenuous face intensifies *

54 x 5
62 x 5
70 x 6
54 5 x 5

Reactive Slingshot Knuckle Push Ups
5 x 10

Band Pulldowns Seated (double red bands)
5 x 10

3 x 12 10kg db
3 x 12 red band pushdowns

Facepulls cable rope
8 x 12 40kg
Supersetted with
Hammer curls rope cable
8 x 12 20kg

I have a suspected overuse injury in my left outer elbow from to much pressing. Think cause is Heavy bench then volume Press, then another day Heavy press followed by volume Close grip bench.

I put a strip of Kinesiology Tape along it.(during warm up bench sets) Did nothing.
Put a loose fitting knee sleeve over it and got some relief but not much.

Changed workout to use reactive slingshot push ups and this helped and will be my go to assistance for the time being.
Did band pushdowns as they are joint friendly.
Did a shit ton of bicep light volume to pump them and oppose the other sides overuse. + a shit ton of facepulls (still biceps)

Will be reducing my press volume in favour of easier stuff like the slingshot push ups.

Training in a bit but just a quick update.
Just realised my diet is absolute trash.
Yesterday I had:

  • Breakfast = nothing
  • Snack = 2 cookies + Peperami stick thing = 510 cals
  • Lunch = Ham sandwich + popcorn bag = 540 cals
  • PreWorkout = Monster ultra + lucozade bar = 175 cals
  • Post = Protein Shake + biscuits = 500 calc
  • Dinner = too many coco pops = 1000 cals
    Total 2725 with terrible macros.

This is why I don’t give nutrition advice to people lol.

This diet is not conducive to my goals of slowly reducing bodyfat and weight while building strength.

I will be following something similar to what @tsantos laid out in a 2 year old thread I was reading. (hook physique)
Get Big Meal Plan (my own label)
6 eggs, cheese, 1 cup oats w/milk and banana
400g meat (eg. Lamb shoulder), 500g potato, veggies (make this in a big pot x6 or 7 for the whole week)
400g ground meat (half turkey, half something red), 1 cup rice w/1/2 bag spinach stored through, cheese, 1/2 avo, salsa, sour cream, throw in a wrap

Use herbs and spices so you don’t go nuts.
Lift heavy compounds like greyskull lp (5/3/1 fits this)
Supplement w/fish oil, multi and choc milk
Add time + consistency
Simple (but not easy)

Hopefully I can follow this and reap better gains as I’ve definitely been slowing down/not hitting PR’s.

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