Dominik's Training Log, After an 8 Month Layoff


  1. Pull up 5x6 @bw
  2. Dip 5x8 @bw
  3. Inverted face pull 20, 15, 10, 10
  4. Leg rais 4x8


  1. Military press 6RM 55 kg
  2. Push press 1x6, 6x3 @60 kg
  3. Military press 8, 8, 8, 7 @40 kg
  4. Neutral grip chin up 4x max @bw. Can’t remamber rep # (i forgot my log book at home)
  5. Band pull apart 4x max


  1. Squat 2x100 @bw
  2. Bodyweight leg curl 4x6
  3. Ktb swing 3x20 @44kg


  1. Bench press 10x40, 6x60, 6x70, 6x80, 6x85, 3x90, 2x6x75 kg
  2. Dips 8, 8, 7, 5, 6 @bw
  3. DB bench press 12, 8, 7 @24kg dumbbells
  4. Neutral grip chin up 5+3n, 3+3n, 3+3n, 5n @bw (n=negatives)
  5. Db row 15, 10, 8 @32kg dumbbell


  1. Trap bar deadlift 6x70, 6x100, 6x115, 6x130, 3x6x115 kg
  2. Goblet squat with 16 kg ktb 4x25
  3. Ktb swing with 44 kg ktb 50, 20, 15, 15
  4. Leg rais 4x6


  1. Military press 3x8x20, 6x40, 6x50, 5x55 kg
  2. Push press 6x60, 4x65, 6x8x50 kg
  3. Neutral grip chin up 8, 8, 7, 6, 3 @bw
  4. Superset:
    Dip 10, 9, 8, 7 @bw
    Kirk shrug 10x60, 10x50, 8x50, 12x40 kg
    Inverted row 15, 10, 10, 8 @bw
  5. Band pull apart 4xmax


Hill run:
1km in 00:10:39

I didnt run all the way, but in intervals. It was quite hard.


Super set:
Inverted row 10x10
Push up 10x10


  1. Military press 6x40, 6x50, 6x55 kg
  2. Push press 6x60, 6x65, 4x70, 6x8x52.5 kg
  3. Neutral grip chin up 8, 8, 8, 6, 4, 4
  4. Band pull apart 20, 20, 15, 15


  1. Trap bar deadlift 6x70, 6x100, 6x120, 6x130, 2x6x115 kg
  2. Bench press 8x40, 8x60, 8x70, 8x80 kg
  3. Dumbbell row 1x15x32 kg, 15, 12, 10 x28 kg
  4. Superset:
    Leg rais 4x8
    Band pull apart 20, 20, 15, 12


Hill run:
1km in 00:10:24.95

Improved time by 14 seconds.


Home dumbbell high rep yoke work

5 rounds:
10x db kirk shrug with 10 kg dbs per hand
10x side laterals with hold with 1.5 kg dbs per hand
10x band pull aparts


  1. Trap bar deadlift 6x70, 4x6x100 kg
  2. Neutral grip chin up 8, 8, 8, 5, 5 @bw
  3. Dip 8, 8, 8, 7 @bw+5kg
  4. Kirk shrug 8x30, 8x40, 8x50, 5x60 kg
  5. Leg rais 4x6


  1. Bench press 6x40, 6x60, 6x70, 6x80, 5x90 6x75, 8x75 kg
  2. Dumbbell row with 28 kg db 12, 12, 10, 8 (both arms)
  3. Yoke complex:
    Snatch grip high pull 8x30, 8x40, 8x30, 8x30, 8x30 kg
    Clean grip high pull 8x30, 8x40, 8x30, 8x30, 8x30 kg
    Barbell row with pause 8x30, 8x40, 8x30, 8x30, 8x30 kg
    1. 15
  1. Bike 35 min

  2. Bike high intensity continuous training 2x6 min

  3. Ktb swings with 44kg ktb 4x25

  4. Leg rais 4x7


  1. Straight bar dips 5x6
  2. Pull up 5x7
  3. Superset:
    Dips 12, 10, 8, 6, 6
    Inverted row 12, 10, 8, 6, 6

So it has been 2 months and a week since i started training again.

Mass wise i think i am where i was before the layoff. But i still have some extra fat that needs to be taken care of.

Strength wise i think i am close to what it was before the layoff, but i can only guess my maxes for now. Have to test em some day, but first i have to take care of my knee (something snaped the other day)

My best lifts at the moment:
Trap bar deadlift 6 x 140 kg
Front squat 5 x 80 kg
Bench press 5 x 90 kg
Push press 4 x 70 kg
Military press 6 x 55 kg

Here are the 2 months progress pics. The quality on the new photos is crapy coz i had to scale them down.


And the before layoff and now comparison pics.
