Dchris's Grappling with Age

I just stood up and gave you a standing ovation, starting in a slow clap and speeding up profusely. Good for you man! You will not regret it. You don’t need keto lose fat. I bet your metabolism will speed up if you implement slowly and properly, gym performance will increase, and you’ll feel way better. Don’t sweat any increase in scale weight, as you know it’s just water/glycogen and your body adjusting. As you’re implementing carbs it’ll just be important to make sure your total daily calories are in line if you want to keep losing. Keep water intake high. Just my .02, I recommend starting with “slow” carb sources around the workout, pre and post, and take it from there.

You look good man and have made great progress, enjoy transitioning back to carbs!


I’ll keep cutting and staying below maintenance. I just know I won’t be maintaining a Keto diet during my vacation or while playing baseball.

Thanks Rob! Means a lot. I’m pretty happy with my progress. [quote=“robstein, post:361, topic:224841”]
You don’t need keto lose fat. I bet your metabolism will speed up if you implement slowly and properly, gym performance will increase, and you’ll feel way better.

I’ve known I don’t, but I’ve never been able to cut long-term without being in Keto. I’m going to slowly introduce carbs back in, starting with rice. I just had a steak breakfast burrito and am going to hit legs. We’ll see how it goes. [quote=“robstein, post:361, topic:224841”]
Keep water intake high

I’ve kept up with a gallon to gallon and half every day and can’t see myself drinking any less indefinitely. I think most of my bad habits are gone. I’m looking forward to a pizza at the end of the month, tho. Also, probably some donuts.


Back squats

Had a good pump then got a phone call I had to take. Figured it was too late to go back to it. Looking forward to hitting chest tomorrow.


so, yesterday I ate some carbs and ended up at 209 this morning. Not bad, only 4lbs of weight gain. Then, today, being my anniversary, I had quite a bit more carbs. Current weight is 218. The good news tho, is I’m extremely vascular and just as lean as ever. I’m gonna throw some arms and bench work in to get a pump then hope I haven’t gained 10lbs of fat when I wake up.

I haven’t done more than 5 cardio sessions this whole year. So now that carbs are back in the equation I’ll do cardio and more volume intense workout. I’m less focused on weight now and more focused on the mirror. As there really isn’t a way to gauge weight loss now that I’m out of Keto.


So… workouts haven’t happened. Yesterday went into the office at 6, got home at 6, then worked on my house until 11. Woke up this morning and was off running errands at 8. Got home from errands at 10:30. Garage and front door are open, but my wife’s car is gone. I go inside and see my wife, ask here where her car is… blank stares her fucking car got stolen out of our driveway. It was there when I left, and she didn’t realize it was gone while she was cleaning. We live in a great neighborhood too.

Not saying it was pre-emoted, but the service we have that provides GPS tracking and engine shut off for her car is down this weekend for technology upgrades. Come monday morning, I’ll be able to see where the car is providing they didn’t disconnect the black box.

Unlucky! Hope you find it, or at least your insurance company is helpful.

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Seems to me that whoever committed the crime KNEW that the service would be down.

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fucking scumbags, mate! Sorry to hear that


Damn dude, that is brutal! I hope everything works out for you, but a pain in the ass regardless of the outcome.

On a physique note, you’re looking great! I did have to do a double-take on your last physique photo as I thought you were sporting a white armpit Afro. I’m a little disappointed that this isn’t the case.

Turns out the fucker lived .5 miles from me. They ended up getting him around 11PM Saturday night. Of course my car was trashed and reeks of weed and cigarettes. He was found with other car keys, back packs and stolen clothes.

Everyone has been saying how great it is that they found it, but now I have an insurance dedeuctable and wife that doesn’t want to drive her car.

Bahahaha I didn’t even notice that.

My weekend:
Friday woke up at 5, worked until 7, worked on house until 1130, bed at 12am
Saturday woke up at 6, worked on house until 10:30, realized car was gone, dealt with police and insurance, back to work on house, found car at 1130, bed at 1:30am
Sunday woke up at 6, power washed, sanded and painted deck. Baseball game from 1130-5, worked on house until 11, bed at 12:30.
Then today, up and at the office by 7, off at 530 and back working on the house until 8.

Absolutely exhausted, but have to work tonight because tomorrow morning I have to work with a plumber to remodel my grandmas place, then head to the office after.

Tonight’s workout:


Also, woke up today at 210 despite my less than stellar diet. I’ve been super vascular, my bicep vein is always visible and forearms are getting new veins.


Damn dude, keep plugging through it. I’m on the other side of a couple weeks of living like this as well. Shit ain’t fun, but it is temporary.

Here’s some country lyrics to get you through, lol;

“If you’re goin’ through hell keep on going
Don’t slow down if you’re scared don’t show it
You might get out before the devil even knows you’re there”


It’s not fun, but I have always weirdly enjoyed running myself into the ground. I’m working on finding a balance, but only have ever worked in extremes. (same reason why I enjoy Keto) My boss tells me I’ll be working a lot more hours for awhile, sure, why not add selling my home and renovating my grandma’s new place. Also, why not join two boards while I’m also coaching and playing on a baseball team.

Ironically, I’ve hated country my whole life… then, three weeks ago I started listening to a playlist on pandora. Now it’s all I listen too.

Morning Workout:
2x50x80lb kb swings
2x25x40lb kb rows

Below are some unflexed photos from this morning. Feeling pretty good with my current physique. Obviously I’m not satisfied with size or leanness, but I’m fine if this is the fattest I get.


Went to bed at 220 last night :flushed::flushed:, but woke up at 213. I’m trying to stay good, but damn, it’s been hard.

I look way more vascular, but I’m sure that’s due to having full muscles again. Not gonna be able to lift today. I got into the office at 630, worked until 9, then drove 30 minutes south for a meetjng and back to the office. Now I’m prepping for a meeting and going to head an hour south for a meetjng, before going another 1.5 hours for a board meeting. All to drive back home tonight. Won’t be home until 11, and would have had meetings for 4 different projects.

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7lb in a night! How the hell does that work?

Sweat? Heating?

Or did you keep the missus awake for awhile :wink: haha


It’s pretty typical for me. I weigh over 200lbs so it’s only 3% of my weight, which could be food and water.

Not much sleep last night and ran ragged today.

Hit a short back workout today

Axle Rack Pulls

Pull ups

Axle Rows

KB Rows


This month has been rough, only done a few swings here and there. Just been so damn busy, I can’t get into my garage for a full workout. Spent six hours in the office yesterday, then the rest of the day on our house and today already been in the office for four hours.

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Morning swings

Chest and swings

Chest and swings


I leave for 5 days on Thursday. Just have to get through tomorrow, which is a marathon of a day. Office at 6, then drive 2.5hrs south for a school board meetjng just to drive back and be home around 11.

Had a huge carb re-fill yesterday. Might of gone overboard.


That’s quite normal

My girlfriend weights around 138-140 pounds at night but she wakes up at 130, so yeah, food and water

Got that Christmas tree back!!