Cyclonengineer’s Engineering New Muscle


15 neutral grip inverted ring rows
50 red band pull aparts
26 Kg KB swings 2x 25, 25
Hydrocore side to side swings x50
Hydrocore Halos x50
One arm rows with gray band & Fat Gripz 2x 11, 11
Orange band Flyes 2x 20, 20
Hangboard Pull-ups 2x 4, 4
Alternating KB swings 16kg x 50


With 16 kg bell
6 Rounds of

20 alternating swings
10 cleans each arm
10 KB halos
5 ring dips

In 18:40

Really like this workout I came up with here. Don’t know what to call it yet. Maybe “Load the Cannons” because my shoulders are toast.

Resting Heart Rate measured 58 bpm today. Pretty happy with this considering I have been slacking a little this week.



Finally cleaned up my garage to the point where it is presentable as a place an adult inhabits

50 red band pull aparts
Hangboard Pull-ups 3x6, 4, 4
Hydrocore side to side swings x80 (unbroken - personal best)
One arm rows with gray band & Fat Gripz 2x 12, 12
OH Tricep extensions green band 2x12, 12
Orange band Flyes 3x 15, 15, 15



50 red band pull aparts
Inverted rows on rings 3 x 9, 9, 8
KB swings 26 kg 3 x 25, 25, 25
Gray band 1 arm rows 2x 10, 10
OH Tricep extensions green band 3x 12, 12, 10 (each arm, back to back with no rest)
Hydrocore side to side swings x60
KB halos 2x 20, 20with 16kg



50 red band pull aparts
Hangboard pull-ups 3x 5, 5, 5.5 ( didn’t quite get a sixth rep)
26 kg KB swings 3x 35, 35, 35
Hydrocore side to side swings 1x100 (unbroken)
Ring dips (with toes on ground) 4x 8, 8, 6,
KB clean and press 16 kg 3 x 5, 5, 5 (each arm)
Hangboard pull-ups 1x 3



1 hour at the climbing gym. Finally got a chance to climb by myself after a few months off. Man you lose the technique and endurance fast.



10K KB swing challenge workout 1

With 26kg bell

1 round of
10 swings
1 hangboard pull-up
15 swings
2 pull-ups
25 swings
3 pull-ups
50 swings

Switched to inverted row on my rings to save the tendons in my wrist
4 rounds of
10 swings
1 inverted row
15 swings
2 inverted rows
25 swings
3 inverted rows
50 swings.

Done in about 41 minutes.

I forgot how much this sucks/is awesome at the same time. Grip is shot after this. First 2 rounds went okay. Third round I slowed down and had to rest pause the “50” set (same for subsequent rounds).

Going to be doing the Velocity Diet as closely as i can (worry about enough calories with how big I am) from today forward.

So post workout meal is 2.5 scoops vanilla Metabolic Drive and a fish oil.


Oh my goodness I’m so giddy for you!

As far as a protein sparing modified fast goes, you should be in the clear. You’ll have more than enough protein to keep muscle.

But I can’t speak to the hangry piece, haha.

Yeah, if i start getting irritable with the family my plan is to take in 1/2 cup of almonds for dense calories and healthy fats.

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Healthy Simple Meal tonight was

10 oz air fried chicken breast (Cajun seasoning, no oil)
1 cup organic quinoa with Serrano pepper salsa
Air fried broccoli with Cajun seasoning 12 oz before cooking.
5 strawberries


I am active all day and get hungry on the Velocity Diet. A small modification I made is to add a (big) spoonful of natural peanut butter to the post-dinner shake. This helped me sleep better and feel like I could tackle my workout the next morning. I also like the “Surge” option to replace one protein shake. I take a serving of Surge before and another half serving during my workout. Not only does it really help the quality of my workout (which I do in the morning), but the change of pace is great for the palate. My hardest time of the day is right now (~3:30 as I write this) in terms of hunger. I have sparkling water or tea to help, but still, dinner can’t come soon enough.

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10K KB swing challenge workout 2

With 26kg bell

5 rounds of
10 swings
1 goblet squats
15 swings
2 goblet squats
25 swings
3 goblet squats
50 swings


1000/10000 down


10k workout 3

Did this one with 2-3/5 dips but only made it two rounds because I am an idiot.

Was doing some woodcarving between rounds knife slipped and I cut the crap out of my thumb :man_facepalming:

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Four stitches

On an unrelated note: anyone want some wood carving knives?


Are you sticking with only 4 shakes a day? I’m about the same size as you, and I’ve wanted to try the Velocity Diet. However, I’m worried because the 4 shakes are way below the suggested 1 gr/lb protein limit for sparing muscle on a diet.

Yeah. I am doing 2 to 2.5 scoops which is about 55 grams per shake. So that’s 220 in shakes plus about 45 in my HSM. It should be plenty for me to keep most muscle mass

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252g is way below? You are a hoss my dude!

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The 4 shakes are really double, as others have noted. Between the shakes and the HSM, I am eating significantly more protein than I would be doing if I were eating normally.

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31 minutes treadmill hike since my thumb is jacked and holding a bell sounded not too much fun.

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