Built for Show - Satter's Training Log

Feb 4, 2009
Fall Program Phase II
Week 3 (Wednesday)
Workout A (Upper Body)

A1 Incline Dumbell Row (6x5, 45s)
(55lb Dumbells) x 6,6,5,5,5,3

A2 Incline Barbell Bench Press (6x5, 45s)
(155lbs) x 5,4,4,3,3,3,3,2,2,1

I only got through half the workout this morning because my daughter had an “accident” in her bed and woke up crying, I guess interuptions come part and parcel with being a parent.

I’m going to finish the workout tonight when I get home from work.

I plan on posting new measurments and pictures at the end of this phase (about two more weeks).

Here’s the rest of my workout.

B1 Pullups (6x5, 45s)
(Bodyweight) x 6,6,5,5,5,3

B2 Dip (6x5, 45s)
(Bodyweight + 35lbs) x 6,6,5,5,5,3

C1 Reverse Crunch (3X15, 30s)

C2 Side Plank (2x60s, 30s)
45s, 45s

Feb 6, 2009
Fall Program Phase II
Week 4 (Friday)
Workout B (Lower Body)

A1 Supine Hip/Leg Extension (3x15, 45s)
(Single Leg ) x 15,15,15

A2 Bulgarian Split Squat (3x15, 45s)
(20lbs) x 15,15,15

B1 Goblet Squat (2x8, 30s)
(90lbs) x 8,8

B2 Reverse Wood Chop (2x8, 30s)
(35lb Plate) x 8,8

C1 Plank (2x60, 30s)
60, 60

Feb 09, 2009
Fall Program Phase II
Week 5 (Monday)
Workout A (Upper Body)

A1 Incline Dumbell Row (4x10, 45s)
(50lb Dumbells) x 10,8,8,8,6 This is a great way to do rows, it’s almost impossible tp cheat and you can really concentrate on your back.

A2 Incline Barbell Bench Press (4x10, 45s)
(130lb) x 8,8,6,6,6,4,2 I went a little to heavy on this one, I should have stuck with 125lbs.

B1 Pulldown (4x10, 45s)
(110lb) x 10,10,8,7,5 I’m really focused on getting good reps here with a slight pause in the contracted state.

B2 Dip (4x10, 45s)
(Bodyweight + 15lb vest) x 10,9,8,7,6 I love doing the dips with the vest on, it’s very comfortable and I keep it on during the pulldowns so I’m walking around with it on for about 20 mins. When you take it off you feel very light on your feet.

C1 Reverse Crunch (3X15, 30s)

C2 Side Plank (2x45s a side, 30s)
45s, 45s

Feb 11, 2009
Fall Program Phase II
Week 5 (Wednesday)
Workout B (Lower Body)

A1 Supine Hip/Leg Extension (5x5, 45s rest)
(Single Leg + 35lb plate) x 5,5,5,5,5

A2 Bulgarian Split Squat (5x5, 45s rest)
(60lbs) x 5,5,5,5,5

B1 Goblet Squat (2x8, 30s rest)
(95lbs) x 8,8

B2 Reverse Wood Chop (2x8, 30s rest)
(35lb Plate) x 8,8

C1 Plank (2x60s, 30s rest)

I haven’t really posted anything on my diet yet so I thought I would give you an idea on a typical workout day for me.

BTW I keep a food log.

Disclaimer: Although we try to eat pretty healthy, I’m not going to try and claim that we eat well all the time.

I will give in to my cravings now and then and have some fast food, and we like to have a glass of wine most nights but for the most part my wife and I try to get lots of good protein, healthy fats, and buy organic as much as we can.

Also I don’t drink any pop accept some tonic in my Gin and Tonic’s.

Here’s my diet from yesterday (Wednesday, Feb 11,2009)

5:45 to 6:30 am Workout

6:30 AM
1 scoop protein
1 cup fruit/vegetable Juice
10 BCAA caps
7:00 am
1 cup skim milk
1 cup whole wheat shreddies cereal

8:00 am
3 eggs (omega 3) with shredded chedder on top
1 cup leftover whole wheat pasta in tomato sauce

10:00 am
Handful of nuts
1/2 avacado with salt and pepper

12:30 pm
Homemade steak sandwich (whole wheat bread, 5oz of organic top sirloin steak, chedder cheese, avacado)

3:30 pm
Bowl of homemade chicken curry

7:00 pm
Baked cod fillet with garlic and herb crust.
Spring Salad with chopped nuts, goat cheese, crutons, homemade basalmic vinegrette.
1 glass of wine

10:00 pm
2 multivitamin caps
3 ZMA caps

10:30 pm
1 cup of milk

The total marco’s are:

Protien	180g	
Carbs	236g
Fat	98g

Total Calories 2,546


Feb 13, 2009
Fall Program Phase II
Week 5 (Friday)
Workout A (Upper Body)

A1 Incline Dumbell Row (3x15, 45s)
(40lb Dumbells) x 15,15,11,4

A2 Incline Barbell Bench Press (3x15, 45s)
(110lb) x 15,13,10,7

B1 Pulldowns (3x15, 45s)
(95lb) x 15,13,10,7

B2 Dip (3x15, 45s)
(Bodyweight) x 15,12,10,8

C1 Reverse Crunch (3x15, 30s)

C2 Side Plank (2x45s a side, 30s)
45s, 45s

One more week to go in this phase. I’m really love these workouts and am iching to get into the Winter phase.

Like I said before I’m going to post some pics and measurments and the end of this phase (next week) but just for fun I took some quick measurements yesterday and I’m pretty happy with the way things are going.

Feb 16, 2009
Fall Program Phase II
Week 6 (Monday)
Workout B (Lower Body)

A1 Supine Hip/Leg Extension (4x8, 45s)
(Single Leg + 25lb plate) x 8,8,8,8

A2 Bulgarian Split Squat (4x8, 45s)
(50lbs) x 8,8,8,8

B1 Goblet Squat (2x8, 30s)
(95lbs) x 8,8,8

B2 Reverse Wood Chop (2x8, 30s)
(35lb Plate) x 8,8,8

C1 Plank (2x60, 30s)
60, 60

Feb 18, 2009
Fall Program Phase II
Week 6 (Wednesday)
Workout A (Upper Body)

A1 Incline Dumbell Row (6x5, 45s)
(60 lb Dumbells) x 5,5,5,5,5,5

A2 Incline Barbell Bench Press (6x5, 45s)
(155 lb) x 5,5,4,4,4,3,3,2

B1 Pullup (6x5, 45s)
(Bodyweight + 8 lb) x 6,5,5,4,4,4,2

B2 Dip (6x5, 45s)
(Bodyweight + 45 lb) x 5,5,4,4,4,4,4

C1 Reverse Crunch (3X15, 30s)

C2 Side Plank (2x45s a side, 30s)
45s, 45s

This is the last upper body workout in this phase.

Feb 20, 2009
Fall Program Phase II
Week 6 (Friday)
Workout B (Lower Body)

A1 Supine Hip/Leg Extension (3x12, 45s)
(Single Leg) x 12,12,12

A2 Bulgarian Split Squat (3x12, 45s)
(50lbs) x 12,12,12

B1 Goblet Squat (3x8, 30s)
(105lbs) x 8,8,8

B2 Reverse Wood Chop (3x8, 30s)
(35lb Plate) x 8,8,8

C1 Plank (2x60, 30s)
60, 60

That’s it for the Fall workouts.
I’m going to take some pictures and measurments tonight (Monday) and I’ll post as soon as I can.
I’ve also decided to not take a week off and start the Winter program right away. away.

I’ve decided to take a couple of days off after all. I’ve been getting very little sleep this week so I thought it might be benificial to give my body a break.

This will also give me time to set up my new gym. I had a pretty decent set up already but I’ve been thinking of upgrading for a while and I finally decided to pull the trigger.

Here’s what I bought. It’s a full cage with a lat/row tower, dip bars and pullup bar. I should have it set up in a day or so.

These are some of the exercises I can do with it.

That’s a nice piece of equipment. I’m looking forward to seeing the progress; keep it up.


My son threw our digital camera into the bathtub so I wasn’t able to take pictures last week but I’m going to get a new one this week and I’ll take and post them then.

Here are my new measurments:

163lbs (+ 5lbs)

Neck 15 (same)

Shoulder 49 (+ 1 inch)

Chest 39.5 (+ 1.5 inch)

Upper arm
Relaxed 13.75 (+ 1.25 inch)
Flexed 14 ½ (+ .25 inch)

Waist at belly button 34 ½ (same)

Hips around glutes 38 (same)

Thigh 22.25 (+ .75 inch)

Calf 15.25 (+ .25 inch)

A few observations about my progress so far;
I’ve gained aboput 5 lbs overall and my stomach measurement is the same as before also I feel a littler leaner, so I think it’s mostly lean gains.
I added 1 inch to my shoulders and 1.5 inches to my chest this is nice as I definatley feel wider up top.
My flexed arm only added 1/4 inch, I think this is do to a lack of curls in this program, but thats okay because I added 1.25 inches to my relaxed arm (I can totaly tell that my triceps have gotten bigger) most people see your arms in a relaxed state anyways.
My concern with my legs had more to do with correcting imbalances rather than gaining size as I’ve always had naturally muscular quads and calves. I did however manage to gain a little size in my legs which is nice.

Looking at the measurments, I think I could have done better but considering that I hurt my back and had to take time off and also remove deadlifts and heavy squats from the program, I’m pretty happy with the results overall.

Right now I feel great and my back is not bothering me at all (but I’ll always have to be carefull about it). So going forward I’m feeling pretty pumped about the “Winter” workouts and I’m going hit them hard and heavy. I really want to work on getting stronger and a little leaner without losing weight so although I always eat fairly well I’ll really have to dial in my diet over the next couple of weeks.

Thanks for your support and encouragment Nate. You’ve always been there to answer questions and I really enjoy the workouts and all your other content/writing as well.

Here’s my first workout from the Winter Program

Mar 2, 2009
Winter Program Phase I
Week 1 (Monday)
Workout A

A Front Squat (4,4,4,10) (120s)
(135 lbs) x 4,4,4 (115) x 10
I’m doing front squats instead of back squats becouse they have less compressive forces on my lower back. Just focusing on getting my form down again and feeling comfortable doing squats again.

B1 Single Leg Hip Extension (3x8) (60s)
(Type 3) x 8,8,8
I’m still afaraid to do any type of bent over exercises so romainian deadlift are out right now.

B2 Reverse Lunge (3x8) (60s)
(60 lbs) x 8,8,8
This felt good I can really start going heavy with these.

C1 Reverse Crunch (3X15, 30s)

Mar 3, 2009
Winter Program Phase I
Week 1 (Tuesday)
Workout B

A1 Incline Dumbell Row (4,4,4,10) (120s) (I’m doing incline dumbell rows instead of bent over rows because of my lower back.)
(70 lb Dumbells) x 4,4,4 (55 lb Dumbells) x 10

A2 Incline Barbell Bench Press (4,4,4,10) (120s)
(160 lbs) x 4,3,3,2 (135 lbs) x 10

B1 Wide Grip Pull-up (4,4,10) (60s)
(Bodyweight +15 lb Vest) x 4,4 (Bodyweight) x 8,2

B2 Standing Barbell Shoulder Press (4,4,10) (60s)
(115 lbs) x 4,4 (95 lbs) x 10

C1 Reverse Crunch (3X15, 30s)

I just re-read the preface to the winter workouts again and realized that I’m supposed to try increasing the weight in the first couple of sets rather than picking a “good” weight and sticking with it. I’ll make this adjustment in the next workout.

Mar 6, 2009
Winter Program Phase I
Week 1 (Friday)
Workout D

A1 Chin-ups (4,4,4,10) (60s)
(Body + 25 lbs) x 4, (Body + 27.5 lbs) x 4, (Body + 30 lbs) x 4, (Body) x 10

A2 Barbell Push Press (4,4,4,10) (60s)
(115 lbs) x 4, (120 lbs) x 4, (125 lbs) x 4, (100 lbs) x 8 + 2

B1 Cable Rows (4,4,10) (60s)
(120 lbs) x 4, (130 lbs) x 4, (90 lbs) x 10

B2 Dumbell Bench Press (4,4,10) (60s)
(70 lb Dumbells) x 4, (75 lb Dumbells) x 4, (60 lb Dumbells) x 10

C1 Side Plank (2x45s/side)
60s/side, 60s/side

Mar 9, 2009
Winter Program Phase I
Week 2 (Monday)
Workout B

A1 Incline Dumbell Row (4,4,4,10) (120s)
(70 lb Dumbells) x 4,4,4 (55 lb Dumbells) x 10

A2 Incline Barbell Bench Press (4,4,4,10) (120s)
(160 lbs) x 4,3,3,2 (135 lbs) x 8+2

B1 Wide Grip Pull-up (4,4,10) (60s)
(Bodyweight + 20 lb Vest) x 4,4 (Bodyweight) x 10

B2 Standing Barbell Shoulder Press (4,4,10) (60s)
(115 lbs) x 4,4 (95 lbs) x 10

C1 Reverse Crunch (3X15, 30s)

I was very sick over the weekend and lost a couple of pounds. I go through this workout okay but didn’t post any real big increases over last week.