Bitch Tits

Or getting really, really lean and being fairly tan…

[quote]Kuz wrote:
Thanks, Prof. That is some interesting food for thought for sure. It also seems to bring into focus something I remember TC writing about in terms of using M because of all the environmental estrogens we are constantly exposed to (but I was never 100% clear as to where they could come from). Looks like cruciferous veggies are the way to go.


Xenoestrogens, or xenobiotics. Like Prof. X said they’re in plastics; they’re also released into the environment from plastic manufacturing, waste incineration, paper bleaching, herbicides and pesticides (another reason to buy organic or at least wash your produce), all those good forms of pollution. Compounds like dioxin (very bad), PCBs, and THC are estrogenic. In fact, THC can cause gyno. They are also largely to blame for the 50% decrease in the average sperm count.
Xenoestrogens have been linked to cancer as well as decreased immune function and nervous system disorders.
(Google it, you’ll find plenty of references)

[quote]Nate Dogg wrote:
Or getting really, really lean and being fairly tan…[/quote]

STOP BRAGGING, BEOTCH!! :wink: If you had “true” gyno, it would hardly shrink no matter how low your BF, because its breast tissue, not adipose tissue. If you had any when you were at a higher BF, it was probably just your genetic fat distribution being mean to you and/or loose skin from being a FFB (but, I don’t see any “sag” on you). I’m in the later case, so I could get 98% clear of it if I got as lean as you. Unfortunatly, obesity is HUGE in my family (pun intended) and my metabolism just laughs at me…


Thanks for the info, Prof.

Do you think that increasing intake of vitamin B6 would be sufficient to stave off gyno from plastics, or other processed means (i.e. other than from AAS use)?

I know that B6 is used by some when on steroids that might lead to progesterone induced gyno.

Just wondering what you thought.

[quote]TopSirloin wrote:
STOP BRAGGING, BEOTCH!! :wink: If you had “true” gyno, it would hardly shrink no matter how low your BF, because its breast tissue, not adipose tissue. If you had any when you were at a higher BF, it was probably just your genetic fat distribution being mean to you and/or loose skin from being a FFB (but, I don’t see any “sag” on you). I’m in the later case, so I could get 98% clear of it if I got as lean as you. Unfortunatly, obesity is HUGE in my family (pun intended) and my metabolism just laughs at me…


Shiiiiittttt! I almost died getting that lean! And I only held it for 3-4 months before I started eating more and getting my strength back. And even though you can’t tell in that photo, if my nipples weren’t erect and I wasn’t flexing, you’d be able to see some fat or “gyno.”

So maybe I do just carry fat in my nipples when I gain weight. It’s usually my nipples and stomach that I gain fat. No where else. But I have to get 11% or less in order for my nipple fat (or gyno) to become much less.

Right now, I can definitely pinch a bit of fat in my nipples. It’s disgusting to me. But I know that when I get leaner, it should become less noticeable.

[quote]miniross wrote:
Further to prof x’s comments, it has also been queeried that synthetic estrogen like compounds in under arm anti perspirants have led to increases in breast cancer in women.

Could this also be an issue for us men.

Bring on the roll on.[/quote]

I was pretty sure this one had been proved to be fallacious? Correct me if I’m wrong.

What’s the best type of doctor to see in order to get tested for gyno? I read an article talking about taking some serious anti-estrogens (nalvodrex, clomid, etc.) to help reduce gyno. Does that work? I wouldn’t think it would, thoughts?

Is it just me, or do the post-op pics Prof X posted not look much better than the before pics?

I do not know how soon post-op those pics were taken, but there is some residual swelling from the surrounding tissues, and loose skin which might heal back. About 10 years ago, my brother had gyno surgery, and his chest was swollen for a few weeks. He also had to wear a compression bandage around his chest, and had drain tubes from each “moob”. I considered this surgery too, but after seeing my brother’s results, I decided to not have surgery. -The Starkdog

re’s a picture do i have gyno some say yes some say no this is from about a I"m 17 in 2 weeks this pic was taken when I was 15.
I was going try rebound xt to get rid of it but I was warned not to. I’ve lost some bf since that pic but I still have it. What should I do to get rid of it. My diet is clean but I’m not really on like a diet to lose weight just to stay lean since I play football. And I can’t have surgery because it would interfere with surgery. What should I do about this. It’s been a big ass confidence lower and stops me from like doing alot of stuff like pools,beaches, stripping naked for no reason. Damn why did this happen to me?

[quote]DONJUANPIMPIN wrote:
re’s a picture do i have gyno some say yes some say no this is from about a I"m 17 in 2 weeks this pic was taken when I was 15.
I was going try rebound xt to get rid of it but I was warned not to. I’ve lost some bf since that pic but I still have it. What should I do to get rid of it. My diet is clean but I’m not really on like a diet to lose weight just to stay lean since I play football. And I can’t have surgery because it would interfere with surgery. What should I do about this. It’s been a big ass confidence lower and stops me from like doing alot of stuff like pools,beaches, stripping naked for no reason. Damn why did this happen to me?[/quote]

You do have gyno and surgery will be needed to get rid of it. Having the surgery done in the off season is an option. It takes a few weeks depending on what procedure is done for it to heal. I have seen some price quotes around 2 grand for the procedure, however, you could always check with health insurance to see if there is a possibility for it to be covered. I have no doubt that it may play with your self esteem however, I am also sure that you are more aware of it than anyone else.

You do have gyno and surgery will be needed to get rid of it. Having the surgery done in the off season is an option. It takes a few weeks depending on what procedure is done for it to heal. I have seen some price quotes around 2 grand for the procedure, however, you could always check with health insurance to see if there is a possibility for it to be covered. I have no doubt that it may play with your self esteem however, I am also sure that you are more aware of it than anyone else. [/quote]

Are sure surgery definitly neccesarily. What happens if I lose some more weight or what the best way to reduce them I guess. I rather have a minor case of gyno then what I got.

I had some serious gyno 'cause i got real obese right as I was hitting puberty. Since then I tacked on some heavy muscle, then lost it and am puttng it back these days. That has ben the biggest difference for me, muscle. It gives the chest some shape. Additionally, I suspect the excess testerone your body generates from lifting and carrying that lean mass helps.


[quote]DONJUANPIMPIN wrote:
Are sure surgery definitly neccesarily.

Judging from your picture posted, yes, it is necessary. Losing body fat will help the appearance, however, moderate to severe cases will still be significant. I can’t really tell if you are afraid of the idea of surgery or if you are truly only concerned about it interfering with football. This is an issue you may want to discuss with your family doctor with your parents present. Many parents are completely clueless as far as this is concerned which is why I am recommending you try to have a professional present.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
Judging from your picture posted, yes, it is necessary. Losing body fat will help the appearance, however, moderate to severe cases will still be significant. I can’t really tell if you are afraid of the idea of surgery or if you are truly only concerned about it interfering with football. This is an issue you may want to discuss with your family doctor with your parents present. Many parents are completely clueless as far as this is concerned which is why I am recommending you try to have a professional present.[/quote]

I just don’t want it to interfere with football but I don’t really want to wati. I was obese as a kid and had it since 11 but their’s still a chance to go away. My doctor always tell me to lose weight and it’ll go away but I never do it cause I just keep growing bigger and gaining more wait plus alot of people I bring it up say I shouldn’t get surgery so early I’m 17 since their still a chance it might come back cause my hormone levels are so crazy. What happens if I drop from 20-19% now to around 12-10% do you think it will go aaway also do you have any pics of gyno with a low bodyfat I don’t really care about anything else cause I’ll probly get surgery after football season and if I get cut from basketball. Thanks for the help

[quote]DONJUANPIMPIN wrote:
Professor X wrote:
Judging from your picture posted, yes, it is necessary. Losing body fat will help the appearance, however, moderate to severe cases will still be significant. I can’t really tell if you are afraid of the idea of surgery or if you are truly only concerned about it interfering with football. This is an issue you may want to discuss with your family doctor with your parents present. Many parents are completely clueless as far as this is concerned which is why I am recommending you try to have a professional present.

I just don’t want it to interfere with football but I don’t really want to wati. I was obese as a kid and had it since 11 but their’s still a chance to go away. My doctor always tell me to lose weight and it’ll go away but I never do it cause I just keep growing bigger and gaining more wait plus alot of people I bring it up say I shouldn’t get surgery so early I’m 17 since their still a chance it might come back cause my hormone levels are so crazy. What happens if I drop from 20-19% now to around 12-10% do you think it will go aaway also do you have any pics of gyno with a low bodyfat I don’t really care about anything else cause I’ll probly get surgery after football season and if I get cut from basketball. Thanks for the help[/quote]

You losing weight may help decrease its appearance. From your pic, your case seems like it will take more than just losing weight to get rid of it completely, however, dropping below 20% should be your first goal. When you get it taken care of is up to you. I do believe some doctors like to wait until the patient is at least 18, however, this has more to do with maturity than hormone levels. On one level your doctor is right. It makes little sense to be overly concerned about it if you are over 20% body fat.

I did some searching online and found these links helpful regarding the surgical procedure of correcting gyno.

I see prof X has provided some very good info on Gyno. Props to you bro. I wish i would have jumped in here earlier. I’m not sure if prof X posted about his but here goes anyway. If you have a chest mass that resembles a breast, either through a lump under the nipple that’ll itch and hurt when squeezed then you can say you gave the formation of glandular tissue. It will be hard to the touch.

Everyone else, like the poster with his chest picture may in actuality NOT have gyno at all, but Estrogenic fat deposits. You know that fat cells are capable of producing estrogen and converting test into estrogen. Some guys get the double whammy combined with a bad diet with too much calories, add to that enviromental pollutants like the prof pointed out and for many guys it’s enough to develop Estrogenic fat pockets, or female pattern fat distribution, which manifest themselves as extra fat on the

  1. Lower Chest
  2. Upper Tricep
  3. Lower back
  4. Hips and thighs.

These areas will fill with fat cells in addition to the fat distribution you will have as a male. It will also be nearly impossible to loose or take a really long time at best. When it goes too awry surgery is still needed to remove excess skin tissue. Now i’ll go out on a limb here as it’s been a long time, but estrogenic fat pockets need to have their A1 or A2 receptor activated (not sure which) to make them be metabolised with a low calorie cutting diet, it all depends on just how far you let it go.

[quote]Gregus wrote:
I see prof X has provided some very good info on Gyno. Props to you bro. I wish i would have jumped in here earlier. I’m not sure if prof X posted about his but here goes anyway. If you have a chest mass that resembles a breast, either through a lump under the nipple that’ll itch and hurt when squeezed then you can say you gave the formation of glandular tissue. It will be hard to the touch.

Everyone else, like the poster with his chest picture may in actuality NOT have gyno at all, but Estrogenic fat deposits. You know that fat cells are capable of producing estrogen and converting test into estrogen. Some guys get the double whammy combined with a bad diet with too much calories, add to that enviromental pollutants like the prof pointed out and for many guys it’s enough to develop Estrogenic fat pockets, or female pattern fat distribution, which manifest themselves as extra fat on the

  1. Lower Chest
  2. Upper Tricep
  3. Lower back
  4. Hips and thighs.

These areas will fill with fat cells in addition to the fat distribution you will have as a male. It will also be nearly impossible to loose or take a really long time at best. When it goes too awry surgery is still needed to remove excess skin tissue. Now i’ll go out on a limb here as it’s been a long time, but estrogenic fat pockets need to have their A1 or A2 receptor activated (not sure which) to make them be metabolised with a low calorie cutting diet, it all depends on just how far you let it go.[/quote]
I think I have that because I don’t really fill a lump only thing I feel is like a big mass thing but I feel that on my biceps too so I’m guessing that’s fat and muscle. So what should I do to get my estrogen down but not mess me up

Estrogen control is something you should forget about now. Your fat cells are very estrogenic so you have to work on reducing those first. So, diet, and workout. It will take time but you’ll get there.

Try the Velocity diet if you’re up to it.