Andrewgen_Receptors' TRT Log

Quite frankly I am a little pissed in a funny way (irrespective of the concern I have for the OP’s long term health). Many of us bring x-ray/prior records to justify ND, oxandrolone, stanozolol, etc, etc. Now I read you just go in as a perfectly robust 20 something and now you need some ND. LMAO.

Background info:
27 years old
~223lbs and fluffy
Biceps: 17.75"
Waist at navel: 37"
Thighs: 27.25
For pictures, see my log linked below

Bench: 315x3
Squat: 405x5
Deadlift: 495x5
Have been cutting for about 5 weeks now, down ~7lbs.

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