Alex_uk: I've got more, time to give more

Random thought/modification of plans.

I’m treading water, which was fine whilst waiting to do a blood test and trying to reduce variables, but doesn’t make for good progress. I’m leanish, but it’s time to push that door hard, give a run at getting proper lean, I want to do this fast, because I hate the process and it’s always something that screws with my head. Thinking of exchanging a meal or two for a shake, then have a healthy meal with the family and then a shake before bed (basically something near the v-diet). I’ll do this until some point in Feb then reassess, a max of 4 weeks. Then get back on the gaining train!

In terms of training there’s an area I’m going to switch up when I get back to the gaining phase - I’m throwing a lot of arm work with FM, but I’m going to switch it up, alternative weeks I’ll be dropping the arm work out of the main sessions and instead adding Matt Krocs crazy arm session in: The 1000-Rep Arm Workout, See if some absurd volume might elicit some growth, my arms have literally not grown in years (16 inch, 16.5 inch pumped), who knows maybe I’m at the genetic limit and have crappy arm genetics, but I’m not willing to accept that, let’s see if volume and food can’t shift the tape.