9+ Months of Deca Dick

Need some help from the experienced posters…

I’ve been using steroids since May of 2012, never had any problems until this March 2013 when I first tried Deca. ran about 400mg’s with a hefty 750mg dose of testosterone, but despite this about 4 weeks into the cycle I started losing my erection during sex with the girlfriend.

I quickly dropped deca from my stack but it was already too late. Soon my sex drive completely disappeared and when I did manage to get it up, I suffered from extreme ED. From April to August, I tried anything I could get my hands to try to self-medicate… Prami, Caber, Adex, Cialis, Viagra, more test, less test, Masteron, Proviron, Vitamin B6… basically anything I read online that might help w/ this problem. Nothing worked

In August I decided fuck it, I’m going to come off steroids to fix this thing. In November I finally got health insurance and saw a specialist. I explained the whole situation to my endo and he was quick to blame my sexual dysfunction on low test.

Indeed blood work showed 140 ng/dl (reference 350-1100) but I tried to reason with him that even when I was on high dose exogenous testosterone, my dick wouldn’t work. LH and FSH were in the dirt as well, but everything else was within range. Prolactin was at the top of the normal reference range, but my doctor did not seem concerned about this.

First round of bloods, my doctor didn’t test for Estradiol or progesterone, which I thought was strange. His reasoning was that having been off of hormones for 3+ months, there is no reason to suspect that these hormones would be elevated… Not sure if I’m buying this.

Anyway I’ve completed 2 months of clomid therapy, I can tell it’s definitely boosted my testosterone levels from the increase in testicular size as well as the fact that I have more strength in the gym, more energy in my daily life, and my mood seems to have stabilized (was depressed before)

But I still have no freaking sex drive at all and can’t get hard to save my life. On the few occasions I have tried to masturbate, I couldn’t keep an erection long enough to finish.

Can someone please give me some insight as to what the problem might be causing this? This is really ruining my life, I’m afraid to pursue a sexual relationship because I know I won’t be able to please the girl

And I have never had any sort of sexual dysfunction before Deca so I am 99% sure that this is what caused this all.

Thanks for reading guys, I look forward to seeing what you have to say

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Clomid itself causes loss of libido in many guys. It takes a couple of months to leave your system, so maybe reevaluate once you have been off Clomid for two or three months.

Go to a different endo and get a second experience. There are too many variables here- progesterone/prolactin, estrogen, testosterone, etc.

Good luck to you. Hope you can get this issue figured out soon.

Rear deltas,
Sorry for the problem bro…
I am over 11 months in same situation… Getting better though. I have found many threads about this on the net… For some it took 2 years to go away… However, hundreds have never updated their post leaving me to assume they recovered… Dr. Scally told me if test levels have recovered, he’s never seen a libido be gone forever…good luck getting answers from others about this. Many talk about this issue with no detail or just won’t respond…some will respond with " do more test" or “my dick works great on deca” or “you should have done more research” or even " deca dysfunction is permanent…
Bro, let time work for now… Listen to very little of what some spout out…
Keep me posted

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So no one knows what the possible mechanism for this is?
I read some posts by a user names ksman who seemed very knowledgeable, if you are around can you please weigh in on this

Please note 2 months of Clomid therapy** not 20

AFAIK you can get hold of KSMan in the t replacement forum. He is very knowledgeable and experienced. Make sure you have full bloods ready before speaking to him though and read the stickies over at TRT first.

How are things going?

[quote]RearDeltsBrah wrote:

First round of bloods, my doctor didn’t test for Estradiol or progesterone, which I thought was strange. His reasoning was that having been off of hormones for 3+ months, there is no reason to suspect that these hormones would be elevated… Not sure if I’m buying this.[/quote]
Wow. Why not test for it and not suppose he knows everything. Damn docs can be stupid.

Go get your prolactin checked again, just because it’s “in range” doesn’t mean it’s good for you, you may be better off at the lower end.

You can go to privatemdlabs or lef.org and order labs there without going to your doc. And besides your a paying customer if you want labs he should do it if not get a new doc.

A lot of horror stories with deca, 19-Nors can take a very long time to recover from. I wouldn’t suggest deca to someone who wasn’t on TRT IMO

Any update…?

Testosterone is now at 350 ng/dl
Estrogen is 19 pg/ml (range is 8-42)
LH is low normal, FSH is still way below normal range

Now doing HCG 500iu EOD for 3 weeks or so, with another round of Clomid 50mg EOD for 2 months

Erections are slightly stronger, can get 70-80% fully hard on my own via manual stimulation. Libido still non-existent

I worry that fixing my testosterone levels will not solve the problem… there has to be something else at play here

Yes, There is something else at play compounding the problem.
I will update you on mine, Now at one year and the problems are nearly gone… Libido is still a bit weak, but getting better slowly. It is kind of an up and down thing with an upward trend. My problems really got better after a PCT i did… Same as your doing.

The problem is " unknown" to the experts… but each has their theory…
The problem is however in the HYPO/ Pit region. Some men " become" over sensitized to a progestin during a cycle or during a PCT if their bodies don’t manufacture out the deca as fast as the Exo. Test… Leaving the deca to run " SOLO"… Big NO NO! Once sensitized even the weak metabolites can and will disrupt the HPTA for some time. 12-18 months and in some cases another 6 months past the 18 months… The problem is highly complicated with neuro-transmitters and the have been NO studies to support the theories…

Bro, I felt like you do a while ago… And I hated it… It was scary. Be assured, if you were functioning before the cycle, you will recover after… As long as your test levels recover. The deca and its metabolites are very long lasting for some. During my PCT and still today, I am eating tons of anti-oxidants and cardio While using Milk Thistle daily… As soon as I did this, Within 5 days I saw a huge improvement… For what its worth…
Good luck Bro…

Ps… I own my own company and have plenty of free time… It allowed my the opportunity to visit every expert in the country about this problem and about deca and its after effects… Including a trip to Thailand to help… The conclusion was the same. I do believe the Antis/ cardio/ Thistle did help a ton…

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It took me a very very long time to heal from a Deca cycle. Not worth it unless you are considering staying on.
Give it time, I know there is a temptation to try everything to get up and running but time will heal it.

My system healed when I tried something drastic, I was shutdown and decided to jump on cycle again and tapered off it. I was good as new after that.


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use dostinex during deca cycles to avoid erection problems…Since it lowers prolactin very efficiently, Dostinex will even get rid sexual dysfunction caused by excess prolactin (which is (anecdotally at least) highly correlative with the use of certain steroids like the Nandrolones and Trenbolones (Deca and Tren).

[quote]RearDeltsBrah wrote:
Testosterone is now at 350 ng/dl
Estrogen is 19 pg/ml (range is 8-42)
LH is low normal, FSH is still way below normal range

Now doing HCG 500iu EOD for 3 weeks or so, with another round of Clomid 50mg EOD for 2 months

Erections are slightly stronger, can get 70-80% fully hard on my own via manual stimulation. Libido still non-existent

I worry that fixing my testosterone levels will not solve the problem… there has to be something else at play here[/quote]

you may want to look into toremifene, as it can lower prolactin, and as far as i know, is the only SERM to do that. prolly a better choice than clomid as well, as clomid has been shown to DECREASE sensitivity to GnRH, which means that it is less effective for HPTA recovery.

[quote]thk wrote:
use dostinex during deca cycles to avoid erection problems…Since it lowers prolactin very efficiently, Dostinex will even get rid sexual dysfunction caused by excess prolactin (which is (anecdotally at least) highly correlative with the use of certain steroids like the Nandrolones and Trenbolones (Deca and Tren).[/quote]

Prolactin has been in range on every blood test though, My endo doesn’t want to give me anything for it

Glad to hear your recovered bro…!
Did you recover by leaving it alone or by something else?
I can’t tell from your above post…
Glad your back man…:slight_smile:

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pretty obvious if ur test levels are only up to 350 u are gonna still have issues. that number needs to be 700+ if you want any sex life.

[quote]cjackson25 wrote:
pretty obvious if ur test levels are only up to 350 u are gonna still have issues. that number needs to be 700+ if you want any sex life. [/quote]

I could not disagree more with this post. There are even studies that show that sexual function can be preserved with relatively low levels of Total Testosterone. Plus, libido is dependent upon many factors, both physiological and psychological, not just on Testosterone levels.

Last year after dieting I wasn’t feeling quite like myself. After getting bloodwork done, my TT came at 550 ng/dl, which is below my usual 700. My mood was down and I was not progressing in the gym but my libido was still there, if somewhat diminished. I was still very capable of getting erections. Point being that one can’t just place the complete causality of something as complex as libido on an arbitrary value for a single hormone.