82.5kg / 181 lb World Record Deadlift?

Oh, I’m 100% not of the “everyone is blasting 324803284032984mg of everything every day” crew. Most of these professional athletes are in amazing shape, and if they WERE doing that, their hearts would explode. It could be everything from blood doping to GH, but it’s only to supplement vigorous exercise routines and year-round training. As I said, the risk-reward is most likely worth it there. As for someone blasting scary amounts of roids to compete in a sport where they’ll never make any money and the vast majority of people don’t give a shit about, I literally cannot wrap my head around that logic.

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That’s quite a lot of milligrams, I personally cut myself off at the 324803284032983 mgs per week otherwise it’s just too detrimental for my longevity

Is this the same as cream? I hear that stuff is popular with cheaters.

When there is no untested option and everyone else is using, you better do the same if you plan to get anywhere. As far as powerlifting goes, if you compete tested in a fed that has an untested division and you are using PEDs you are a loser and a piece of shit. The IPF is fucked up in a thousand ways, but if you really want to compete there and you are using then I don’t really see it the same way since so many others are doing it. I think there is some high-level corruption, they talk about Russia having a state-sponsored doping program but do you really think it is only them? Also when you have top athletes like Ray Williams and Usain Bolt flaunting their membership in Freemasonry, you can expect there to be something happening behind the scenes.

I have seen that happen to people, and some of them weren’t even training at all. Genetic predisposition plus drinking too much and not sleeping enough could do it. Sure it’s a red flag, but that alone doesn’t prove it.

I think the smarter ones do. Look at Yury Belkin’s Instagram, right now his weight is way down and he’s no stronger than me. I can think of others too, like Kevin Oak, he loses 20-25lbs in the offseason. There are some dumb guys who want it all now and don’t care about health, but that’s not everyone.

Yea a laughable idea.

Take the 2012 Olympics as an example, this is London in 2012, not old fashioned testing or Russian backdoor cheating, modern WADA with advanced testing.

I forget which weight class but in weightlifting, despite everyone testing clean at the time, the gold medal is currently held by 6th place, and bronze by 11th or lower, because every other athlete has failed the subsequent retests years later when they develop tests for new designer PEDs.

6th place! This is the Olympics with every athlete on a biological passport with year round testing. They were beating the top level of WADA testing for years. Nonsense to believe people at the top of less rigourously tested sports are clean.

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Sort of, cream lasts slightly longer as it absorbs slowly over the site of application. Test suspension is crystallised testosterone without an ester attached, the duration of action depends on the size of the particles present in the solution, in which bigger particles create a slower release at the site of injection (creates a depo similar to esterified test). However tne/ test suspension lasts 12-24 hrs while cream lasts about 24 hrs

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Methylstenbolone still isn’t on the WADA banned list… wait til they figure that one out

Stenbolone is though, but it’s c17aa counterpart still isn’t recognised as a substance that exists

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I think we talked about this before a little bit, but I still think that part of the reason that was possible is because the weight class your referring to is 74kg (I believe). I think most people who lift seriously and take steroids would have a hard time staying within range for the 74kg class, even with an agressive water cut. I certainly don’t think that USAPL raw Nationals only has natty lifters, but I think that classes as light at 74kg could be more of outliers in terms of their performance relative to untested.

If this was happening in a heavier weight class, I think it’s a different story. But also, something I have always wondered: why would a powerlifter take steroids to compete in the usapl, when until the SBD meet was announced (Fairly recently) you couldn’t make any prize money in the usapl/IPF and you could make thousands of dollars untested. Wouldn’t it make more sense for these guys (if they’re on steroids) to go to the us open or tribute and make money with similar performances, and no need to hide their drug use?

One of them had to take a token deadlift because he was cramping from dehydration/electrolyte imbalance.

There is some truth to your statement, but Sergey Fedosienko manages to stay in the 59kg class and he has previously tested positive. There are many different drugs, some affect strength more than size and vice versa. A lightweight powerlifter isn’t going to take the same stuff as a pro bodybuilder.

It is. I’m not going to go through everyone on a case by case basis, but there is this Amendola guy who benched 580 at the same meet in the 105kg class. Look at the IPF open records, their full meet bench WR in the 105kg class is only 230.5kg (just over 500lbs) and the single lift WR (which Amedola holds) is 247.5kg (about 550) and was set in May this year. Do you not see something wrong with this picture?

Also note that 83kg Brett Gibbs looks like he can break the 105kg full meet bench record.

edit: the 220 full meet bench ATWR is Mike McDonald with 573lbs and that record has stood since 1974. A 10lb cut is no big thing with a 24hr weigh in. Just think about that.

Ask Matt Sohmer. I heard plenty of people saying he had to be on something, leading up to his first international meet (NAPF championship) in training he squatted something like 100lbs over the existing open squat WR. Then at the meet he barely made his opener, but it was still enough for an open squat record and he was still a junior. Fast forward a few years and now he’s banned for refusing a drug test and is competing untested in USPA, and oddly enough his lifts haven’t gone up my much.

All this talk about the IPF being the “gold standard of powerlifting” sounds like a pile of crap to me, but some people buy into it. Then they realize what is going on and what needs to be done, and those who are determined to win do it.

Anyway, I’m tired of all this drug talk, too many thread on here have degraded into one of these discussions. All I can say is that a lot of the top IPF guys are using drugs, and that is that.

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The secret to passing drug tests revealed:


Certainly, certain compounds can be used that are highly androgenic, yet don’t have the potential to build significant increments of lean tissue

Furthermore the accrual of lean mass is dose dependent. Fluoxymesterone is a good example of a compound that is extremely androgenic, yet only about 1-2x as anabolic comparative to testosterone. The extremely androgenic nature of the compound makes it great for inducing strength gains (mechanisms are numerous, no need to go into that now). So you take 10-20mg/day as a powerlifter, you’ve got the anabolism of 1-300mg test weekly… yet strength gains will be equivalent to what you’d get on a much… much higher dose of test. It’s also dependent on height, a guy who is 5’3 on steroids (depending on what he’s using, how he eats etc) may not break 75 kg. 75kg at 8% bf for a guy who is 5’3 will look fucking massive

This is a joke… but in relation to passing drug tests… have you ever heard of an oil change?

This show is mindless garbage, but it’s fun and entertaining. Was one of my guilty pleasures to watch when I was sixteen. It’s incredibly crass though and does heavily objectify women… the same can actually be said about men in the show… it glorifies bad behaviour and/or appears to be a satire of American fraternity/sorority culture


Interesting stuff.
Is this “oil change” something that people actually do? It sounds horrible. There are easier ways to beat tests where you don’t have someone watching you piss, like if they let you go in the bathroom or stall alone you put water in the cup (from the toilet or sink) and just a little bit of piss for color. The concentration of any drugs should be low enough that they won’t get picked up. I know a few people who did that to pass non-sports-related drug tests. It wouldn’t work with WADA or most PL feds, and I also hear that now WADA checks the ph balance and if it’s too low you have to keep pissing for them.

@noahripstein - see previous post, it answers some of your questions

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Lol yes there have been a few cases of athletes doing this. For say the UFC, anti doping has become so draconian the testers require you to take out you’re penis, show it to them… and piss while they watch. So you’d either need an extremely realistic prosthetic penis or an oil change to get away with it… or you can just use extremely short acting drugs

Drug testing in sports will never work because drugs will always be a part of sports

As a society we need to stop the “just say no” bullshit and adknowledge that drugs exist in our society… these methods are leading athletes to use riskier methods to avoid getting caught (I.e oil changes) or use risky, unresearched designer drugs/anabolics… what we need is to impliment harm minimisation strategies, and perhaps have a doped/undoped league, it’s more complicated than this and I don’t think there is a definitive answer… however the correct answer certainly isn’t what we’re doing now

Regardless this isn’t the time nor place to take about this, sorry for the tangent

WADA does the same thing, they make you pull your pants all the way down and roll up your shirt. It’s pretty weird. The only time I got tested was at a WPC meet and a guy just stood next to me while I pissed, which is awkward enough but not half as bad as WADA.

That seems like the only real option, pro leagues might as well be untested because some people are guaranteed to cheat, just no big prizes for the untested feds. Right now I bet there are more people than ever using drugs in the IPF because they have a meet coming up with the biggest cash prizes in PL ever.

I just want to be strong and I like lifting weights, all the health risks and such isn’t worth it to me. And right now Yury Belkin looks like he’s off cycle and he’s just about as strong as me. It must fuck with your head to be so weak all of a sudden. It’s like the Wizard of Oz when they pull back the curtain and realize this guy ain’t shit at all.

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Being in Europe, off everything aside from my TRT (which I haven’t been taking within my regular intervals due to generally forgetting and whatnot) and lacking access to a gym/adequate nutritional requirements I’ve lost almost all my gains that I’ve worked so hard for over the past year/2 years. I’m sure it’ll come back within a month of going back to gym… but yes, it fucks with you’re head/confidence watching body composition change dramatically (within a deleterious fashion). I’ll bet my deadlift max has dropped at least 40kg… can’t wait to get back to training again

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I have no quealms with big, untested leagues having large prizes. It isn’t as if these people don’t put in a tremendous amount of work to achieve their goals… some do, however put in more work than others. There are those with sub-par training routines/nutritional intake that let the drugs do ALL the work by pumping up the dosages to absurd levels (there is a guy on here that does this)… these people may initially keep up, but will typically drop dead far sooner than their competitors or have to resign due to health ailments… thus it evens out

It’d be silly to downplay the effects drugs can have on just about any kind of sport requiring power, speed or endurance… there’s a lot of bullshit about work ethic, diet etc that makes the champions… this may be true, but what will distinguish a hard working athlete and the number one in the world (say a prodigy in relation to American football and someone actually in the NFL)… at that point it’s drugs that make the difference, and there’s no dodging that fact… genetics, work ethic and performance enhancing drugs are the makeup of a champion player lol

Did someone say… oil change?

That was a typo, I meant to say that tested feds shouldn’t have big cash prizes. Reward cheating with large sums of money and people will cheat for sure. Also, with the IPF trying to get into the Olympics, the fact that there are hundreds of thousands in cash to be won makes it not exactly an amateur sport/league and the Olympics is technically supposed to be for amateur sports. This was brought up elsewhere on this forum.

Basically, if you want to make a living off of sports then you need to do what is necessary, if you can do it without drugs then that’s great but most can’t.

How much can drugs really increase strength though? I looked up this one guy on Open Powerlifting, I won’t name him, but it looks like he was competing untested and his lifts were around 800/500/800. He then did a few meets in an IPF affiliate and appears to have gone natural, number were way down, like 500/380/600 or so, then went untested again and is now beyond previous numbers. Is that normal? People talk about genetics, but another part of genetics is response to drugs. In theory I could end up even stronger than him if I took drugs, it’s just a gamble.

Holy crap that’s a massive difference, way more than I expected. Did he do all of that at the same bodyweight?

Come oooon this show is awesome it’s why me and my friends started playing US football (not a big thing in Europe)

It’s dependent on genetic response… however certain drugs will do a lot more for strength than others… you won’t gain nearly as much strength mg for mg on dehydrotestosterone (EQ) vs fluoxymesterone

But yes, the strength gains are real and significant… within 2 months of practicing deadlifting (as in within 2 months of starting to implement the deadlift within my training) I pulled 405x3, and I don’t even use traditional “cycling” dosages… I weighed about 72-73 kilograms (probably closer to 78 now as I’ve gotten somewhat chubby on holiday)

When newbs use gear who shouldn’t be, many injure themselves from rapid strength gain. Going from an 80lbX1 bench to 225x5 in 10 weeks can put some serious strain on you’re tendons/connective tissue (this would happen say from a heavy cycle… well heavy to me. Like 500mg test 50mg dbol kickstart, the kickstart phase equates to roughly 1000mg test e weekly… that’s between 5-10 times natural physiology.) I’ve never ran such dosages, for me 350mg is considered very heavy.


Yea it’s a cool show, it’s entertaining to watch

But it’s crass, glorifies and condones bad behavior (drunk driving, coercive sex etc)… which is fine depending on you’re age bracket, wouldn’t want a ten year old watching it but I’d think the avg 14 year old should be able to distinguish and laugh at the satirical nature of the show regarding fraternity/sorority culture

Biggest problem with the show was probably the coercive sex though, just re watched an episode where this chick buys off he main character to drive around in her car while she performs oral sex on him (wacky enough right)… then Alex contracts syphilis from using a… a… pocket pussy that has been passed around the whole team… the girl shuns him (fair enough, that’s pretty gross), so his friend Sammy takes the pocket pussy… that has been used by like 30 guys, and sticks the girls vibrator in it, she gets syphilis… Sammy then blackmails her into blowing Alex Moran again by stating “you’re syphilis will be front page news if you don’t”

That’s really… reeeeaaaalllly fucked up… I know it’s meant to be tongue in cheek… but it’s not really that funny… well it is actually, but in a very dark, fucked up way… and such an episode of television would in no way or form fly in today’s era of political correctness. I hate how sensitive our society has become about everything, but even to me this seems to go a tad too far no? I mean… poor girl