40 Is Better Than 20


Kcal 2600
W 68,0


Wu incline walk 10’ and mobility

Front squat 4x7/7/6/6x90 kg
Rfess 3x10+10x20(x2)db

Leg press 2 light sets then gave up: lower back not great

Leg extensions 3 sets
Leg curl 3 sets

Sled walking backwards/pushing 4x(25+25mt)x70kg

Reps are up in the front squat which is great. Apparently though the Rfess are always over stressing my lower back. I really think I’m going to scrap this movement and I will put back in rdl every session. Might try to go a bit lighter to avoid over stress my back. I had to skip leg press, feeling uncomfortable.
Small movements to failure and a lot of space for sled work.

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W 68.5
Kcal 2750


Wu treadmill incline walk and mobility

Incline db bench 4x8/7/7/8x27.5

Pull-ups 10x5
Ss dips 10x8

Shoulder press machine 2 sets

Standing cable flies 3 sets (last 2 as drop sets)
Straight arm pull down 3 sets (last 2 as drop sets)

Db curls 5x12x15
Triceps ext 5 sets

EZ bar curls 1x50x10

Overhead walk 3x40mtx12,5kg db


Good session. Incline press is going up in terms of reps. Decided to add some volume to my bodyweight movements with some lower effort sets for a total of 50 pullups and 80 dips. Rushed other movements due to time constraints.

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Wu incline treadmill 10’ and mobility

Front squat 4x7x90
Rdl 3x8x80

Leg ext 3 sets
Leg curl 3 sets
Seated calf 2 sets

Sled push 3x40x85kg

I’m happy for my session. It’s been 2 crazy days driving around su optimal food and ended up at the gym at 6pm of Saturday evening. Front squat feel solid and rdl are better than unilateral movement on my lower back. Not great volume on small movements but a good Sled push at the end with all the gym for me!

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upper pull

Wu incline walk 10’ and mobility

Bench row 3x10x30+bar

Pullup 7/6/5/4/3/2/1

Low cable row 3 sets
Lat machine 3 sets
Face pull 3 sets
Shrugs 3 sets

DB curls 4x9x17,5
Ez bar curl 1x60x10

Incline walk 20’

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W 68,3

upper push

Wu bike 10’ and mobility

Incline db bench 4x8x27,5
Dips 4x15/13/9/7

Shoulder machine 2x8/6x15 2x10/8x10

Cable Triceps ext 2 mechanical dropset

Bench triceps ext 3 sets
Ss dumbbell lateral raise

Overhead walk 4x40x10kgs


Decent session. I have “finished” the 27,5 dumbbells for the incline bench. I’m weaker on the bodyweight movements or maybe it’s just that I’m heavier LOL.

A bit short on time so cut volume. And was impossible to have a double cable station to do flys.

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great log!! do you take any supplements?

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I’m taking just 5gr/day of creatine.
I’ll probably add Vit D as I live in a rainy country this winter.
And I should definitely try to find something to help me with sleep. But maybe it’s better to fix some bad habits first.


W 69.1

Rest day

Planned and not much time anyway. Leg day tomorrow!

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W 69.1


Wu incline walk and mobility

Front squat 4x8/7/7/7x90kg
Rdl 3x9/8/8x80 kg

Leg curl 4 sets
Leg ext 3x12/11/11x61

Seated calf raise 3 sets

15’ bike

Only 1 rep more on the fs and rdl but improvement is still improvement! I feel both movements hard and heavy I will try to progress slowly. Maybe just add 1 rep each session.
Another rest or easy cardio day tomorrow.

I’m quite happy of the improvements so far. I will write a partial review maybe this weekend.

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W 69,4

Rest day

Just a long walk. And then sit at my desk literally all day.

Really looking forward tomorrow workout.

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W 69.5

upper pull

Wu incline walk 15% 4kmh

Pull-ups 10/8/6/6/4/4/3/3/3/3 (50 tot)
Low cable row 3x12/10/6x67 1x20x47

Straight arm rope pull down 3 sets
Face pulls 2 sets
Cable shrugs 3 sets

Db curls 2x6x20 3x9x17,5
Ez bar cur 4 sets to 50 reps

Incline walk 10’ at 15% 4kmh

Decent session, my pull workout is not really structured. Pull-ups are not actually improving but I’m 5kg heavier so I think it’s ok, just keep the volume high.
My only performance lift in this session are curls, but I didn’t have the 17,5 available at first so I went a couple of sets with the 20. Not bad.

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W 68,9

upper push

Wu incline walk and mobility

Incline bench dumbbell 4x9/8/8/8x27.5

Dips 5x16/12/10/8/8

Seated flys 6 sets 2x(low medium high)

Seated shoulder machine 2x10/6x30, 2x10x20

Lat raise

Db triceps ext
Rope pull down

Overhead walk single arm 4x(40+40)x12
2’easy rowing btw sets

Some abs

I love these Saturday sessions with the gym almost empty. No chance to go to the gym tomorrow though and who knows the next we (away for work).

Overall I’m still improving, decided to keep working with the 27,5. I could potentially go up to 4x10 before adding weight will see. Still losing some reps on dips but I think it’s normal.

Starting tomorrow is a busy week.

thats a whole lot of pull ups. Nice job sir.

Thanks, I actually hit multiple sets of 10 when lighter, now I’ll try to build up 50 pull-ups in less sets. I don’t think I need to add weight at this point, I’ll keep the movement bodyweight and try to keep improving.

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W 68.9


Warm up incline walk 10’ and mobility

Front squat 4x8/8/7/7x90 kg
Rdl 3x9x80 kg

Leg extension 3x16/12/10x64 1x12x54
Leg curls 4 sets

Calf 4 sets 2 seated 2 standing


Incline walk 15’ at 15% and 4.2 kmh

No prowler work tonight gym was packed. The squats felt heavy, anyway it’s a rep more then the last time. I still have to manage my lower back but with this volume I’m ok. I might move to 3 sets of squats and add some leg press for high reps.


W 69.8

upper pull

Wu incline walk 10

Pull-ups 50 in 9 sets (5x6 4x5)

Low cable row 3x11/11/10x67 1x20x40
Straight arm pull down 3 sets
Facepulls 3 sets
Smith machine shrugs 3 sets

Db curls 4x10x17,5
Ez bar curls 4x25/15/10/10x40

Some abs and 15’ incline walk


W 69.3

upper push

Wu incline walk 10’

Incline dumbbell bench 4x9/9/8/7x27,5

Dips 17/13/10/10 bw

Shoulder machine 2x8/6x30 kg 2x10/8x20

Rope triceps push down 3 sets

Cable flys 4 sets

Lat raise 3 sets

Overhead walk some 40 mt with one 10kg db, alternating

Bike 10’

Not a great session as the incline bench felt heavy since warmup and ended in the same reps as last session. Dips also heavy and tired.
All the rest was just chasing pump and fatigue.
But hey bad days happen!

In the next 5 days I’ll have only 2 workouts so maybe the recovery will help

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W ?


Wu incline walk and mobility

Front squat 4x8/8/8/7x90 kg
Rdl 3x10x80

Leg ext 4 sets
Leg curls 4 sets
Calf raise 3 sets
Abs 3 sets
Prowler push 2x60mtx50kg pull backward 2x60x50
Some bike

Some lower back issue just at the end of the RDL. Fs felt better then the last session, only one rep more but felt much more in control.
Pushed hard assistance and nice prowler work with a lot of free space, nice to be in the gym late morning.


W 70.3


Wu incline walk 10’

Incline dumbell press 4x6/6/6/4x30kg

Pullups 9x6/6/6/6/6/6/6/5/5 (52)
Ss dips 9x9

Low cable row 3x12/12/11x67 20x40

French press 3 sets, last 2 as RP
Triceps PD 3 sets

DB curls 4x10x17,5
Ez bar curl 50x15kg in 3 sets

Cable fly 4 sets

Some overhead walk.

Today should be the first day in my life that I’m over 70kg! I line bench was still supposed to be with 27,5 but those weren’t available and I went with the heavier lol.

Good session overall. I have an hotel gym available during the weekend, some cardo Sunday and maybe a light lower day Monday!

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31/10 & 1/11

lower and upper pull

Hotel workout (actually a very well equipped hotel gym) for my lower body and back to the real gym for my pull workout. After 3 days away energies were really low, started with Pullups but I wasn’t going anywhere. Changed the plan to a good round of assistance exercises just chasing effort.

Hopefully backon the program tomorrow full of energy after some rest and proper nutrition.

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