31 Y/O Ngiapmac's Journey to Solving Low T

Updating with my last batch of oral body temperatures. I finally have my follow-up appointment with my endo tomorrow to discuss the bloodwork that I had done at the beginning of December. I was hoping to have @KSman jump in here at some point to give me some guidance as to what specifically I should discuss with her, and what my next steps should be…but he seems to have gone MIA lately :frowning: Will definitely be asking her to test my fT3 and rT3, as well as the possibility of TRT. Also, now that I have done another IR, I plan on taking 6.25mg of iodine in the form of Iodoral once every two weeks as a maintenance.

Dec. 30th (Day 12 of IR)
AM: 96.8°
PM: 96.0° (4:30pm)

Dec. 31st (Day 13 of IR)
AM: 97.4°
PM: 97.9° (7pm)

Jan. 1st (Day 14 of IR)
AM: 97.5°
PM: 97.9° (5:45pm)

Jan. 2nd (Day 15 of IR)
AM: 97.4°
PM: 97.8° (6:30pm)

Jan. 3rd
AM: 96.8°
PM: 98.3° (7pm)

Jan. 4th
AM: 97.2°
PM: 98.0° (6:30pm)

Jan. 5th
AM: 97.4°
AM: 98.2° (11:30pm)

Jan. 6th
AM: 96.8°
PM: 98.9° (7pm)

Jan. 7th - Jan. 11th could not test due to travelling for work.

Jan. 12th
AM: 97.2°
PM: 97.5° (7:45pm)

Jan. 13th
AM: 96.7°
PM: 96.8° (8:30pm)

Jan. 14th
AM: 97.5°
PM: 98.0° (6:45pm)

Jan. 15th
AM: 96.8°
PM: 97.9° (7:30pm)