Your Thoughts: Girls Lifting Heavy

possibly the sexiest thing ever, sweat, loud noise, the facial expressions. its amazing

not to mention the actual body you develop

not just have nice legs but having quads,glutes,calves

nice shoulders are way sexy just like a developed arm, bc that toothpick thing aint hot.

Good-lookin chick squatting? Pretty cool
Said chick squatting wearing spandex shorts? Fucking amazing.

[quote]sylarmst wrote:
quatting seems to be a rare occurrence around there too. I’ve only ever got one compliment on lifting heavy (well besides from my trainer) and he was some creepy perv that was doing squats on the Smith Machine!


Yeah, about that …

[quote] wrote:

Spandex? Really?

[quote] wrote:What gym u train at? I’m guessing thats why they give the looks.

It’s just a local gym. Why would this matter?

[quote] wrote:Yeah, about that …


I think it’s a good thing. A woman who understands and has goals in training should be able to hold up a conversation about a favourite subject similar to a man,which is a novelty.

It’s all GOOD!


theres a woman at my gym who does both generally on my chest day, I try not to stare but its hard when she’s pretty and doing something I once dreamed about. I wouldn’t comment her at the gym, I don’t approach women as I don’t like being disturbed I can imagine its the same for everyone however if they start talking to me I’ll have a few words then get back to it.

i saw a cute woman doing squats, deads and lunges at a gym i once went to. i thought that was awesome and i told her.

then more recently i saw another cute girl squatting respectable weight for lots of reps. i thought it was awesome, so i told her too.

i’m a huge fan of girls lifting heavy so i try to speak up in support of it when i can.

I think it’s sexy to see a woman who does the lifts we all appreciate.

I have friends who won’t step near a squat rack because of this whole misconception that they will bet ‘big and muscle-y…ew!’ I had a trainer tell me that if I keep at it, I’ll get ‘too muscular’.
Women at my gym NEVER squat or deadlift heavy.
Thank goodness for forums like this.

[quote] wrote:

Yep. Apparently, some girls around here (U of A) like to wear the little volleyball shorts to work out. I applaud this fashion choice.

I only ever saw one girl squat… ever…

My old gym used to have 2 oly bars and of course, the one for bench pressing was in use so I was using the one from the squat rack to do some deadlifts. When I finished I re-racked the bar and a gorgeous mid-20-something asked me f I was finished with it.
Honestly, my jaw nearly dropped. GUYS rarely went near the squat rack and a girl actually going near an olympic bar was simply unheard of. Ok she only did half squats with a total of 70lbs but it was still hot dammit!

Girls lifting heavy is an oxymoron unless they’re elite level powerlifters or olympians. However when I see them doing exercises with good for as though they know what they’re doing I think it’s pretty cool.

Some guy at my gym told me that I looked like a dude…which I’m prtty sure I don’t…:slight_smile: because I was squatting more than he was…

i was training with Detazethoth and some 55 year old chick who squatted as much as i did (355). …she was wearing a suit - have to mention that for pride’s sake.

I help out one of my really good friends at the gym, she’s 5’11’’ and 150lbs. She looks AMAZING, she’s got better abs than pretty much every dude at that place. Back in September, she had never squatted, deadlifted or done anything ‘real’ in her life. Now she can squat 140, deadlift 175 and do clean & jerks with 100lbs. Not to shabby for a girl who isn’t even in university yet.

i think is really hot…if the girl is hot

i spotted this girl at my gym when she was squatting once :slight_smile: