Your Principles

I don’t think there is such a thing as “life principles” beyond try your best to be empathetic and kind. I think people attempt to create “life principles” largely in an attempt to make themselves feel better and to explain whatever successes they’ve found in life.

Everyone’s lives are far too disparate to allow such principles to apply. It is easier to think about these things when you’re talking to folks in the same (or similar) socioeconomic) “zone” to yours.

I think this is actually similar to how T3hPwnisher described nutritional habits. He called it “nutritional voodoo” earlier and I feel that’s deliberate wording. It works for him but no guarantee it works for others.

“life principles” are a lot like that to me- they will work for some but not for others; because things are different between people and the shit they face on a daily basis.

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