Your Opinion Matters!

definitely military/special ops/navy seal training

the Verge

I would love to see a basketball or football specific training article but it looks like everyone wants to lose some weight.

I would like to see a training program for mixed martial arts. Especially fight GPP and conditioning.


ok I’ve got 3

1- A military/police specific training

2- A Jiu-Jitsu or judo specific training

3- A total bodyweight program for strength and GPP hillbilly style!

An article on strength training for the over 35 crowd. This is supposed to be a lifelong endevor.

Ok, since you already have excellent hypertrophy programs (ABBH1&2, BBB etc) I would like to see a program for cutting to keep strength and size.

something for football/basketball

thank you

vote for ripped up and strong

Strongman Training!!!
Thanks for all your great articles.

I one of your previous articles you alluded to the idea of training a bodypart 6 times a week (if memory serves me well).

Care to elaborate more on that? I am interested to know the kind of training volume you would use for each workout if one were to follow this course of action.

ripped and strong

What spiderman said is also interesting. I have read other articles of yours where you talk about training multiple times in a week, ie. one instance you spoke of training triceps four times a week. It would be cool to see a program where you outline how to train every body part four times a week,or something along those lines. Anyway, thats just an elaboration to a comment that I thought brought up a good point. Whatever you write will end up being pretty interesting.

A strongman oriented program. There is plenty out there for the powrlifting crowd, but for someone wanting to start out in the direction of strongman, there is very little…

I would also like to see an article on strongman training and gpp but with some gym friendly parameters if possible.

Training a bodypart up to six times a week is my second choice. A glimpse of your diet/program would be my third.

I got into the best shape of my life doing the ABBH workout while dieting–got down to 5% bodyfat and hit new PRs in the squat, dead, and bench. Much thanks, Chad!

Now I’d also like to see the “Six days a week” training program, strongman exercises for the average chain gym, or a program dedicated to blowing up your calves.

strongman / gpp

gpp ans traiing for athletes.

athletes such as fighters, wrestlers etc


Chad, I’m really starting to like the idea of a program based on training a body part 4, 5 and 6 days a week.

Chad, this ended up being the coolest thread! I can see why you have the following you do and why ABBH won “Most Effective Hypertrophy Program” of the YEAR. Simple: You take the time to ask people what they want . . . and then you DELIVER – in SPADES!!!

Lots of great ideas thus far. My vote goes with anything having to do with identifying and correcting muscular imbalances and preventing/re-habbing injuries.

Additionally, just as a thought, I don’t know of a strength and conditioning coach out there who is focusing on the needs of the older athlete; i.e., 40+.

Thanks for the great articles and programs. Thanks for asking us what we want. And more importantly, thank you for SUPPORTING your programs and answering all our many questions.

An article about more on posture correction. Why build a muscular and lean body when the posture is bad?