Your Macro and Micro Nutrient Breakdown During Cycle

6 years ago I was eating 2000 kcals per day with 6-7 days per week with 2+ hour workouts and I was losing NO weight. I did this for a year straight, 9 months of those Keto.

Then I decided to eat 2400 and I got leaner and leaner. Then I decided to eat 3000 and I got stronger and bulked up 5 kg very lean. I was small then but this experience taught me something about metabolism. It also taught me about overtraining. I actually think I damaged my body severely during that time. My stress tolerance is not what it was before that time (but I’m older too, still young tho)

Dont fuck yourself up for prolonged amounts of time with too low calories. If you gain fat on 2000 as a grown man, fuck that shit.

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Appreciate the concern, but it’s a physical issue rather than a mental one. This time at least. Frustration with progress means I notice every bad thing and tend to ignore the good ones. It leads to all sorts of things, none of them healthy.

My brother-in-law is a trainer and he’s painted a similar picture. We’re working on a plan that changes my programming (which needed an update anyway) and he’s basically saying what you are about calories. I’m going to try reverse dieting for the next month and see how it goes.

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I’m hungry at all times. Wake up hungry, go to bed hungry.

I have heard about people that have to reverse diet. Then once it seems that they get it under control, they can usually eat significantly more calories and still stay in great shape.

This may be a poor analogy, but I like to think about it like water. If you don’t drink enough water, your body will hold onto as much water as it can. If you drink plenty of water, your body will not retain the water as much, because it knows there is a steady supply of water coming in at all times and doesn’t feel the need to “hoard” it. Kinda like loading water for a water cut.

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