Young & Would Like to Avoid TRT, Any Other Options? (Labs Included)

TSH should be closer to 1.0
The lab ranges are useless

Please check oral body temperatures as per the thyroid basics sticky found here: About the T Replacement Category - #2 by KSman

  • advice for new guys
  • things that damage your hormones
  • protocol for injections
  • thyroid basics
  • finding a TRT doc

Try other compounding pharmacies. Some will have referral pages. Explain from the beginning that you have low-T.

Low thyroid function can make you fat, so can low T. You have both and that is quite common with guys who end up here.

Are you sure that your package of salt states iodized? Do you take a vitamin product that lists iodine+selenium? Restaurants typically do not use iodized salt. Ditto for prepared foods.

Do you feel cold easily?
Outer eyebrows sparse?

We see that guys with low thyroid function do not absorb transdermal T; making that non-absorption a symptom of low thyroid function. So you may need to self-inject T.

You absolutely need to fix your low-T. Could you benefit from a HPTA restart [sticky] and avoid TRT? You can try, but good chance that it will not work. But we do see a pattern that suggests that low thyroid function may drive some of the secondary hypogonadism that we see here. So this is another factor not in your favor.

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