You Gotta Be Real Disciplined, Huh?

Just shooting the breeze here.

Have given up booze, am eating clean and well and lifting good and intense and getting good rest.

Even through all that I went out with the boys last night and had one small stubby beer, no big deal. I stop at that and need about 30g protien to hit my target so have a steak. I plan to be home by 11pm and get a good sleep.

Feeling good that I’m eating good to help recuperate after my last heavy deads / bench / pull down (almost at 80% body weight on those for 4 x 8 reps so hopeful chins will be in the training picture soon) session.

So I’m doing evrything right, feel healthy, strong and good and watching one friend in particular not able to handle his booze and acting a fool etc, I’m thinking ‘I don’t miss that.’

SO I have the right attitude and am doing the right things.

Said buddy gets so train wrecked on the beer plus extra shot of tequila that the bar is offering as a deal, I have to stay out till 3am helping him out and eventually pursuading him to go home and taking him home in a cab. I get back around 3.30am drained, and in bed by 4am.

Am sleeping and another buddy wakes me up with a phone call at noon before I feel fully rested.

I now feel like I have not optimised the potential gains from that session to to feeling exhausted.

I had cardio planeed this afternoon but I KNOW it would be overtraining my CNS, so have to blow it off. Maybe an hour brisk walk, or treadmil light fat burn interval 45 min session, we’ll see, but I doubt it.

Aint just YOU, but external factors can fuck with your discipline too.

Oh well, just gotta take it super easy today (mon and tues is my non working weekend) eat good, get my protien sups down and rest rest rest, lie in bed and watch movies, blow of our 5.30pm meal and see if I feel up to the pool tourny at 8pm if it won’t compromise my rest and recovery until wedneesday’s heavy squat / bench / mil press / row session…

Life eh…!

[quote]leon36 wrote:
I had cardio planeed this afternoon but I KNOW it would be overtraining my CNS . . . [/quote]

I very much doubt this.

And being disciplined with your diet and lifestyle is great, but beware you don’t get overly ‘self righteous’ or judgemental of those around you or you may find yourself being disciplined all alone.

Oh, I never preached at him, never would. Both him and another friend (who also lifts and is kinda a mentor) support my new lifestyle.

I think after a few hours rest some steady or low level fat burn interval programme uphill walking on the treadmill for 30 - 45 mins wont kill me today. Will probably perk me up if anything. Cheers for putting it in my head as a consideration, Mr Hunt.

No offense, but sounds like you have zero discipline. You had one beer and eight hours sleep and are too over trained to do some fucking cardio? Are you kidding me?

Props on giving up alcohol. I am working on that and cigarettes. That being said, I can drink a half rack and probably smoke a pack of cigarettes, have a shitty sleep, and still have no problem busting PRs the next day. My current goal is to not drink most days of the week (currently only drinking on weekends down from every day - when you get up to the point that you need a twelve just to get a decent buzz going, definitely not ideal for gains) because it obviously fucks with you and I’m trying to get back down to a few cigarettes a day down from three packs(hopefully quit - I am currently at around a half a pack a day; just too much free time/stress right now), but seriously grow a pair.

Life gets in the way of a lot of things - you fucking slept from 4AM in the morning to 12PM in the afternoon and had a negligible amount of alcohol. Do your fucking cardio. Wow.

Edit: Just to clarify I am not painting myself to be the ideal forum member here - clearly have a lot of shit to work on - but I cannot believe some people are this out of touch. Sorry, if I’m coming across as a dick, but I feel like some of you guys are living in complete and total seclusion. I know plenty of people who drink often, smoke often, and would put to shame about 90% of these forums as far as strength, physique, whatever is concerned.

Shit, I started out having problems benching and squatting 50lbs (bar hurt my traps), I am most certainly not a genetic specimen, and I somehow managed to make some progress over the past couple years drinking like a fish and smoking like a fireplace (though I realize how sub-optimal that is and am currently taking steps to change all of that). I just think some people who can’t even do a single pull-up have a tendency to over-analyze the shit out of these things.

Also, I just noticed that you posted in like every other thread in the beginner’s forum. Might want to take a look at that Blind leading the Blind thread…

@Mickey Gee.

Mate I’m 36 yrs old and when you do a full day’s work and then socialise after for 8 hours, don’t get to bed until 4am - even if you get 8 hours sleep it is not good quality sleep and you wake up feeling drained. At least I DO.

We are all different.

But fcuk it just to spite ya - I’m doing my cardio today okay and I’m doing it fucking good :wink:

I can do about 8 pronated grip pull ups on my first set at the bar in the park btw. Then sets of 5, 4, 4, 3. Something like that. Then a few sets of 5 reps chins with palms facing.

BUT my gym pull up bar is retardedly THICK, I mean like the width of the part of an olly bar you put the plates on to, or just under and for some reason - I’m guessing grip - it makes them much harder to do.

Can you mention how old you are? I bet you ten years younger than me and more genetically gifted. I’m 172 cm and weight 75 kg.

Once you get 30 man, you just get fucking tired more after pulling a full work day and then getting to bed fatigued at 4am. Also I take seroquel 300mg and clonazepam 2mg before bed for bipolar2, so like I said - we aint all the same and living under the same circumstances.

I’d much rather not go workout fatigued and skip it and go in the next day feeling rested and stronger and I’m sure many would agree.

Hey fuck I get wasted on 4 or 5 beers. Makes me weaker than you? Nah just means I spend less dough and my liver is probly in better shape lol.

Anyway chill tfo.

First of all, you sound like an ass hat and I would never want to party with you. That being said, I never missed a training session working full-time and going to school full-time in addition to drinking and smoking daily and getting shit sleep. Again, at your weight I started benching 50lbs and squatting 50lbs with a lot of trouble. I saw your advice in the rear delt thread - first two suggestions were rows, in order to isolate the rear delts. You shouldn’t be dispensing advice when you are asking about which form of cardio to do when you are burning 300 calories in an hour long session.

Thanks for taking jabs at my alcohol/cigarette problem - where I’m from, at least within the social circles I run in, you’d be hard pressed to find people who don’t drink and smoke as much as I do and usually much more. It takes a lot to try and cut down in such an environment.

I don’t pretend to be a hardcore fanatic like half of these boards, but I am glad at the admittedly shitty progress I’ve made over the past couple of years - especially the hundred and fifty pounds I put on my squat in the last 6 months (bringing it up from 200 for a few reps). I also do it all without judging my friends like a dick and being a little bitch about some minor inconveniences.

Props on getting in shape at the age of 36 - Personally, I wish I started a lot earlier than I did , but it is never a bad decision to decide to get in shape and it is most certainly never too late. I just think you need to learn to not be such a pussy.

Edit: Also, I never said you were weaker than me. Though you are clearly weak mentally. I only mentioned the amount of beers that I tend to drink in a night in order to give insight into why I am attempting to cut back from drinking daily (when that is how much I need to get a decent buzz), since it can be terrible for body composition and strength goals alike.

Again, not for everybody - there sure are people out there who can get tanked all the time and do fine, but I was sedentary for the first twenty some years of my life and, to reiterate the point, I am most certainly not some sort of genetic specimen. You may just want to consider the possibility that you are making a big deal out of nothing.

[quote]leon36 wrote:
@Mickey Gee.

Mate I’m 36 yrs old and when you do a full day’s work and then socialise after for 8 hours, don’t get to bed until 4am - even if you get 8 hours sleep it is not good quality sleep and you wake up feeling drained. At least I DO.

We are all different.

But fcuk it just to spite ya - I’m doing my cardio today okay and I’m doing it fucking good :wink:

I can do about 8 pronated grip pull ups on my first set at the bar in the park btw. Then sets of 5, 4, 4, 3. Something like that. Then a few sets of 5 reps chins with palms facing.

BUT my gym pull up bar is retardedly THICK, I mean like the width of the part of an olly bar you put the plates on to, or just under and for some reason - I’m guessing grip - it makes them much harder to do.

Can you mention how old you are? I bet you ten years younger than me and more genetically gifted. I’m 172 cm and weight 75 kg.

Once you get 30 man, you just get fucking tired more after pulling a full work day and then getting to bed fatigued at 4am. Also I take seroquel 300mg and clonazepam 2mg before bed for bipolar2, so like I said - we aint all the same and living under the same circumstances.

I’d much rather not go workout fatigued and skip it and go in the next day feeling rested and stronger and I’m sure many would agree.

Hey fuck I get wasted on 4 or 5 beers. Makes me weaker than you? Nah just means I spend less dough and my liver is probly in better shape lol.

Anyway chill tfo.[/quote]

You’re a fucking hating wanker with sod all to say than ‘fuck you.’

Go die, nastilly.

BTW I coulds squat and bench more than you today even feeling fatigued, so suck that titty, tough guy.

You wanna trade stories of growing up in tough circles? Like Sgt Barnes ‘I shit on all you.’

A year back I was and had been for years, playing 100usd a hand blackjack, 1000 buy in poker games staying in the casino 72 hours whilst drinking their over packed drinks like a fish, doing mdma and coke and then if we didn’t pick up we’d all go bang 2 whores at a time each.

I also at the age of 17 did 6 months for GBH with intent, so if you think you’re some tough, rough guy preaching to some lilly liverd quiff you’re wrong. I’ve been in more fist fights than you’ve screwed medium - low attractive looking women.

I have just grown up and realsed it’s no fun doing that shit any more and it’s no fun going around acting tough or angry.

When you go balls to the wall in life in those kind of ways we’re talking about - eventually everyone of us hits that fucking wall and that wall- fucking hurts you and drops you down a peg. And if you’re smart you’ll be glad of it and live a more fulfilling life.

Just my proverbial two cents.

Jeez and all coz I said working all day and staying out till 4am makes you fatigued the next day.

Whoa, dude, calm down - we’re on the internet. This is serious business.

Never said I was a tough guy - I don’t see how drinking and smoking makes you a tough guy, but if trying to relate to somebody cutting down on drinking is being a tough guy… okay then. Also, I don’t care about your life, but you sound like a loser.

Also, I’d wager that you most certainly cannot squat and bench more than me - even though I’ve already admitted I’m weak as shit, having progressed from weaker as shit - so good job on that, I guess; I just extrapolated my numbers conservatively from 200x3-4, or so, at the beginning of a workout, training for strength, to 300x8, 310x8, 320x10 at the end of the workout on one of kingbeef’s routines. That’s besides the point, though. When all is said and done, you sound like a goddamn retard. Good day - I’ll bow out respectfully.

On that note, I still think this thread is fucking stupid.

I never said rows isolate rear delts. You’re a dick. Mods - any chance of clearign this thread up.

I just wanted to talk about discipline - not having a pissing mactch with some college kid.

I am not in college. Haven’t been for a while now.


“- I found t-bar rows and barbell rows are good rear delt builders. Also reverse pec dec machine flies.”

…from the other thread asking for help in improving one’s rear delts.

I just find it ironic that you think a thread about not doing cardio b/c you got eight hours sleep the night before, and didn’t drink anything to boot, has something to do with discipline. I guess I just wished I lived in a world where I could get 23 hours of sleep, do my hour of 1 MPH cardio, and squat 400lbs with an 80% assisted pull-up at a body weight of 75kg.

[quote]leon36 wrote:
I never said rows isolate rear delts. You’re a dick. Mods - any chance of clearign this thread up.

I just wanted to talk about discipline - not having a pissing mactch with some college kid.[/quote]

2 hours and 30 minutes for this thread to turn to shit. Pretty good going, might be some kinda new forum record.

[quote]Grumpig Hunt wrote:
2 hours and 30 minutes for this thread to turn to shit. Pretty good going, might be some kinda new forum record.[/quote]

Well as the OP starts a new thread every hour, there is a pretty good chance that his threads won’t be taken seriously anymore. I believe he has 6 open threads on the first page of the beginners section.

Very prolific.

None of my threads have me attacking anyone first.

Bent over and t-bar rows build rear delts. I never said they were a rear delt iso exercise as mickygee claims.

You’ll notice my OP is very hate free and just a musing on how it can be tough to keep your rest periods etc.

Then frat boy comes in accusing me of being a pussy for feeling drained after a full days work (the day befpore was deadlifts day to boot and was still feeling it) staying in bars for 8 hours and not getting to bed till 4 am because I had to help a friend and save him from getting in trouble a few times and pursuade him to go home.

  1. Check my OP in this thread. Notice lack of nasty tone.

  2. Check mickygee’s response and notice the hate - all becasue I feel tired today and might shirk cardio.

  3. Make your own mind up.

  4. Yeah I’ve opened a lot of threads asking for advice. Some I’ve taken, some I have not and have provided rational reasons for doing or not doing so and have thanked people all the same either way.

  5. I’m a beginner giving advice to beginners. Well so what. I have clearly stated in such threads it is only my laymans educated offerings based on the latest science based training areticles I’ve been reading.

Also I have been training on and off - bb’uilding, hapkido, cardio, bodyweight (chins, dips, push ups, squats, sprints etc) for 20 years and some of my advice or info as well as being from the latest scientific based training articles, the trainers at my gym, is coming second hand from my friend Chris whom is huge and has been bbuilding for over a decade and is very knowledgable.

  1. So realise I’m not doing much harm - or shoot me, sue me or whatever.

This is a beginners thread - I’m classing myself as a beginner as I haven’t been in a gym for over 3 years and accept that I havea lot of work to get on with.

  1. Chill.

I wish I could access muscletalk from China but it wont work, at least on this computer. Friendlier bunch over there, this place is starting to remind me of sherdog.

In fact, look at some of the advice I’ve given to other beginer’s and see if you think it;s all that bad - I’m speaking to the experienced guys.

Anyway back on topic - it can be hard to do everything right every day huh? Last night was a curve ball, had had three weeks of literally perfect workouts, eatign and rest and them kablam, my budy goes train wreck and I’m forced out of loyalty into staying out till 3am or soemthign likw that…

That is all this thread is about - the curve balls life throws ya, like I said - shooting the breeze.

You should start a training log in the section of the same name instead of filling up this section with tons of new threads

[quote]leon36 wrote:
None of my threads have me attacking anyone first.

Bent over and t-bar rows build rear delts. I never said they were a rear delt iso exercise as mickygee claims.

You’ll notice my OP is very hate free and just a musing on how it can be tough to keep your rest periods etc.

Then frat boy comes in accusing me of being a pussy for feeling drained after a full days work (the day befpore was deadlifts day to boot and was still feeling it) staying in bars for 8 hours and not getting to bed till 4 am because I had to help a friend and save him from getting in trouble a few times and pursuade him to go home.

  1. Check my OP in this thread. Notice lack of nasty tone.

  2. Check mickygee’s response and notice the hate - all becasue I feel tired today and might shirk cardio.

  3. Make your own mind up.

  4. Yeah I’ve opened a lot of threads asking for advice. Some I’ve taken, some I have not and have provided rational reasons for doing or not doing so and have thanked people all the same either way.

  5. I’m a beginner giving advice to beginners. Well so what. I have clearly stated in such threads it is only my laymans educated offerings based on the latest science based training areticles I’ve been reading.

Also I have been training on and off - bb’uilding, hapkido, cardio, bodyweight (chins, dips, push ups, squats, sprints etc) for 20 years and some of my advice or info as well as being from the latest scientific based training articles, the trainers at my gym, is coming second hand from my friend Chris whom is huge and has been bbuilding for over a decade and is very knowledgable.

  1. So realise I’m not doing much harm - or shoot me, sue me or whatever.

This is a beginners thread - I’m classing myself as a beginner as I haven’t been in a gym for over 3 years and accept that I havea lot of work to get on with.

  1. Chill.

I wish I could access muscletalk from China but it wont work, at least on this computer. Friendlier bunch over there, this place is starting to remind me of sherdog.[/quote]

So you’ve been training for 20 years (on and off) and you’re still a beginner (as far as muscle mass and strength).

Can you not see why you should be the last person to give advice?

Chris if you’d been training long enough (I assume you’re 25) you’ll know that you can make amazing gains and in a month of innactivity lose almost all of it. Worse than that, your muscles will shrink but the surrounding tissue and especially epidermis, shrinks at a much slower rate making it look like ‘your muscle has turned to fat.’

You don’t know jack and you don’t know jack about me, stop stalking me in every thread kiddo.

Badger - I think i will, cheers for the idea. Might be just the thing to keep me motivated and inspired etc.

As for the title of this thread, I messed up again yesterday. Today was supposed to be squats, bench, row, press, abs and curls day. Went out for dinner with my mate and to shoot some pool for tourny practice and planned to leave by 11pm, be back in bed by 11.30pm and only have two drinks. Ended up getting rat arsed and staying out till the wee hours.

Being bipolar 2, this is not good for me and means a day of frayed nerves and fatigue the next day. So had to blow off training. Psychiatrist said I can have a pint or two max once a week only and I have to learn how to do this. I am on seroquel and clonazepam.

Anyhow early night tonight and have primed my body with lots of clean food and protien today and will hit the training hard in the morning before work (don’t have to be in till 2pm.) I doubt a day makes too much of a difference and I think i overtrained yesterday by running 45 mins during midday sun in Shanghai at 38 degrees. Top that with the booze bender and well… But yeah, only means training set back by around 14 hours, doubt that will do too much harm (unlike all the the booze calories…)

But yeah, will start a training log or trog then.


I disagree with the “lose all of it in a month” thing, but eh, so be it.

Sounds like you don’t quite have your BP2 treatment under control. Also, sounds like you’re going to have to get comfortable being “that guy”, the one who goes out drinking but doesn’t drink [much].

And, obviously, sounds like you need to work on the discipline. That’s one of the reasons that I – personally – have been recommending you just stick to a basic pre-planned program. (I don’t know what I’m talking about when it comes to WHICH program you should do, but I do know that the structure of ANY program will be good for you. It sounds like you need the structure more than anything.)

Start small and start getting one piece at a time in order. If you get your training in, even if it’s not perfectly M/W/F or whatever, that’s a good start. Get your sleep in order. Get your diet in check.

Where you are right now, it doesn’t sound like you can do it all at once. So just do little pieces here and there, and get better at it over time. Put up a whiteboard or something and track your progress so you see it every single day to remind you and keep you in check.

Oh, and don’t beat yourself up if you fall off the wagon. Just get back on.

leon stop making excuses. everybody fucks up and sets themselves back once in a while. everybody makes mistakes, but not everybody learns from them. I think discipline is more about learning and fixing then being perfect in the first place. Nobody’s perfect but those who learn from mistakes and fix them make it a hell of a lot farther then those who don’t.

[quote]Andrewdwatters1 wrote:
leon stop making excuses. everybody fucks up and sets themselves back once in a while. everybody makes mistakes, but not everybody learns from them. I think discipline is more about learning and fixing then being perfect in the first place. Nobody’s perfect but those who learn from mistakes and fix them make it a hell of a lot farther then those who don’t. [/quote]

x2. Although it is a little trickier when you throw mental health issues into the mix.