Yates vs Heath Comparison

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I think of Flex was more disciplined he could have beat Dorian.

I believe Dorian actually said something to that effect.



I think politics has a lot to do with olympia also , certian people just got that look.
I think training was different also ,how many guys are still doing 405 pound bo rows. I think jay cutler only goes up to 400 on deadlifts.
I do like that the distended abdomen is on its way out though.

Jay went up to 500 on deadlifts at times. But let’s say he was only strong enough to do 405 at the end of a back workout. Would he need to do more than 405 if that’s all he could do and it produced the back he had, coupled with all the other things he did for back? Jay trained perfectly for his goals and was very thoughtful in how he mapped out his training and nutrition.

I think bent over rows is the most botched exercise out there and I have not seen one person ever do them with over 275 without TONS of bodily movement. In fact, Ive seldom seen anyone do them with over 225 with good form.

Obviously Jay knew what he was doing, 7 Sandow s i am sure he could have pulled freak weights if he felt like it, but why risk injury when you have enough for hypertrophy . I saw him in crowd at Arnold and he look huge let proportional, the caps on his shoulders truly looked like cannon balls.
I was referring to the amount of equipment now that is safer and just as effective as the old school free weights, i myself dont do bo rows anymore as i go to heavy and tweak back when i do them i am guilty as you stated is using horrible form, i do a combo shrug row on smith machine now which works great .
I just watch legends of iron last spring and remember Heath saying why should i do 200lb dumbell presses when the 170lb work great.
As far as Yates vs Heath i cant help but notice xmas tree lower back of Yates and the density he had.
Me personally i think Arnold Schwarzenegger would my choice of physique. He said he wished he would have trained legs more but i think he hit it on head .

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