Wow is all I Can Say

that was the funniest shit

what the?



Mauy Thai training. They start very young.

wow…this makes me wonder on the methods the chinese uses for its gold medalists

[quote]streamline wrote:
Mauy Thai training. They start very young.[/quote]

I hope that since this vid was made that the trainers have realised that training needs to be specific to the sport to have any carry over. I get why they beat the shit out of there legs but some of this stuff was just unneccessary, why do they need to walk on spears?

Wft is all I can say.

Bet they turn out as tuff motherfuckers

[quote]streamline wrote:
Mauy Thai training. They start very young.[/quote]

That’s chinese Qi Qong

uh… some of that stuff just looked ridiculous (kids holding a wooden pole between their throats?!).

Old guy looks creepy, in a pedophilic sort of way.



how does walking along sharpend stakes make you a better fighter?
