Would You Rather

Always Wake Up Fully Recovered Regardless Of How Hard You Trained The Day Before Or Have A 1.5x Strength Multiplier Effective Always But It Takes Twice As Long To Fully Recover From Workouts?

saw it on Reddit. curious what you’d pick.

The latter, definitely.

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I go with fully recovered. I can push myself hard. If I knew I’d be fully recovered the next day, there would be no limit.


The latter. I would be the best powerlifter at my weight if I just worked out hard enough to maintain my current level. I am a bit sad, I wouldn’t be the all weight class best powerlifter with 1.5X multiple though.

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In a year you would bench 600, deadlift 1000 and squat 800


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Does this 1.5x come with stronger connective system? I’m seeing pec tears, hamstring pops, and disc issues.

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yes. can’t get hurt.

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If strength is the only objective, the latter. If strength is to support other athletic performance, the former.

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Sign me up!

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First one. For sure


the first one. The second one isn’t even in the running. I dare you to find a long-term strongman competitor who wouldn’t take that in a heartbeat.

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IDK, a guy like Thor would forever be a legend with a 1.5X1100 lb = 1650 lb deadlift. Really, even the lower end deadlifters who “only” pull like 900, would have a 1350 lb deadlift. That would bring more money and fame than winning a WSM.

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It was an easy choice for me. 1. Recovery (sleep/rest) I feel are my biggest issues. 2. I don’t really have a life outside of working and working out, so the extra time needed to recover would be very boring :joy:


Yup, this is me exactly to. Right now I’m hobbling around wondering if I can do legs tomorrow. Probably not, but if I could recover daily, I could work any muscle any day at any time.

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If you took the latter option, you could add in PEDs to speed recovery to a normal amount of time, and be an absolute beast.

Well I didn’t know we had these options :joy:.

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This describes the decade of my life between 15 and 25. Actually, almost to 35.


I reckon 90% of people over the age of 40 are going for the former here.

If there’s going to be a third option, I’d like it to be Always Wake Up Fully Recovered Regardless.

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Hah! Ultimate cheat code for me: I haven’t fully recovered from a workout since…2017? I pick this.


I’d probably go for the second option.