Would You Rather Fight 20 Polar Bears the Size of Geese or 1 Goose the Size of a Polar Bear?

Regular sized goose can break your arm with its wing.

Polar bear sized goose would smash you into smithereens.

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Sucker donā€™t know what heā€™s in forā€¦

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No one specified what kind of goose.
Domestic geese can weigh up to 30- 34 lbs.
mid sized dogs are 35-65lbs.

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Thereā€™s lots of unspecifieds in this scenario. Like why Iā€™m ass naked in a slippery floored room with 20 polar bears the size of geese :joy:


So it will be like getting mauled by a large pack of pitbulls with the ability to use their front limbs as a weapon. Sounds like fun lol.

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Iā€™m going with the goose. 20 pissed off mini Polar bears are still Polar bears. Thick fur, super dense bones, and hunters. They will tear you up in no time flat. At least with the goose it has less weapons and itā€™s only advantage is size. Small ankles may be a weak point.

How big is a mid-sized dog to you?

I was thinking of a border collie.

Nope. ā€˜Merica.

Not large enough to rip off limbs, but sharp enough to do a ton of fuckin damage

Maybe if they gave The Mountain a two handed sword, but that goose would have a couple feet on him and a wingspan like twice his height.

I feel like cocaine is a legitimate weapon here. Besides, in this situation Meth is probably king.

If I believed this, I would choose the giant goose. But I donā€™t, so I wonā€™t.

Which is exactly why Iā€™m choosing death by polar bears. Dead in less than 20 seconds.

I think youā€™re forgetting the giant fucking sword attached to its face. And the wings that will shatter your bones. And the crazy speed and aggression.

Anyway. My thought is that the bears kill me so fucking fast that I barely suffer. They know how to kill, and they will do it. I worry that the goose fucking maims me with a first strike, and then pecks at me for like an hour before Iā€™m finally dead. Iā€™ll take the sure, quick death over the sure death that has the potential to take awhile.


Hereā€™s a good question. I think we should be in agreement that a human loses in both situations. But what about the polar bears against the giant goose? I think thereā€™s something to talk about there, and I could see it going both ways.


Iā€™d rather fight 20 polar bear sized polar bears than 1 goose sized goose.

F**k geese, those things are just plain old mean.


This is great. Making an addendum to the original post. Would be more interesting and help us solve the original question - the loser of this battle would be the more preferable opponent, I would think.

I had been saying the goose is worse, but in terms of their reduced intellect vs a human, I could also see a pack of mini bears shredding the shit out of that goose, though it would absolutely pulverize them with each hit it got. Itā€™s a tough one.

so my thought is, what happens to the bears if the goose starts flapping its wings? I feel like if the goose goes that route, he knocks the shit out of each and every bear. Might kill them all just with that. and if he flies?

but then at the same time, the bears might just get at the goose and swarm him before he really gets a chance to get going. as long as 1 or 2 bears gets past the initial flapping or pecking or whatever and gets to the gooseā€™s body, I think itā€™s game over for the bird.

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I mean, geese are pretty malicious but Iā€™ve never heard of one eating a human, and polar bears get this cute and cuddly image as we watch them floating away on sad little pieces of ice, but they would eat the shit out of any human given the chance.

Yeah, but at least the polar bear is eating you because heā€™s hungry. The only thing stopping a goose from eating a human is ability, not desire.

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Maybe itā€™s just me, but I didnā€™t think that a goose was all that strong and their beaks are fairly blunted. However I have hunted and processed a Black bear and that thing was by far the hardest animal Iā€™ve processed as far as bones and getting through the fur. I can only imagine a polar bear being a bigger and tougher version of that. Therefore I think in any situation the bear will win. However if I had a choice of fighting I choose the goose.

20 mini polar bears vs 1 giant goose. The bears all the way. They wonā€™t even notice the hits from the goose.

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So the space being enclosed was in order to prevent flight from the goose. Maybe he has room to get a slight liftoff but heā€™s not actually flying, just fluttering around like a chicken. And yeah, the bears are gonna go for the ankles, and hollow bones may be way thicker on a goose that big, but theyā€™re still hollow. Itā€™d have to be a best of 7 series, which means I have a lot of genetic modification to do, even if we reuse some mini bears from battles they win.

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I would imagine that if the goose is flapping the bears will shred and bite the wings then the goose would be done for.

Bro there is absolutely no way a tiny polar bear doesnā€™t notice a peck from a 10 foot tall bird that can draw blood at like 1/50th of that size

I posted this earlier but feel like nobody watched it. Geese donā€™t need a reason, theyā€™re just hoodlums lookin for a fight.

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