Worst Genetics Ever for Muscle Growth

Yeah need to head there. Especially if I need to condense my gym time.

It actually doesn’t help there, as I spend a lot of time after the squats on the floor trying not to die. My workouts take the same amount no matter the rest, haha.


Those guys are great.

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Maybe it would be like extrapolation or permutation?

But what happens when he stubs his toe on something? Is it the same with the guy who runs really fast and plays ping pong with himself in the X-men movies?

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I would choose the ability to avoid queues ahead of being able to move really fast. I reckon that would save me more time overall.


Im not the only one? I make sweat angels on my garage floor padding after squats. Super weird habbit.

I would say yes. That guy is Quik Silver, and he pretty much was moving so fast, that other people’s time fields were slowed down to almost a complete stand still. But In general I wonder if regular pain gets amplified or nullified for mutants/superhero’s. Although In the Apocalypse movie, he broke Quick Silver’s leg while he moving quickly and it caused him serious pain. So I would agree and say yea. To a certain extent.

That’s still just my opinion though. Comparing who’s funnier QS is waaaay funnier than the Flash. For technicality sake, I don’t even think he would stub his toe. Flash not only moves, but perceives at the speed of an attosecond. But if he’s playing nice I can only think of him stubbing his toe at regular Superman speed, and causing some sort of sonic blast lol.

Apparently they’ve been pitted together (Flash/Quicksilver), some say Flash wins, some say QS wins, but I kind of find it to be a tie. Stuff gets weird when you’re saying, “Yea, Flash basically can take a gander to his left and see light itself barely creeping on by.” But then you take into account the stuff QS does, and it’s like, Technically the guy is manipulating whatever time field an individual person is in, and time being perceived around the person. It doesn’t appear that the ability has a capped off number. Considering Flash operates in the quicker than light timefield, all Quik Silver needs to do is warp Flash’s personal perceived speed, or just match it. Stuff gets weird.

I think if Superman stubbed his toe, he’d create a decent sized crater in whatever he stubbed it on lol.

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I had to revisit this thread… I still having a hard time believing the OP has a degree . considering my own son is a year and a half from finishing his bachelors degree in Sport and exercise science with a minor in Human Biology and Fitness.

The find it odd that someone with a degree relate to this endeavor along with 7 years experience , would use getting a Pump and getting DOMs as a indicator of the quality of his actual training. With zero mention of volume, intensity or progression… apparently the OP must of slept through a class because I sure as heck can tell you my oldest could talk about it too the point of over complicating it. Considering that its pretty basic stuff … So excuse me if I remain skeptical.


I’ve known plenty of people with degrees in related fields. Physiology, Nutrition, even a couple of MDs and DPTs who know NOTHING about building a respectable physique or weight loss that spares muscle and leads to a decent physique.

Still, this OP brags about coaching others, which is usually something I roll my eyes at as well. I had a client this past Summer who knew NOTHING, yet has her own web page boasting about coaching others, regularly told me how much she knew (but apparently didn’t understand), and then despite being 15 lbs away from contest condition, rambled on about how she’d do well in her contest because it’s “only a natural show”… So yeah, I don’t respect too many people’s “knowledge” (opinions?) when it comes to actually having a WORKING IDEA of what they’re doing.



Oh I agree with what your saying… I have mentioned before my oldest will be way more formally educated regarding this shit. But I have way more first hand and practical knowledge than him. I still find it suspicious that when the subject of diet came up he mentioned eating 4000 cals at his size and was befuddled he had put on some body fat. Considering that his degree is also in nutrition.

Yeah… im guessing the others were complete beginners. But cant apply that regarding himself which seems strangely ironic.

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