Workout Taking Too Long

Hello All,
I recently posted on doing low reps, high sets. I received some really helpful inofrmation. Here’s my current quandry.
I started working out back in January. Since then, I have received some really good results. My weight has gone down about 7-10 lbs (which is a good thing) and my BMI has gone down as well. All this, and I am definitely picking up muscle.
This was all done after reading Tom Venitos book “Burn the Fat, Feed the muscle.” I got my diet in order, and started doing cardio 3-4 times a week, and lifting.
However, in his lifting workout, he recommends exercising each muscle group twice when it is worked out. This basically results in a ten exercise workout four times a week… and it takes forever (1.5-2 hours)
So I wanted to switch to a low rep, high set scheme. I have done that, but the workouts still take forever. And like a druggie, I am refusing to give up Tom’s two exercises per muscle group because of the good results I have received so far.
So I guess my question is whether or not I can expect the same results with a shorter workout. Will they actually even be better? I have adapted the Waterbury Method to the exercsies I use, should I just use the Waterbury program period? Thanks!


All you can do is devote the time to do it. Find out. For you maybe maybe not. Depends on how you approach each etc…

Some people dont give the fewer set their all and need those extra sets inorder to get fully taxed, or stimulated.

Tery one of the programs, do it as written, and as long as written and see how it works.

By the way BMI is WAY overrated.

Good work so far however,

Hope this helps somehow,

Any of Waterbury’s workouts are fantastic. You may experience even better results with a shorter, more efficient workout like Chad writes. Change is the most important factor. If you have been doing your current program for a while, you will see benefits from just about any kind of change.


[quote]Phill wrote:

By the way BMI is WAY overrated.


I think I’ve mentioned this before but the FFMI or Fat Free Mass Index is a much better tool. Google it or something if you’re interested.

How about supersets to speed up the workouts? Do your first heavy set for chest, 1-minute rest, set for next bodypart, 1-min rest, back to chest or even do another bodypart and then go back to chest.

This will speed up your workout immeasurably if you are taking long rests to begin with.

CW’s workouts generally don’t take more than 45 min -1 hour to complete.

Just some quick points:

-If your in the gym much more then 60-70 minutes several times a week chances are you are doing to much.

-If you have been with a specific program for several months and are looking to change look for something that is significantly different from what you have been doing.

[quote]Phill wrote:
written and see how it works.

By the way BMI is WAY overrated.

Good work so far however,

Hope this helps somehow,

Out of curiousity, what would you use to measure BF?


[quote]xterraman wrote:
Any of Waterbury’s workouts are fantastic. You may experience even better results with a shorter, more efficient workout like Chad writes. Change is the most important factor. If you have been doing your current program for a while, you will see benefits from just about any kind of change.


Thanks X

I have put in some changes recently, and I think they are having an effect. For instance, I started doing a close-grip bench press and have noticed a difference in my triceps…

Could a change include, however, just a change in your rep/set scheme, or would I need to change an exercise as well?



[quote]RIT Jared wrote:
Phill wrote:

By the way BMI is WAY overrated.

I think I’ve mentioned this before but the FFMI or Fat Free Mass Index is a much better tool. Google it or something if you’re interested.[/quote]



P.S. Is this something I can do on my own?

[quote]gdm wrote:
How about supersets to speed up the workouts? Do your first heavy set for chest, 1-minute rest, set for next bodypart, 1-min rest, back to chest or even do another bodypart and then go back to chest.

This will speed up your workout immeasurably if you are taking long rests to begin with.

CW’s workouts generally don’t take more than 45 min -1 hour to complete. [/quote]

Could you send me in the right direction for where to learn about supersets? I have never done them before and don’t really know what they are :slight_smile:


[quote]JNeves wrote:
Just some quick points:

-If your in the gym much more then 60-70 minutes several times a week chances are you are doing to much.

-If you have been with a specific program for several months and are looking to change look for something that is significantly different from what you have been doing.[/quote]

Does that 60-70 minutes include post workout cardio?