Workout Construction

My current workout plan has Squats, Cleans, and Bench Press combined in it, its based off of a 3x3 korte system so I’m basicly hitting the body with some heavy weight loads and concentrating on moving the wei ght explosively. However along with this I want to blend in some more concentrated excersises to help with my bicep and tricep size as well as increasing my trap and lat spread size. My request is if any of you have input on the best way that I can incorporate the techniques that I think will make the various parts of my body grow.

For my arms I’ve narrowed down to knowing that my triceps have grown when I have hit them with pretty heavy loads where I get a good heavy weight that I can do for 6-8 max and try to increase the weight as the sets go up. I also find that dips hlped my chest and triceps out alot, but I need a belt ot add some more weight.

Regarding my traps and lat spread, wide grip pullups helped me out alot but I need a good set-rep scheme to mold with the amount of work my back is getting the 3 times of week i’m doing my squats and cleans. Along with a workout that would hopefully hit my traps good and help them to grow.

Hopefully someone can help me with some good advice or comments. One item of information I’d like to discuss is I’ve found that since I believe I have a high amount of fast twitch muscle fibers its easier for me to gain strength and I tend to perform better with lower sets and reps and more reps, and this seems to be the same for others around me that share the same type of traits.


FWIW…i’ve never tried 3x3 but i did use Starr’s big three for a while…i had great size gains and good strength gains…
for what i’ve heard of Korte’s 3x3…it works well for squats and deads but it sucks for bench and some lifters have even gotten smaller in the upper body when doing this program.
i tried doing heavy triceps work on Starr’s program but couldn’t handle it.
My triceps gained good size from just benching though…
i did chinups on wedenesday (light day) to hit my lats…four sets of max reps as Starr recomends…

IMO, when doing core lifts frequently you should limit your assistance work…