Working Out Shirtless

I see there are some older threads about the topic, but it doesn’t seem possible to reply to discuss the matter further. Personally, I prefer to workout shirtless. I find it to be more comfortable, and I think it also makes me feel more virile and in tune with my body and helps me to push harder.

it also makes you look like a massive douche.

And did you find this forum by googling “dudes working out shirtless”?

Are you a hot chick?

If so, then yes. Perfectly acceptable. Please post pictures and/or videos of your training so that we may discuss this important issue further.

If not, then no. It makes you look like a massive douche.

[quote]RobbieOC wrote:
I see there are some older threads about the topic, but it doesn’t seem possible to reply to discuss the matter further. Personally, I prefer to workout shirtless. I find it to be more comfortable, and I think it also makes me feel more virile and in tune with my body and helps me to push harder.

Do you do this in public gyms? I think there are rules forbidding this.

I train shirtless all the time at home, even in the dead of winter. It’s awesome.

It’s cool if it’s the 70s and your name is Arnold.
Otherwise, unless you train at home, shirtless is just douchbaggery.

I train at home and still rarely train shirtless.

When I’m on the bench, either my skin sticks and it’s tough to get the shoulder blades to retract, or I’m too sweaty and can’t get an decent arch.

Squatting, the knurling takes off most of my skin.

Anything with a belt chafes like hell.

No fucking way I’m doing a yoke walk without a shirt.

There are a few times where it works out, but for the most part, if it’s hot, I’ll just wear a tank top.

Eugen Sandow once wrote:
“If possible, the pupil should always exercise stripped to the waist; if he wear a singlet it should be cut well away round the arms so as to allow of free play for the muscles around the shoulder. It is also desirable to exercise before a looking-glass, for then the movements of the various muscles can be followed, and to see the muscles at work, and to mark their steady development, is itself a help and a pleasure.”

So, shirtless or at least sleeveless. And in front of a mirror. The OG has spoken. (But really, I’d say shirtless is a no-go in a public gym unless you’re an actual competitor and look like one. But even then, it’s pretty obnoxious.)

What if you are alone at a public gym late at night?

Military Presses are definitely best done shirtless. Going outside on a hot sunny day and then doing some clean and presses and tossing the bar down does feel very primal too.

On hot summer days I may do some stuff shirtless in my gym but it’s a dungeon type and there are no more than 3-4 people including myself usually. At most about 8-10. The only things I would do shirtless are beltless movements and movements where my body is not stuck to the barbell or a bench.

Going into a major chain gym and doing a workout shirtless?? just seems awkward…

Sure, I train shirtless when I’m dripping through my current shirt. But it’s gotta be pretty damn hot to do that.

If taking off your shirt makes you feel more virile and feel like pushing harder your mind is too weak and is easily swayed by irrelevancies.

And it looks fucking stupid.

[quote]Nards wrote:
If taking off your shirt makes you feel more virile and feel like pushing harder your mind is too weak and is easily swayed by irrelevancies.

And it looks fucking stupid.[/quote]


I do my hip thrust shirtless. Not in public though

I do plan to train shirtless this summer… When I train outside, since I’m as white as marble. So there’s a practical side to it.

I have a reasonably good physique, and I am embarrassed to wear a tight shirt or a t-shirt with sleeves to far from my elbows, let alone a wifebeater, let alone a stringer, let alone shirtless - but everyone is different.

When I see Jeff Seid working out shirtless it looks like a combination of gay and douchbag.

If I was working out alone then I would probably prefer it though.

Only time you can workout shirtless is at home or in jail… Really too bad since you could pull some sweet ass working out shirtless. They should bring back the old outside gyms from Arnolds day… Maybe gyms by a pool

I remember when us neighborhood kids (around age 13, 14) would meet up for some football there’d always be that one skinny guy that thought he was built that would immediately say we should play shirts vs. skins.

We rolled our eyes at him even then.

He grew up to be, you guessed it…Richard Simmons.