WooWoo Stuff - All Things Woowoo

Read this twice…

Still no idea what woowoo or woke is

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Great post.

I think we have different concepts of woo. I haven’t read @dt79’s post yet, but I know alternative medicine is a big shithole for him.

I’m trained to level II in Reiki and I feel you with this. But, if somebody pays me ninety bucks and comes to my studio (theoretically), and I light some candles and burn some sage and play some relaxing music and do some energy woo over them, and an hour later they leave feeling relaxed AF, well, that could be woo. But, I might actually be attuned and send them some energy, who knows? I think there are a lot of examples that contradict the precepts of western medicine - and my brother who passed in 2001 was an ER doctor.

I’m not completely clear on this, but isn’t Brazilian Jiu Jitsu an off shoot of Japanese Jiu Jitsu? Do you think that the judokas of Japan considered BJJ legit, or maybe they thought it was woo?

Pretty sure the flat earthers thought Galileo was woo too.

I’m not really good with arguing shit because I get all emotional and shit, but your point about Steve Jobs seems to not be relevant. He did go woo, and he died. But, he was going to die anyway. Western medicine had nothing for him. Pancreatic cancer is pancreatic cancer, and the woo people would argue that he got it because he was a fucking asshole. If he didn’t accumulate so much bad karma from being an asshole, maybe he would have not gotten cancer.

Bruce Lipton talks about this in The Biology of Belief . He’s an MD, a Stanford med school professor. He believes in woo.

We’re on the same page here.

Yeah, this is a little more sensitive. I’m not anti vax, but I sure as fuck didn’t let those asshole hit my six month old with two shots each time I saw them. Luckily my pediatrician was a dope smoking hippy and she took her time with the vaccinations.

But, I will tell you this - I never get the flu vax. Ever. Big pharma bro,

So here is the Reiki rap. The universe gives you what you need. If you need comfort to die and pass on, that’s what you get. If you need healing because you’re not done here, that’s what you get.

You don’t get what you want - healing. You get what your spirit needs - that might just be peace. Anyone that claims the ability to heal is a charlatan and is perverting the concept.

Of course, that shit is kind of a spiritual bypass, so there is that. But hey, 60-90 bucks to lay on my table, listen to soft music, and get some positive energy - wtf?

Be reborn as a hell being you shitty motherfucker.

Oops, bad karma, samsara, I’m fucked.

Yeah, what the fuck does that mean?

I went to a “teaching” two nights ago at the local Kadampa Med center and talked about how the chair doesn’t exist when I go to sleep, and how the dog in my dreams doesn’t exist whenI wake up, and so that proves that nothing really exists.

Guess I’m just stupid cause that shit ain’t working for me.

But, some of it does make sense to me. It’s not about shit being immaterial, it’s my attachment to it. I’m attached to shit because I am deluded, I think it’s important. If I can get to where I

well then I am free.

But, for me, what kind of life is that? Where I’m just all numbed up and don’t give a fuck?

Not interested.

So, balance I guess.

Open to suggestions.

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You’re too advanced for this low level shit - you’re a fucking ninja bro.

Seriously, woke just means thinking about shit in the big picture. When I was younger, I would have called it communism, lol.

Alternative spiritual shit, that’s all.

Let’s put it this way. The Catholic Church will not conduct an exorcism on someone unless mental illnesses like schizophrenia has been ruled out. And the possessed dude starts doing stuff like speaking in different languages and listening to Coldplay and shit. So exorcisms are cool with me in this case. I know this because I watched The Exorcist. I have the same view regarding alternative medicine.

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There’s more common ground between I, skeptic, and you, Reiki Practicioner than you’d probably think. For now I want to expand on this a bit.

Close. BJJ is an off-shoot of Judo as it existed in the early 20th century, which was an off-shoot of Japanese Jui Jitsu and many other styles.

That said, the opinion of Japanese judokas doesn’t influence the reality of human movement. There’s definitely lots of woo in martial arts, but not in any BJJ that I’ve seen.

Woo can’t really exist when you roll. What you’re trying to do either works, or not. Here’s an example of martial arts woo (Yellow Bamboo) vs. a guy who might have a few months of jiu jitsu or some other kind of grappling. Listen to the girl who sounded AMAZED that this guy was able to touch a Yellow Bamboo practicioner…

Ight, we have a bit of a straw man here, and for sure a different definition of woo, which is why your original post was so great.

I don’t think the guy in yellow is woo, I think he’s fraudulent. So when you label him as woo, it’s a straw man for me - but I get your point because we aren’t clear with what woo is.

For me woo is shit that the west doesn’t embrace or understand, but is clearly beneficial - like meditation, or breathwork, or even some psychics.

It seems to help, it does often help, but we don’t understand it.

I’m not sure if you are familiar with Neil Degrasse Tyson, he’s an astrophysicisitsicisis, and he talks about how in the first second of time the universe expanded from matter one third the size of the period at the end of this sentence into the size it is today. And everything that exists in this universe was a part of that matter that was one third the size of the period at the end of this sentence. So the chair you are sitting on, and your heart, came from the same piece of matter that was one third this size of the period at the end of this sentence.

And, because of entanglement theory, you are connected to all of everything in this universe because we all came from the same piece of matter.

Astrophisisicisiasisi. Woo.

I had a spiritual awakening that began a short while after getting sober. By accepting help and in turn giving g it when I became able, I began to see people and experience life differently. Not always better, sometimes pretty difficult. It enabled me to become a brother to my family, a loving husband to the woman I met and married, and a father to the son we made

Not really wooie, and certainly not without life’s obstacles, just working the steps and one alcoholic helping another.

Although there has been a spiritual awakening, I wouldn’t call it woke. I haven’t finished anything or consider the work done by a long shot. More like just no longer a destructive drunken asshole.


No, see, you’re trying to bend the spoon. You have to accept that there is no spoon.


This is woke, and woo, at least to me.

Buddhists call it cherishing others more than yourself - being of service. But, you have to be healthy to be of service.

Thanks for contributing.



For me there is tremendous overlap between those two words.

I mostly get what you’re talking about now, but that’s a pretty vague definition!

I am! Are you familiar with Animal House?

Lol. Not sure if you know this, but I grew up in Portland Oregon and went to Oregon State University (currently ranked five nationally in baseball),

Animal House was filmed at U of Oregon, Bezerkely north.

I can probably quote the entire movie.

Agreed. Part of my intent of starting the thread was figuring it out.


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That clarifies it quite a bit actually. Your thread, your definition!

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Where I lived up to my teens, psychics, alternative medicine practitioners- Indian, Chinese etc, fucking shamans of different races, qi gong masters who could make you sway and feel heat from their palms while standing 5 feet away from them… these asshole were everywhere. People did not use western medicine until they were screaming in pain all night from whatever ailment they had. And I could hear them. When you went to one of these guys, you could see all the black and white photos of his master, and his grandmaster and his fucking 18 generations of charlatans in their countries of origin all over the wall so you could see the long lineage. IT WAS ALL BULLSHIT.

Dude, this is all nonsense that a less informed and educated society believed in.

Meditation and breathwork(when applied practically) is fine, though. I transfer my qi to my dantian all the time before squatting. It’s called “bracing your core”.

Ayuervedic stuff like aromatherapy massages are soothing. Hell, my wife goes for them. My wife even goes to a chiropractor who has been sending me ridiculous bills. It’s ok as long as she feels good. But these should never be used as an alternative to real medicine if someone has a real disease.


Now that we’re on the same page about what woo means, I’ll toss a little woo into the fire.


If I ever did them, the statue of limitations has long since passed. They are not for everyone, but I would have found tremendous benefit in the experiences I would have had. Handle with care.

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Joe Rogan on meditation, psychedelics, floating, breathing.

Yeah. There’s a bit of a balancing act. You have to do it for yourself to be of service to others, but its in service to others that you see the most benefit and quite a lot of yourself. Nothing brings out how you really feel like helping someone that is very difficult. That’s usually when people realize they have a LOT more work to do.

Ask the guys who choose to become monks.

I’m just telling you what some interpretations are. I didn’t say it was fun lol.

I used them a good bit in late teen early 20’s. No real spiritual or therapeutic intention, just getting fucking rocked like pot or booze could not even come close too.

If drugs have some spiritually enhancing benefit, why aren’t junkies like some other worldly spiritual gonzo masters?

I’m quite open to the idea of karma, actually. There’s a thin separation of “cause and effect(yin guo)” and “divine retribution(bao ying)” in Chinese Buddhism/Taoism.