Women and the School System

[quote]smh_23 wrote:

“More prone” vs. “single mothers raise criminals.” I am sure that you see the difference.[/quote]

No, there’s no difference, except one assuages the ego and one doesn’t. I read a study a while back that showed 70% of inmates incarcerated in one prison facility came from single parent households.

[quote]smh_23 wrote:
Anyway, it is complex. Poor people tend not to be good at family planning, which means that poor mothers are more likely to be single mothers than are affluent mothers, which means that children of single mothers are more likely to live in poor households than in affluent ones. And we all know about poverty and delinquency.[/quote]

Only a partial answer.

The incentive to divorce for women is too high nowadays.

We discussed that here:

Marry a man, get settlements of alimony+child support then date whoever you want.

Alimony+child support + government support = lots of single moms.